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Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 10:25
by Nick_O_Tine
moonchild wrote:
Nick_O_Tine wrote: Well, two years ago a cheese fondue almost killed me, I suffocated with some melted cheese and everybody thought I was joking until I put my whole hand in the mouth losing my composure and tried to ride of the thing that was trying to murder me :? . Now I laugh...
Now i laugh too, but i needed to be helped cause i lost my senses. Part of the situation i don't remember. Now i can't look to the killer gummies. I never thought how horrible it can be to die suffocated.
:P We can suggest a new topic... we can call it "Have you ever been suffocated (and you almost have seen death) in a very silly way eating something?" :wink:

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 11:19
by elguiri
Black coffee (cafe solo doble)
San Miguel Nostrum :notworthy:
The Mighty Whites ( thats in a self depreciating , s**t were going down kind of way ) :urff:
The Simpsons ( Homers = role model ) 8)
Hunting down live gig mp3s on internet

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 11:58
by Panther

oh, and think I'm with Debs on the laminating pouches as well - must be a teacher thing!

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 12:10
by JansenClone
Panther wrote:oh, and think I'm with Debs on the laminating pouches as well - must be a teacher thing!
I wouldn't go as far as saying I was addicted to them though. I mean, yes, they need less concentation than 'shire seal' or whatever the sticky plastic stuff's branded as in your part of the world, but the thought of them doesn't fill my every waking hours...

Interactive white boards on the other hand...

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 12:10
by MrChris
fry's peppermint creams
chelski football club

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 12:24
by moonchild
Nick_O_Tine wrote: :P We can suggest a new topic... we can call it "Have you ever been suffocated (and you almost have seen death) in a very silly way eating something?" :wink:
Hummm.... That's a good idea.

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 13:28
by Big Si
moonchild wrote:
Big Si wrote: Football (Glasgow Celtic FC :notworthy: ).
So... you are addicted to Glasgow Celtic, hum?? The one that lost the UEFA Cup to my favourite football team.. F.C. PORTO??? eheheheheheeh

PORTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Today they are going to play with A.C. Milan... Hope they win 8)
Yeah I was at the game :evil:

You Porto fans are very :D 8) people, but as for your team - (CENSORED)

You'll find me cheering very loudly for AC Milan or any other team that have to face them in the future. But good luck anyway!

Celtic Football Club is delighted to announce that UEFA has honoured the Club's supporters with the presentation of the 2003 UEFA Fair Play Award.

UEFA has paid tribute to Celtic supporters following their fantastic performance throughout the Club's UEFA Cup run last season, culminating in the UEFA Cup Final when around 80,000 supporters travelled to Seville to back the team.

UEFA has expressed its admiration for the Celtic support, the way in which supporters created such a magnificent fiesta in Seville and for the sportsmanship which they demonstrated at the Final.

The Fair Play Award is presented this evening (28th August 2003) in Monte Carlo at the annual UEFA Football Gala. Celtic season ticket holders John Byrne and John Gallagher, who were selected from the Club's database of supporters who attended every match home and away in the Club's UEFA Cup run, joined Celtic Chairman Brian Quinn in accepting the award.

UEFA also confirmed that it is to present a special UEFA plaque to Celtic supporters at Celtic Park in September prior to a match.

Eddie Toner, General Secretary of the Celtic Supporters Association commented, "The Fair Play Award is a fantastic tribute to the Celtic supporters who represented the Club in Europe so magnificently last season. Celtic supporters have travelled in large numbers throughout Europe over many years and they have rightly earned an excellent reputation during this time. The Fair Play Award is further recognition of the Celtic supporters high standing in Europe and an honour which is well deserved. We are all hoping that the Club and the supporters can enjoy another great European adventure this season."

Celtic Chairman Brian Quinn commented, "The prestigious Fair Play Award is a fantastic honour for Celtic supporters and one which is richly deserved. The backing the team received from supporters throughout our entire UEFA Cup run both home and away was overwhelming and the supporters behaviour was a credit to the Club. Celtic supporters have always had a tremendous reputation and this has been greatly enhanced across Europe by the events of last season. Despite the disappointment in Seville, Celtic's UEFA Cup challenge and the crucial role which the supporters played in this effort, will be remembered and treasured for years to come.

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 14:33
by Jim
Water (me got hangover :()

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 14:36
by moonchild
Big Si wrote:
You'll find me cheering very loudly for AC Milan or any other team that have to face them in the future.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :? :eek: :eek: :eek:

But you can cheering for Porto. just imagine that Cadete is playing there. :wink:

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 14:57
by Big Si
moonchild wrote:
Big Si wrote:
You'll find me cheering very loudly for AC Milan or any other team that have to face them in the future.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :? :eek: :eek: :eek:

But you can cheering for Porto. just imagine that Cadete is playing there. :wink:
I'll give you that one! :D

Sorry! Still a little bitter about Seville! :(

Posted: 29 Aug 2003, 16:22
by moonchild
Big Si wrote::wink:
Sorry! Still a little bitter about Seville! :([/quote]

No need to be sorry. I like your team very much, they had bad luck, but they played like brave hearts.


Posted: 30 Aug 2003, 17:55
by Debaser
JansenClone wrote:
Panther wrote:oh, and think I'm with Debs on the laminating pouches as well - must be a teacher thing!
I wouldn't go as far as saying I was addicted to them though. I mean, yes, they need less concentation than 'shire seal' or whatever the sticky plastic stuff's branded as in your part of the world, but the thought of them doesn't fill my every waking hours...

Interactive white boards on the other hand...
OOOh I bought a couple of those Mimio thingamywhatsitmajick fings! Am currently awash with wires and cables and now need to direct money from somewhere to somewhere else to get them cabled through the roof along with the projectors.

Am currently playin....oh sorry testing a sound morpher I bought...hee hee. Faaaaar too good for small ikky/sticky children to use...

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 00:12
by Andy TG
Serendipityhaven wrote::lol: the lord loves a tryer :lol:

:wink: :D
And "Jesus Loves Little Children" ;-)

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 00:14
by Andy TG
Jim wrote:Water (me got hangover :()
I can heartly (sic) recommend Ice Cold Diet Coke to rid your goodselfs of a hangover :-) Its works for me !

"It was the summer of 1967 - There I Was - Mother Of God - There I Am"

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 01:14
by Zuma
breathing..... 8)

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 10:05
by Mrs RicheyJames
Big Si wrote:
Serendipityhaven wrote:@ Big Si-
you forgot licking rocks......
:lol: :lol: :lol: :D
There's someone we all know on here who's known as "wearer of Rock Pants".....
:urff: :urff: :urff: ;D

Red wine

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 10:11
by Quiff Boy
MrChris wrote:fry's peppermint creams
oooh! yummy! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

i love the blue AND the green ones ;) :von:

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 10:13
by Quiff Boy
Serendipityhaven wrote:@ Big Si-
you forgot licking rocks......
:lol: :lol: :lol: :D

what kind of rocks? that can be very bad for your health! (ok, not as bad as smiking them, but still....)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 10:40
by Jim
Chocolate nutri-grain bars. Cos breakfast is overrated.

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 12:52
by Big Si
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Jim wrote:Water (me got hangover :()
I can heartly (sic) recommend Ice Cold Diet Coke to rid your goodselfs of a hangover :-) Its works for me !

"It was the summer of 1967 - There I Was - Mother Of God - There I Am"
Irn Bru - is the cure for hangovers, no question! 8)

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:52
by Andy TG
Big Si wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Jim wrote:Water (me got hangover :()
I can heartly (sic) recommend Ice Cold Diet Coke to rid your goodselfs of a hangover :-) Its works for me !

"It was the summer of 1967 - There I Was - Mother Of God - There I Am"
Irn Bru - is the cure for hangovers, no question! 8)
Irn Bru - way too many "E Numbers" - not that Diet Coke is much better!

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:57
by Big Si
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Big Si wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote: I can heartly (sic) recommend Ice Cold Diet Coke to rid your goodselfs of a hangover :-) Its works for me !

"It was the summer of 1967 - There I Was - Mother Of God - There I Am"
Irn Bru - is the cure for hangovers, no question! 8)
Irn Bru - way too many "E Numbers" - not that Diet Coke is much better!
But it works! :D

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 21:37
by Debaser
OOOH I feel a soft drinks war coming on....Vimto ROOOLZ

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 21:39
by Debaser
Naturally, Coca Cola doesn't count, life's blood and all that...

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 21:49
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:Vimto ROOOLZ
hell yeah! :wink: