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Posted: 19 May 2017, 23:18
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
"We never recorded as The Sisterhood, we just went out and played some gigs. ... Andrew recorded as The Sisterhood, and since he released something prior to us he got to claim the name. ... To be terribly honest now, I think Andrew was right. I mean, two members of the band going off and trading on their old band? It's like two ex-members of The m*****n going off and naming themselves as The Missionaries. It's a bit cheap."
Wayne speaking in "Classic Rock" magazine interview 2007 (without asterisks in the original!).

This was said ten years ago and should have been the last we heard about the name dispute. AE won the legal battle in 1986, and the above quote was an admission of moral guilt by WH. Time to move on.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 23:25
by Dan
Quiff Boy wrote:
Charlie wrote:Von gets more ribbing on here than anyone
Very true :lol: :lol: ;D :von:
One might say ribbed for our pleasure.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 23:39
by Swinnow
The Mish were dead good in Liverpool tonight btw

Posted: 20 May 2017, 08:53
by Charlie
Dan wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Charlie wrote:Von gets more ribbing on here than anyone
Very true :lol: :lol: ;D :von:
One might say ribbed for our pleasure.
:kiss: :von: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2017, 09:48
by radiojamaica
My 2 cents: drop 'm like a mofo! And everybody is then able to shout the names they really want to shout :innocent:

I myself rather like The m*****n & Hussey & the rest of the human race so no wonder I dig that hippie s**t :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2017, 10:38
by mh
I remain in favour of keeping them for much the same reason Lee says drop them - because it's actually really not that important.

The only person who seems to feel the need to go muckraking over the past in every single interview he does is ... Wayne. For the rest of us it's ancient history and a long-closed book. Keeping the filters is part of the silliness, so yes, keep them.

Posted: 20 May 2017, 11:48
by Swinnow
Thread Hijack

Great to see very old friends Scardwel and Jane in Liverpool last night, and smashing to put faces and proper names to SmileySister and Microcosmia too. I hope you all return home from Merseyside safely.

The recording has just been edited into tracks and is pretty good, but for a glaring gap where the mic cut out between Beyond The Pale and Met Amor Phosis, damn.

Hijack resolved peacefully - no Eskimos were hurt in this transmission

Posted: 20 May 2017, 13:43
by Scardwel
Great to see you too Chris. It's been far too long!
(I voted to remove the filters btw.)

Posted: 20 May 2017, 13:57
by Bartek
So, Mr. Hussein mention HL and complained about something that everybody here (?) know it's a joke. Poor Wayne.
Let the joke live long (and prosper; but according to current score of vote it may be removed), the only change i would postulate is: replace The Misssion by That Band.

Those Daft

Posted: 20 May 2017, 14:32
by MAndrews
I'm the bloke who did the interview (and am an occasional HL poster). I didn't realise until after I wrote the article that HL uses an auto-correct; I thought everyone typed them in like that. Hussey didn't seemed rankled that much by it but did clearly assume that the forum to a (wo)man had a strong aversion to him. So, I think the auto-correct gives a false impression of HL and Heartlanders. Furthermore, there's quite an overlap between m*****n and Sisters fans - perhaps more than I realised until quite recently - some of that intersection are in HL and are therefore mis-represented by the auto-correct. And, as Nikolas says, the narrative that has Wayne as the upstart who broke up the band, doesn't hold water. So I would say lose the joke. I've always been in the Eldritch camp, but I don't think of The m*****n or That Guitarist so negatively as to want to asterisk them and/or him. Those who do have a strong aversion, can continue to vent spleen. Restore freedom of choice, I say.

Re: Those Daft

Posted: 20 May 2017, 15:00
by mh
MAndrews wrote:...did clearly assume that the forum to a (wo)man had a strong aversion to him.
This bit I'm puzzled by.

Wayne's just a guitarist who wrote a few tunes and played in the band for a year and a bit; they sounded different before he joined and they sounded different after he left. In terms of importance, and excluding one-offs and short-time members like Dave Humphries and Jon Langford, probably only Ben Gunn contributed less to the first five years.

The point is: Wayne's not as important as he clearly likes to think he is. Does it flatter his ego to imagine legions of Sisters fans spitting blood over him? Nope, not happening.

Those Daft

Posted: 20 May 2017, 15:59
by MAndrews
I got the impression that he thought Heartlanders en masse didn't like him, or at least the forum had an anti-Wayne policy. Easy to draw that conclusion since his name can't actually be used here. It's true some Heartlanders don't like him, some are indifferent, some seem to rather like The m*****n. The auto-correct blots out that range of opinion.

Re: Those Daft

Posted: 20 May 2017, 16:38
by Being645
mh wrote:
MAndrews wrote:...did clearly assume that the forum to a (wo)man had a strong aversion to him.
This bit I'm puzzled by..
Same here. My aversion starts as soon as he starts singing. I just can't stand this attitude. To me it's ridculous and completely fantastic.
But hell, he's always been like this, even when he "only" played guitar with The Sisters. So take it or leave it. Each to his own and who ever may like it, no problem.
That won't change my respect for anyone basically (altough I've noticed that so much fairness is definitely not what I can expect from his followers) ...
MAndrews wrote:I got the impression that he thought Heartlanders en masse didn't like him, or at least the forum had an anti-Wayne policy. Easy to draw that conclusion since his name can't actually be used here. It's true some Heartlanders don't like him, some are indifferent, some seem to rather like The m*****n. The auto-correct blots out that range of opinion.
Now, that this forum is in existence for more than 10 years?! ... lol.
If he read through only half the "ribbing" that was had of :von: here for "our pleasure",
he would count himself very,very happy with nothing but a few asterisks in his name ...
But maybe he read it all and utterly enjoyed ... :wink: ...

Re: Those Daft

Posted: 20 May 2017, 16:54
by Pista
Being645 wrote: But maybe he read it all and utterly enjoyed ... :wink: ...
Research for the book maybe? :innocent:

Posted: 20 May 2017, 16:54
by Untitled
My English level is quite weak so I'm not really able to understand all the subtleties of the conversations on this forum I appreciate for all the "historic" informations that can be gathered (and I'm even less able to write more than a very few understandable words), but I always assumed that those filters were less a mockery on That Guitarist than a private joke with a certain sense of autoderision about the quarrel between the bands' fanbases. So I would vote for leave them both in place, or maybe replace "that guitarist" by an even more childish "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"... though It would actually better fit to Von...

Posted: 20 May 2017, 19:00
by eastmidswhizzkid
may i just say, that this thread -which is as full of contrasting opinions about the m*****n as any other- seems to be being conducted thoroughly decently and respectfully; and with a noticeable lack of the hostility and childish name-calling that they often descend into. maybe because so far this is just HLers posting, with no deliberate trolling from outsiders? just a thought...

Posted: 20 May 2017, 19:43
by Spiggy's hat
I've always viewed it as nothing more than gentle Micky taking based on the split TBH. I was a Sisters fan first but also love the Mish.

Regarding claims that WH constantly harps on about his time in the Sisters...... realistically every interviewer seems to ask him about his time in the band or the split, he just answers.

Let's be realistic, the Sisters were still a cult band in 84/85 who had failed to trouble the top 40, The Mish managed to do that a few times before the girls did.

I suspect that there are Sisters fans that are more obsessed with WH, than he is with the Sisters, 32 years after he left.

I voted remove the filters but really aren't bothered either way.

Posted: 20 May 2017, 20:16
by Swinnow
Spiggy's Hat must admit I agree, OK, I am a rarity on here, someone who knew Leeds n 'The Fav' in 1982/3/4, I also had Merseyside in common with WH. I first met W many years ago and he is a great bloke, I did prefer him to Von tbh. To this day I fail to see what he did wrong in 1985. I saw him do Von's bidding and he basically carried the band when Gary left, yeah I am slightly biased but I followed all three post '85 bands everywhere.

Posted: 20 May 2017, 22:19
by SmileySister
The Devil may care but I don't mind :wink:

Posted: 20 May 2017, 22:21
by SmileySister
Swinnow wrote:Thread Hijack

Great to see very old friends Scardwel and Jane in Liverpool last night, and smashing to put faces and proper names to SmileySister and Microcosmia too. I hope you all return home from Merseyside safely.

The recording has just been edited into tracks and is pretty good, but for a glaring gap where the mic cut out between Beyond The Pale and Met Amor Phosis, damn.

Hijack resolved peacefully - no Eskimos were hurt in this transmission
We had a blast & it was great to meet you :)

Posted: 20 May 2017, 22:33
by EmmaPeelWannaBe
I'm immature enough to be amused by the filters. But having a high EQ, I just want everyone to be happy.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Filters

Posted: 20 May 2017, 23:28
by UniversalRinging
The guy says, “There’s a Sisters forum called Heartland where I’m not even allowed to be mentioned by name,� like it doesn’t tickle his balls.

I vote to keep the filters. Obviously they please Wayne. They make him feel important. But to remove the filters on his behalf? That’s a touch too far. That might make his big head explode. For the safety of Wayne’s big head, let the filters remain.

The filters are funny, not because they skewer Wayne or the Mish. They’re funny because they skewer taking sides and tribalism, something we’re all guilty of. On HL, actual opinions about Wayne and the Mish vary from super positive to meh, he bugs the s**t out of me. No one’s hung up over the split in 85 anymore. To miss that is to reduce everyone on HL to a bunch of party-liners. No one hates the guy militantly. And so what if some do? HL is a Sisters forum. The filters are a Sisters forum in-joke. They make us giggle. I don’t know how that diminishes Mish fans on HL, Mish fans in general, or That Guitarist himself. HL is a lovely place and the filters aren’t mean spirited. Even a newbie can attest to that.

Posted: 21 May 2017, 00:27
by million voices
I don't like the Mish which rather annoys me. I have tried to like them as they are part of the Family Tree but just cannot make that leap.
I saw Wayne once on a solo tour in 2003 and although the songs were a bit naff he came over as a nice enough chap and it was a reasonably pleasant evening.
I think the "Joke" is now extremely threadbare and well past it's sell by date
Having said all that based on the history, as I understand it, it somehow seems right that the filters remain in place.

Posted: 21 May 2017, 01:01
by Microcosmia
Swinnow wrote:Thread Hijack

Great to see very old friends Scardwel and Jane in Liverpool last night, and smashing to put faces and proper names to SmileySister and Microcosmia too. I hope you all return home from Merseyside safely.

The recording has just been edited into tracks and is pretty good, but for a glaring gap where the mic cut out between Beyond The Pale and Met Amor Phosis, damn.

Hijack resolved peacefully - no Eskimos were hurt in this transmission

And it was lovely to meet you too! Hope you enjoy Leicester as much also :)

Posted: 21 May 2017, 08:06
by Waclimino
Voted for "Remove them both".