Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
Posts: 4459 Joined: 15 Mar 2006, 11:15
Location: x-EU
26 Jan 2014, 13:03
Francis wrote: iesus wrote: HL becomes a teenager
No wonder your economy's f**ked.
This comment makes no sense as it is
'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
"Don't forget that most of the judges in witches trials had harvard degrees."
splintered thing
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
Posts: 750 Joined: 21 Jan 2007, 01:34
Location: Melbourne, Australia
27 Jan 2014, 01:54
Happy Heartland day - it is better than Christmas by a mile!
True heartfelt thanks to QB, this has been my happy place so many times over the years, Huzzah for Heartland!
as the day is long,
rain from heaven
goriller of form 3b
Posts: 21182 Joined: 11 Nov 2003, 10:55
Location: st custards
27 Jan 2014, 10:40
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
Quiff Boy
Herr Administrator
Posts: 16826 Joined: 25 Jan 2002, 00:00
Location: Lurking and fixing
27 Jan 2014, 11:13
Awww shucks, thanks for all the kind words
But (as a few of you will no doubt have noticed) a lot of recent running of HL is down to fiendy and hom
I've been a little busy and have been focussing on the outside world
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
goriller of form 3b
Posts: 21182 Joined: 11 Nov 2003, 10:55
Location: st custards
27 Jan 2014, 11:20
Outside world? What's one of those?
QB for trusting us with your baby.
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
Izzy HaveMercy
The Worlds Greatest Living Belgian
Posts: 8844 Joined: 29 Jan 2002, 00:00
Location: Long Dark Forties
27 Jan 2014, 15:54
Man, that means I'm addicted (on and off, I know) to this place for 12 years as well!
Underneath the Rock
Posts: 6147 Joined: 17 Sep 2005, 10:47
27 Jan 2014, 17:05
QB is richt once again, big kudos to Mark and Don for making this place the nicest place in The Net.
Above the Chemist
Posts: 9033 Joined: 03 Nov 2003, 20:26
Location: Lady Strange's boudoir.
27 Jan 2014, 18:42
don't forget the FB group - which isn't 12, but it IS there... pop along and i might let you in.
I don't wanna live like I don't mind
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Posts: 2488 Joined: 04 Aug 2011, 23:35
Location: Scotland
28 Jan 2014, 23:09
emilystrange wrote: don't forget the FB group - which isn't 12, but it IS there... pop along and i might let you in.
Is that the one where people with unusual hairstyles post links to ancient Sisters YouTube clips every twenty minutes ?
Underneath the Rock
Posts: 6147 Joined: 17 Sep 2005, 10:47
28 Jan 2014, 23:36
no, that's the one where people offering loans every twenty minutes.
Slight Overbomber
Posts: 1227 Joined: 13 Apr 2008, 18:36
Location: Maastricht
Childlike Empress
Posts: 7683 Joined: 25 Jan 2002, 00:00
Location: Uncanny Valley
Bad Tempered Young Man
Posts: 1098 Joined: 02 Jun 2002, 01:00
Location: far beyond the pale
09 Feb 2014, 00:15
Bloody hell! This place is still here? I presumed it had been knocked down and redeveloped into luxurious virtual apartments ages ago...
"contradictions are meaningless, there's nothing to betray"
James Blast
Posts: 24699 Joined: 11 Jun 2003, 18:58
Location: back from some place else
09 Feb 2014, 04:06
RicheyJames wrote: Bloody hell! This place is still here? I presumed it had been knocked down and redeveloped into luxurious virtual apartments ages ago...
It should be
Dick , the plumbing's knackered and the ceiling's come through. How are you, Diana and the sprogs?
s'okay, I don't expect a reply
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
~ Peter Steele
Bad Tempered Young Man
Posts: 1098 Joined: 02 Jun 2002, 01:00
Location: far beyond the pale
09 Feb 2014, 10:33
Always expect the unexpected Mr Blast. I'm fine, the offspring are good. And getting bigger so be afraid! Thanks for asking.
"contradictions are meaningless, there's nothing to betray"
Slight Overbomber
Posts: 1043 Joined: 28 Jan 2002, 00:00
Location: Temporarily detained in Yorkshire
09 Feb 2014, 20:43
Are you lot still here? Blimey. Seems like yesterday.
"You do realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat these people to death?"
Slight Overbomber
Posts: 1043 Joined: 28 Jan 2002, 00:00
Location: Temporarily detained in Yorkshire
09 Feb 2014, 20:43
RicheyJames wrote: Bloody hell! This place is still here? I presumed it had been knocked down and redeveloped into luxurious virtual apartments ages ago...
Oops, hadn't even spotted this
"You do realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat these people to death?"
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
Posts: 682 Joined: 14 Mar 2003, 21:51
Location: Pudsey, Leeds
09 Feb 2014, 20:57
Just got confused about what year it was then...
Happy Birthday HL!
I am a Leeds United fan because I was very naughty in a previous life.
James Blast
Posts: 24699 Joined: 11 Jun 2003, 18:58
Location: back from some place else
09 Feb 2014, 22:57
Come back yesteryear peeps, pls!
this place is dying on it's erse
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
~ Peter Steele
The Oncoming Storm
Posts: 4582 Joined: 04 Jan 2005, 17:08
Location: North
10 Feb 2014, 11:06
JansenClone on the train a week or so back, was like a tiny, lovely Heartland reunion.
The Sisters of Murphy are playing Leeds in May. We should have a proper meet-up!
goriller of form 3b
Posts: 21182 Joined: 11 Nov 2003, 10:55
Location: st custards
10 Feb 2014, 11:45
I havent forgotten that I still owe you a fiver Richey .
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
Bad Tempered Young Man
Posts: 1098 Joined: 02 Jun 2002, 01:00
Location: far beyond the pale
10 Feb 2014, 20:22
markfiend wrote: I havent forgotten that I still owe you a fiver Richey .
Easiest money I ever made. Should have made it a spread bet!
"contradictions are meaningless, there's nothing to betray"
goriller of form 3b
Posts: 21182 Joined: 11 Nov 2003, 10:55
Location: st custards
11 Feb 2014, 11:18
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell