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Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 20:23
by Silver_Owl
Mr Alphabet wrote:
czuczu wrote:Can you name a 'leave' spokesperson/figurehead/cheerleader who isn 't a massive c**t?
Can you name a 'remain' who isn't a massive c**t either?

There's cameron, osborne, blair, brown, hunt, mandelson, kinnock just for starters who are all top of the c**t league

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 22:22
by Mr Alphabet
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Mr Alphabet wrote:
czuczu wrote:Can you name a 'leave' spokesperson/figurehead/cheerleader who isn 't a massive c**t?
Can you name a 'remain' who isn't a massive c**t either?

There's cameron, osborne, blair, brown, hunt, mandelson, kinnock just for starters who are all top of the c**t league
QI klaxon....You just got the c**t top trump.
Corbyn who for all his life has been against the corrupt EU suddenly losing his principles and selling out.

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 17:08
by Pat

Brexit in 2 words? well 2 words that aren't Greece or TTIP.

Still neutral here.

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 19:45
by nowayjose
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:because the majority of people who want us to leave are UTTER CUNTS.
Occasionally the realistic opinion of an utter c**t is preferrable to the idealistic views of a nice guy...

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 19:52
by stufarq
czuczu wrote:Can you name a 'leave' spokesperson/figurehead/cheerleader who isn 't a massive c**t?
Let's look at the original statement again:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:fuck BREXIT. i'm bloody-minded enough to want to stay simply because the majority of people who want us to leave are UTTER CUNTS.
I think there are probably several million ordinary people, who aren't spokespeople or campaigners of any sort, who want us to leave and who aren't utter c**ts. My sister and her boyfriend, for instance, are perfectly nice people.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 11:56
by Pista
I see Nige had a good turn out then


Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 12:14
by eastmidswhizzkid
stufarq wrote:
czuczu wrote:Can you name a 'leave' spokesperson/figurehead/cheerleader who isn 't a massive c**t?
Let's look at the original statement again:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:fuck BREXIT. i'm bloody-minded enough to want to stay simply because the majority of people who want us to leave are UTTER CUNTS.
I think there are probably several million ordinary people, who aren't spokespeople or campaigners of any sort, who want us to leave and who aren't utter c**ts. My sister and her boyfriend, for instance, are perfectly nice people.
you should know that i was using "us" to mean the british electorate. perhaps more correctly i should have said:

"fuck BREXIT. i'm bloody-minded enough to want to stay simply because the majority of people who are actively campaigning to convince the electorate to vote leave are UTTER CUNTS."

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 13:08
by Bartek
Whoever suport this or other side, whatever names had be given them and however you judge supporters of both side, I hope that majority of UK population will say: stay.
EU with problems and disfuntions that can be heal and removed is better than back to digging trenches and waiting who'll shot first, because of empty nationalism. (on the other side mepty internationalism is also stupid, but that's whol different story).

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 13:08
by markfiend
TTIP is definitely not a reason to vote to leave - there's a good chance that the EU is going to reject the deal whereas if we vote Brexit, we'll probably end up with Johnson and co. signing us up to TTIP++

Also, as I've seen a few people saying over the past couple of weeks, not everyone voting leave is a racist, but every racist is voting leave.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 13:10
by Silver_Owl
I did see Liz Hurley is voting leave so we can go back to old style light bulbs. :cry:

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 13:12
by Bartek
Light bubls as reason to leave? That's not even a joke. I believe is just typical jurnalistic one-sentence-quote to draw attention, otherwise she's as silly as preatty.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 15:34
by million voices
Old style light bulbs means bayonets means back to digging trenches.

Maybe Ms Hurley is being far more subtle than one first thinks.

Me, I am still undecided

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:26
by stufarq
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:you should know that i was using "us" to mean the british electorate. perhaps more correctly i should have said:

"fuck BREXIT. i'm bloody-minded enough to want to stay simply because the majority of people who are actively campaigning to convince the electorate to vote leave are UTTER CUNTS."
That I'll accept. Which is a shame, because there are good arguments on both sides (and no, immigration isn't one of them), but the figureheads for the leave campaign make anyone who's considering voting to leave look like an idiot or a monster, which is hugely unfair.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:32
by stufarq
Hom_Corleone wrote:I did see Liz Hurley is voting leave so we can go back to old style light bulbs. :cry:
Now there she's got a point. Energy-saving light bulbs only save energy by not actually using any. When you switch them on, the room actually gets darker. They're black holes that somehow suck up all the light. When I put the light on, I want it on now, not in ten minutes time. If I get up at 3am needing a pee, I need the light IMMEDIATELY or, in my barely-awake state, stuff could end up anywhere. I'm all in favour of saving energy, but not at the cost of urine-flavoured wallpaper and a dog who still won't come out from under then bed.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:41
by Pista
stufarq wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:I did see Liz Hurley is voting leave so we can go back to old style light bulbs. :cry:
Now there she's got a point. Energy-saving light bulbs only save energy by not actually using any. When you switch them on, the room actually gets darker. They're black holes that somehow suck up all the light. When I put the light on, I want it on now, not in ten minutes time. If I get up at 3am needing a pee, I need the light IMMEDIATELY or, in my barely-awake state, stuff could end up anywhere. I'm all in favour of saving energy, but not at the cost of urine-flavoured wallpaper and a dog who still won't come out from under then bed.
:lol: :lol:

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:49
by Bartek
million voices wrote:Old style light bulbs means bayonets means back to digging trenches.

Maybe Ms Hurley is being far more subtle than one first thinks.

Me, I am still undecided
If you didn't see that in Europe (and USofA) nationalism are rising. Brexit could accelerate that. From there's not far to isolalationism and playing cards that may end up on another bloodshed process.

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 21:21
by EvilBastard
Mav787 wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:fuck BREXIT. i'm bloody-minded enough to want to stay simply because the majority of people who want us to leave are UTTER CUNTS.
You pretty much nailed it here
True, but a number of them who want us to stay are similarly vaginal - never thought I would see the day when Piggy Cameron and I shared the same platform, but...

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 08:44
by Pista
Meanwhile, the BBC are covering the crucial question: Could leaving the EU make British chocolate taste bad?

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 09:11
by Bartek
I freakin' love UK's Cadbury's milk chocolate, even it's way to sweet for my. That would be huge loss if somethinh like that happen. So, say: IN.

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 09:58
by abridged
Bartek wrote:I freakin' love UK's Cadbury's milk chocolate, even it's way to sweet for my. That would be huge loss if somethinh like that happen. So, say: IN.
Weirdly Cadbury's tastes far better in the Republic (of Ireland not West Yorkshire :wink: ) as do crisps than in Northern Ireland. It's established fact even with us up north. MH can hopefully confirm this! A good reason for staying in Europe! ;D

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 18:05
by stufarq
Pista wrote:Meanwhile, the BBC are covering the crucial question: Could leaving the EU make British chocolate taste bad?
Finally an argument that helps me make up my mind!

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 21:29
by Pat
I think the real question is Do you want to put Nigel Farage out of a job or do you want to tell him to f**k off back to Brussels ?

If the polls are to be believed it's looking like leave might narrowly win in England and possibly Wales but be kept in the EU by a Scottish remain vote. So I'm voting remain for a bit of a laugh. I'd like to think it would also lead to Scottish independence but can't really see that happening.

Posted: 23 Jun 2016, 08:13
by Bartek
Speaking about dear Nigel, in my opinion, second option is better, the best would be not to chose him as your representative in EP, same goes to every cynical bastards who are against EU, yet money from EU is good for them (pecunia non olet?).

End populism now, end it good. Rise above only emotions not based in reality and facts. Unglückliche people seems to mailny follow emotions.

Posted: 23 Jun 2016, 09:09
by eastmidswhizzkid
i've just been and performed my civic duty (as my grandad would have put it). can you guess which way my vote went? (actually i put "Remain -unless we get a new Sisters of Mercy album out of a disastrous leave vote". which is, of course, a lie.)

Posted: 23 Jun 2016, 09:23
by iesus
I don't believe that everybody that is against those that hold power positions in EU is a cynical bastard. Also EU is not a charity foundation and not giving away money here and there and any place. They just make money for behalf of a certain elite of people. And this is not populism, just facts.