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Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 11:22
by Todashi
Well, I think the industry and the situation has moved well well beyond the need for a record company. At this point, looking for a record company to fund an album would be a really weird thing to do.

The only gig in town is gigs. The reason to do a record is to ensure a healthy touring schedule for the next four to five years. Von isn't getting any younger and at some point, he'll stop touring. He has a bit of time to squirrel away whatever he needs to fund his lifestyle. He's lucky in that he ran a tight ship in the 1980s and had some massive hits by modern standards, but he also got chewed up and spat out by the recording industry, so how much cash has he actually got?

Nobodies business but his, obviously, but he's still touring and he's keeping his brand alive and in the market so presumably that's at least an issue. A new record could allow him to finish out his career on a touring high. The alternative is watching the crowds dwindle away. There'll always be a hard core of fans who'll go to the gigs, but no performer wants to play to smaller and smaller crowds.

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 12:12
by mh
How much money has he? As you say, it's none of anybody's business, but he has consistently said that he doesn't have to do this, and he does live somewhere where one can be quite economical about many things, so we can safely enough conclude that he does not, indeed, have a financial requirement to trot out the Sisters machine every year or two.

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 12:53
by Todashi
mh wrote:How much money has he? As you say, it's none of anybody's business, but he has consistently said that he doesn't have to do this, and he does live somewhere where one can be quite economical about many things, so we can safely enough conclude that he does not, indeed, have a financial requirement to trot out the Sisters machine every year or two.
So . . . why do it? He has some great songs, and a bit of travel and some fun nights out are great, but this is quite a big tour the guys are on this time around. I'm not sure anyone would really enjoy dragging their luggage around half of Europe and then Australia just for fun. Maybe, I suppose.

Most musicians do it because it scratches a creative itch, and gives the a sense of purpose. I just wonder if perhaps the reason is that he wants to keep his options open. If he left it longer than three or four years between tours right now, could he come back?

I have no special insight - I could be completely wrong. I'm basically just hoping these new songs mean there is a creative spark still there. And that if these are well received, which they pretty much seem to be, then maybe he'll think it might be fun to do things a bit differently and put out a record.

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 14:55
by EvilBastard
Planet Dave wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:Or the single of More without the B-side...
There's a B-side???
Apparently so

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 14:59
by Planet Dave
EvilBastard wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:Or the single of More without the B-side...
There's a B-side???
Apparently so
:lol: :lol: should be in Joke Of The Day, if it isn't already :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 19:57

Posted: 20 Sep 2019, 17:40
by Bartek
Even though it's so easy these days especially with band like TSOM having guitar and voc non-digital and with iTunes, Deezer, Napster, bandcamp and so, it's very unlikely.

Posted: 21 Sep 2019, 14:31
by Being645
Looking at this would make the idea of a new release seem not that far-fetched ... :eek: ... ... 8809213952

But Mercyful release ... hhm ...

Posted: 21 Sep 2019, 18:56
by Pista
Having just visited the link in this post I thought I'd poke around on the website there.

& I read this in the about us tab
Cadiz Music & Entertainment Ltd is a successful music and film production company, established in 2003. The Cadiz Music label releases music and films which cover a diverse range of genres from rock, punk and heavy metal to folk, jazz world and urban.
Is it too much to imagine that :von: may have found a music production company he gets along with increasing the possibility of actual product?

Posted: 21 Sep 2019, 19:09
by Charlie
Pista wrote:Having just visited the link in this post I thought I'd poke around on the website there.

& I read this in the about us tab
Cadiz Music & Entertainment Ltd is a successful music and film production company, established in 2003. The Cadiz Music label releases music and films which cover a diverse range of genres from rock, punk and heavy metal to folk, jazz world and urban.
Is it too much to imagine that :von: may have found a music production company he gets along with increasing the possibility of actual product?
I'm not sure i can take this much Sisters excitement at once!

We've already had new songs and an upcoming album reissue unveiled in less than one week!

I'm so happy right now!

Posted: 13 Oct 2019, 08:40
by copper
Factor in that there is an album's worth of songs from '97-'98. Creative itch was satiated by working out those numbers, followed by deflation and frustration due to a non-release. Whatever the reason behind it, such a situation is a nightmare for a band.

The hope died in :von:'s case around 2003ish, I guess. Took him about 13 years to recharge. There may have also been some bureaucratic knots opened in that time, who knows.