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Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 11:22
by Erudite
CorpPunk wrote:Yep, I just saw Underworld too. The only thing I can say is that while there were no intentionally funny scenes in the film, the audience laughed right through it. Yep, it was that bad. Don't waste your money.

Still holding out hope for Chainsaw Massacre, though...
I guess British audiences are different - no laughter and plenty of enjoyment when I went to see the film.
Kinda a Goth version of Romeo and Juliet, and, indeed, ripped straight off of White Wolf's World of Darkness RPG.

Action scenes are handled very well, doesn't spoon feed the audience or waste time on needless exposition, plus Kate Beckinsdale in rubber!

Got to recommend it, personally.

"Some people are so undemanding."

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 20:50
by Andy TG
Went to see "Underworld" at a very large "Dolby" cinema in Cardiff (wales) - not even a huge screen and "out of this world" sound could save a terrible film! I should point out that this screening was at Midnight on a Saturday night - I expected a 'sell out' but only 20 to 25 people attended!

Now do not get me wrong - I am a fan of anything "Vampire" (Werewolves are also cool IMHO!) - But "Underworld" promises much and delivers so little.

Kate Beckensale is great in very tight PVC / Leather - Bill Nighly is great as the Head vampire and the stunts are great but the script is lousy, the acting of some principle players is very poor and the plot has more holes in it than Iraq's Main Airport.

Now I say go and see it - but try not to pay too much or better still get someone else to pay for you - that way you wont regret the Underworld "experience" ;-)

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 22:30
by Black Planet
:urff: :urff:

Wow I was expecting a good movie. I 'll still go see it...

Now, if you want to see a really good flick, it's a bit sappy, but Sea Biscuit is a really really good movie. It's about a horse, that came to be the greatest race horse in US history. But it is also about so much more....About overcomng adversity..and I mean everyone including the horse (owner, trainer, jockey) had a really bad start..and they achieved so so much.

Well if nothing else, rent it one nite and have popcorn at home.


Oh and thanks Andy for your review of Underworld!!!

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 15:37
by Padstar

Style over content, pity.


Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 21:47
by zigeunerweisen
dead inside wrote:
zigeunerweisen wrote:The last movie i watched at the cinema? Either Taran and the Last Cauldron or Tarzan, The Legend of Greystoke back in the 80's.
So you don't go to the cinema *too*? :eek:
What's wrong with us people? OK, I don't go to the cinema anymore because I can't stand that long without smoking... What's your excuse?...
Ummm, not enough money, no suitable company, no good movies out, my distaste for big crowds for long periods of time and simply couldn't be bothered. All those at some point. :|

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 21:49
by zigeunerweisen
Padstar wrote:Underworld....

Style over content, pity.

What is this Underworld movie everyone's talking about? I'm still waiting for Titanic to be on video.

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 22:51
by Padstar

Have a look !


Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 23:07
by Big Si
zigeunerweisen wrote:Ummm, not enough money, no suitable company, no good movies out, my distaste for big crowds for long periods of time and simply couldn't be bothered. All those at some point. :|
Got ya! profession, you're a journalist! :twisted:

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 23:45
by Gary
Spirited Away, Great :)

Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 00:46
by karin
zigeunerweisen wrote:The last movie i watched at the cinema? Either Taran and the Last Cauldron or Tarzan, The Legend of Greystoke back in the 80's.
Good lord ??!! Zig I thought you were dead were the f**k have you been ? :)

Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 00:50
by karin
Padstar wrote:Last Sunday saw "Spirited Away", an amazing Japanese family animation thats had fantastic critical and popular acclaim. Check it out, it was fantastic.

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki

8.6 on IMDB

heard about that, it's on the agenda :)

Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 17:28
by Gary
karin wrote:
Padstar wrote:Last Sunday saw "Spirited Away", an amazing Japanese family animation thats had fantastic critical and popular acclaim. Check it out, it was fantastic.

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki

8.6 on IMDB

heard about that, it's on the agenda :)
Id recomend it ;)

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 03:34
by 6FeetOver
Terminator 3. :roll:

Posted: 27 Sep 2003, 00:00
by zigeunerweisen
karin wrote:
zigeunerweisen wrote:The last movie i watched at the cinema? Either Taran and the Last Cauldron or Tarzan, The Legend of Greystoke back in the 80's.
Good lord ??!! Zig I thought you were dead were the f**k have you been ? :)
Every now and then i wake up and leave my tomb to haunt common mortals.
That and look for cheese. You can't find cheese on the after life you know, it's terrible.

Posted: 27 Sep 2003, 09:18
by Padstar
Saw "Camp" yesterday;

Inspite of the lukewarm reviews i really enjoyed it :)
