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Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 17:27
by shagriml
Alcohol, speed, weed and cigarettes does the trick for me.

I'm sure that speed had a lot of effect on the Sisters.

btw. right now I'm listening to Amphetamine Logic 8)

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 18:23
by Nic
Ozpat wrote:I prefer alcohol.... :innocent:
Aye, give me a pint or two and I'm happy. :wink:

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 09:25
by jay

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 22:37
by timsinister
Chairman Bux wrote:
Dave Whelan wrote:Temple Of Love (any vers) and Ribbons are ace when loved up.
You spend all that money on recreational "happy" drugs and then you listen to The Sisters? Some people have no sense of occaision...
Dave Whelan wrote:Absolutely everything else by The Sisters is aided by speed.

Unfortunately, lyrics can prove a bit tricky when mashed. :eek:
Ditto, to both points.
Wow, the Chairman used to 'whore the count, as well! Good, er, man.

I have to second Dave and Bux's point, a lot of early Sisters stuff rocks even heavier when amped. However, Tim Sinister himself does not; I have an annoying tendancy to shout along, and often return and set Ribbons to repeat. For six hours. Whoops.

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 08:42
by stefan moermans
Nic wrote:
Ozpat wrote:I prefer alcohol.... :innocent:
Aye, give me a pint or two and I'm happy. :wink:
:D :D hey hey count me in some duvel or wine. :lol: :lol: Must say that i've never listened this much to the sisters as the last 5 monts. ;D ;D Starts to get pathetic :twisted: but i must say that the music is strong enough to be appreciated for what it is. :von: :von:

sisters rule :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 21:17
by Maisey
This leads me nicely onto a topic I was about to start.

Firstly, you know how they say that figures in the media affect young peoples decisions? They were right. I've been listening to the Sisters and Rosetta Stone way too much to not take Amphetamines. I am looking forward to it, but I have passed up the last few times. The only times I smoke weed is with the same few friends, none of whom are sisters fans, so I have never been high or stoned and in contact with the sisters. (I refuse to take drugs on my own, I do it because of the shared experience) Because it is my good friend James who supplies the weed 99% of the time we usually end up listening to Syd Barrat or his latest Trip Hop phase (massive attack last time).

My next question is this. Wake looked to me what I would imagine an acid trip to look like. Has anybody watched Wake on LSD? Has this lead to any strange experiences?

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 22:44
by canon docre
Maisey wrote: My next question is this. Wake looked to me what I would imagine an acid trip to look like. Has anybody watched Wake on LSD? Has this lead to any strange experiences?
:lol: :lol:

If being on a trip would be as boring as watching Wake I 'd have stayed with one single trip.

I'd strongly believe that Wake looks a lot more interesting when on LSD, but then, on LSD everything looks a lot more interesting.

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 22:51
by GC
"...on LSD everything looks a lot more interesting."

Especially Disney's Aladdin.

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 22:57
by canon docre
Gollum's Cock wrote:"...on LSD everything looks a lot more interesting."

Especially Disney's Aladdin.
I spent many funny hours with this one....


Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 23:10
by eotunun
:notworthy: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 00:31
by Nic
Maisey wrote:Because it is my good friend James who supplies the weed 99% of the time we usually end up listening to Syd Barrat or his latest Trip Hop phase (massive attack last time).
So that's what Blast busy himself with... :innocent:

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 01:01
by nitestorm
at the last gig i went to, manchester 04.05.06, i was perfectly sober, in the legal term of the word, but i do take painkillers on prescription, and they do have a trippy effect, great to look at the pretty lights, but vons voice was well low in the mix to me, most of the time i just went with the flow, it was a good gig under the influence, the first gig i went to in manchester, 97, i was well stoned, that was good too. but right about now, the keys on this keyboard are not staying in one place. stupid painkillers :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Nov 2006, 22:24
by Spigel
Afterhours for me is a great one to listen to under the influence of any of the recently mentioned substances and even better while on all of the recently mention substances.

Out of the sky :twisted:

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 00:30
by Maisey
Was talking to a man today. Was offered 'Meth Amphetamine' But suddenly Meth+Vons face came together in my mind and it seemed like a bad idea. I'll just take the second half thank you.

*is excited*

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 00:39
by Maisey
Something in my mind makes this connection:


Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 01:02
by Planet Dave
canon docre wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:"...on LSD everything looks a lot more interesting."

Especially Disney's Aladdin.
I spent many funny hours with this one....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Has to be said though, FAL and Body&Soul off of Wake, whilst in Amsterdam with a 'punnet' of Hawaiian in full cry, was pretty trippy. :twisted: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :P

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 09:15
by _emma_
Question: Is it the chemicals that enhance the experience of listening to the Sisters, or is it the Sisters that enhance the experience of using the chemicals? Imagine a trip to a place with plenty of music to choose from - but no Sisters amongst it. :eek: :urff: Torture, isn't it?

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 09:27
by weebleswobble
_emma_ wrote:Question: Is it the chemicals that enhance the experience of listening to the Sisters, or is it the Sisters that enhance the experience of using the chemicals? Imagine a trip to a place with plenty of music to choose from - but no Sisters amongst it. :eek: :urff: Torture, isn't it?
Depends, do they have Neil Diamond? :D

Posted: 03 Dec 2006, 20:49
by DGP00666
Last week I was in Amsterdam :wink: and I remembered why I love this album so much... with shiitake, thank you :innocent:


Posted: 03 Dec 2006, 22:13
by paint it black
_emma_ wrote:Question: Is it the chemicals that enhance the experience of listening to the Sisters, or is it the Sisters that enhance the experience of using the chemicals? Imagine a trip to a place with plenty of music to choose from - but no Sisters amongst it. :eek: :urff: Torture, isn't it?
true story: i was once locked in a room on acid and all they had was the orb, pink fluffy clouds, on repeat. eventually a friend could take it no more and jumped out the window.

we were two floors up :lol: :lol:

tip: don't go to casualty on acid :eek:

Posted: 04 Dec 2006, 00:27
by Nic
Another tip: don't use acid.

Posted: 04 Dec 2006, 00:56
by Badass
Nic wrote:Another tip: don't use acid.
maybe we would not be here if some people never had started using acid...

Posted: 04 Dec 2006, 01:30
by Nic
Well it's ok when you're a rockstar. :wink:

Posted: 04 Dec 2006, 09:49
by Snakes
My "holy trinity" if you will, is SSW (speed, weed and wine)

And the Sisters sound great with all of them.

Much to my immense dissapointment its very hard to find good acid here, otherwise there would be a fourth.

I love listening to music stoned too, except i hate smoking so i cook with it. Stronger, longer and hey presto! no lung cancer!

And my two cents (for what little theyre worth), is dont dive headfirst into drugs, by all means try 'em if youre careful, and if/when you find something that agrees with you, stick with that and use your brain.

Posted: 04 Dec 2006, 11:09
by smiscandlon
Very responsible, thanks for the advice.