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Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 13:25
by stufarq
markfiend wrote:They won't do Top Nite Out, it was Adam's tune.
That hasn't stopped them doing it for the last umpteen years.

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 13:51
by Norman Hunter
Happy to provide them with a copy of the last Marching Men setlist - that seemed to go down well :von: :von: :von: :von:

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 14:24
by markfiend
stufarq wrote:
markfiend wrote:They won't do Top Nite Out, it was Adam's tune.
That hasn't stopped them doing it for the last umpteen years.
I didn't think they'd done it since Adam left. ???

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 14:46
by mh

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 14:55
by markfiend
I stand corrected 8)

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 14:56
by Mav787
mh wrote:Definitely played in 2010: ... &start=601
And on the 2014 tour

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 15:15
by Joy
Mav787 wrote:
mh wrote:Definitely played in 2010: ... &start=601
And on the 2014 tour
My recording. :wink:

Top Nite Out Vienna 2014

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 15:26
by markfiend
OK, OK, I was wrong! :lol:

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 15:54
by pearson
far parade
war on drugs
come together


Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 15:56
by Being645
pearson wrote:far parade
war on drugs
come together

fully suscribe to that ... would add Adrenochrome and Heartland, though ... :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 16:37
by stufarq
markfiend wrote:OK, OK, I was wrong! :lol:
They've played that too.

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 16:38
by Mav787
stufarq wrote:
markfiend wrote:OK, OK, I was wrong! :lol:
They've played that too.
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 17:17
by markfiend
Very good :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 19:33
by RockNRoll Mercenary
I forgot Body Electric! One of my favourite sisters songs.

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 21:02
by Pista
stufarq wrote:
markfiend wrote:OK, OK, I was wrong! :lol:
They've played that too.

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 19:16
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
That tour meeting in full

The scene : The Shearton, Antwerp. Besuited diamond dealers eye a couple of dishevelled rockers suspiciously in the lounge bar as the tuxedoed resident pianist, Dr Jeep, plays on (and on).

Enter stage left a small gaunt man in his mid fifties wearing a totenkopf bandana and a pair of raybans.

Von : Wotcha !

B + C : (rapidly rising) Good afternoon, your lordship.

Von : OK, Spiggy XIV is running short of Kitecat. Any ideas ?

B : We could record a new album ?

(C and Von splutter into their Earl Grey)

Von : With what ? Have either of you written any songs ?

B : Well I’ve got one. It’s called “Gonna Rock You All Night Long, Baby�.

C : I’ve written one too. “Why is Snot Always Green ?�

Von : Hmm. Probably better suited to your day jobs. Anyway, I’ve got a new song. It’s called Writer’s Block.

C (under his breath) : About bloody time ! (aloud) How does it go ?

Von : I haven’t got any lyrics or music yet. I was thinking of just uploading the title to the website, y’know, to keep the fans happy ‘n all that. (pauses) Are you two sniggering ?

B + C : (panicking) : No, your lordship, no !

Von : (sighs) I suppose we’ll have to do another tour.

C : Great. I’ll get onto it. I assume it’s like last time. Only former industrial plants like gasometers, steelworks, slaughterhouses, that type of thing.

Von : Erm, no. I’m not planning on having to tour again in the next five years. Just book the places with the biggest amount of goth mug-punters where we’re bound to draw a decent crowd.

B : You mean Leeds ?

Von : Yes

C : And Rock City, C-Halle.

Von : Exactly.

B : Glasgow !

Von : Oh yes

C : Belgium !

B : What, all of it ?

Von : Pretty much, yeah. Charge the venues £40 grand a night.

C : But what if a venue only holds a thousand people.

Von : Then charge them £40 a head. The Belgians’ll pay it, you mark my words.

B : Just one problem, boss. What will we play ?

Von : The usual crap. They lap it up. (laughs at own joke)

B : But won’t people say it’s just a nostalgia act ?

Von : Hmmm. Perhaps we could change things a little.

B : We could speed up a slow song and slow down a fast one !

Von : Brilliant idea.

B : Segue two old songs together to make a new one.

Von : Great, that’s three new songs already.

C : And do a new cover version.

Von : What ??? You expect ME to learn a new song ?!?

C (furiously backtracking) : Of course not, your lordship. Ben and me will just do another instrumental.

Von : Good idea - I’m not sure that my voice is up to a full set these days.

C : I could do even more of the vocals myself !

Von : Is your middle name Wayne ? No way, I am The Sisters of Mercy.

B (trying to be helpful) : We could get in a random female singer songwriter to warble a couple of the old songs you’re fed up with for a mid-set break.

Von : Now that’s a better idea. The only downside with touring is having to deal with the press

C : Ben and I could the interviews.

B : Yes, listen to this (adopts interview voice) : “We’re always writing and laying down new tracks in the studio. I’m sure some of the will see the light of day. We’ll probably give them away for free to our loyal fans in dribs and drabs.�

C : But that’s lying !

B : No, I just whispered the words “With my other band� very quietly at the beginning of the sentence !

Von : I can’t sit here listening to this all day. I’ve an Italian Futurist exhibition to go to. And don’t forget to order double the usual amount of dry ice. I don’t want to have to see any of the punters. See you at Suikerrock !

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 19:32
by Being645
... :lol: :lol: :lol: ... lovely, NVL !!! ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 19:41
by TheBoyNextDoor
Great stuff! :lol:

..and probably not very far from the truth. :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 22:15
by million voices
Extremely funny Nikolas

Also I could imagine it happening

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 22:27
by stufarq
:lol: :notworthy:

I can see a number of similar posts appearing, depicting various other points in the band's history - the split, the truth about Gift, what Patricia really played on Floodland...

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 22:32
by Husek

Jokes apart, i'd be happy to see Anaconda/Giving Ground/Suzanne back to setlist...Yes i know we heard it a lot in the past, but i still miss those songs when they aren't played.

And i hope the FALAA things stays on the setlist (Old intro FALAA, old Intro Logic, A rock and a Hard Place, NTTC).
(Althrough would be nice to hear Nine While Nine)

Also, Kiss the Carpet it's a hell of a intro, please let's keep it :D.

Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 14:45
by markreed
Dream Setlst?

Snub Nose
Dominion / Mother Russia
Flood II
Vision Thing
Train / Detonation Boulevard
Body And Soul
We Are The Same, Suzanne
You Could Be The One
Body Electric
First And Last And Always
No Time To Cry
This Corrision

I Was Wrong - acoustic

Rain From Heaven
Skull Ring (Stooges cover)
Temple Of Love

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 00:18
by aVoX
Husek wrote:Also, Kiss the Carpet it's a hell of a intro, please let's keep it :D.
Absolutely! I especially love it with a slight case of Afterhours beforehand, like they did here.

About my dream set list... I don't know if I would put all of the following onto one set list, but I'd really love to see a live performance of the following:
  • Adrenochrome
  • Dominion/Mother Russia - performed more like on the single, can't say I love the live performances all too much
  • Anaconda - if they wouldn't rush through it they way they did the last time Anaconda was on the setlist and Von wouldn't forget the beginning of the 2nd verse
  • Floorshow - I actually quite like the "new" sped-up performances, but they should really perform the whole thing, not just a cut-down version
  • War On Drugs
  • We Are The Same, Susanne
  • Comfortably Numb/Some Kind Of Stranger
  • Never Land
  • Good Things
  • Emma - with more aggressively sounding guitars like in this recording
  • Under The Gun - performed this way - the off-beat is strong with this one :notworthy:
  • Doctor Jeep - I really like the original, but I guess they could fiddle around with it a bit, like using the guitar bridge between Vision Thing's (the song) "Vision Thing" (as in the lyrics) and the following verse as a bridge between the Doctor Jeep chorus and its next verse (don't know if that would work, but it sounds alright in my head)
  • You Could Be The One, Poison Door - just because I wanna know what that would look and sound like as a live performance (actually I already know that it would look like an enormous amount of fog with a nice mixture of colored lights - just the way it always looks)
  • Home Of The Hit-Men - just for comedic value ;D
Don't know about Far Parade... so far it's just a buncha lyrics on their website... if that thing actually has a worked out melody and instrumentation I'd definitely not wanna miss it.

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 01:30
by splintered thing
As long as Lucretia is in the mix I am happy.

Cover? I would still love to hear Roy Orbison's Leah

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 06:36
by Husek
aVoX wrote: [*]Emma - with more aggressively sounding guitars .
I'd say that since the Hot Chocolate's vocalist died recently, it's possible that this could happen.