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Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 12:06
by Black Shuck
Hmm, I'm a tad skeptical.
It's a bit of a coincidence how he has 'Holy' for a middle name, and he just happens to be the son of God.

I think that Jesus just TELLS people that his middle name is Holy, when in fact he has a really embarrassing middle name.

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 18:07
by Serendipityhaven
what,like Horatio,or Hillary?
never could quite understand that name when given to a male;same with Marion too,whats that all about? :urff:

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 03:09
by Lynchfanatic
Serendipityhaven wrote:what,like Horatio,or Hillary?
never could quite understand that name when given to a male;same with Marion too,whats that all about? :urff:
Almost making fun of me? :eek: My name is Marian or Marianne if you will. But in chat rooms when it clearly say Marian, people still call me Marion. :roll:

Hickup.... :urff: red wine inside... Ignore me..

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 15:12
by Debaser
OOh swear words wot I have loved

arse biscuits, fukkity-s**t, as mentioned previously there's nowt like a good old feck when you don't really mean anything but need to go nyer, buggery bollox.

Old Ma Debaser was very fond of 'blood and stomach pills' which I have steadfastdly refused to take to

Oh and Jesus H Christ.......always thought it was Hank

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 15:14
by Debaser
damn...those astersiks have ruined me bestist swear word...right let's have a go at Give us a Clue...Richey can be Lionel....

first word, small word sounds like hit...second word small again and sounds like plank

now say the whole thing fukkityhitplank

ooh am liking that

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 17:16
by cyn
I never knew what the H stood for either and now I am even more confused. What the Our Father has to do with the Howard. Who put the 2 together and why? Why is the H there in the first place?
Since I am fond of driving people mad when someone Says "JESUS CHRIST!!" In front of me, ususally a patient after I have told him how much his dental bill is. I usually shout back "Praise the Lord" sometimes throwing my hands in the air.
This doesn't go over very well either.

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 17:44
by CellThree
cyn wrote: What the Our Father has to do with the Howard.
Frankie Howerd? :eek:

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 18:23
by Serendipityhaven
@ Lynchfanatic-
nope not making a joke at your expense.
was wondering about these names-like marian and hillary which are by all accounts female names yes?...but although rare it has been known for mothers to name their sons these names too.
john wayne,wasnt he called marion?
was wondering out loud why that would be.

but absolutely no offence intended :)

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 22:26
by Debaser
Marian Montgomery if my pub quiz head serves me well

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 02:00
by Lynchfanatic
Serendipityhaven wrote:@ Lynchfanatic-
nope not making a joke at your expense.
was wondering about these names-like marian and hillary which are by all accounts female names yes?...but although rare it has been known for mothers to name their sons these names too.
john wayne,wasnt he called marion?
was wondering out loud why that would be.

but absolutely no offence intended :)
Oh, non taken. Did not mean for it to sound like I did :P I was just a little drunk and tried to be funny or something, have a weird sence of humour :oops: