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Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 18:35
by Silver_Owl
Sorry Richie. I never meant nuffin by it. :oops:

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 01:21
by pikkrong
Red Sunsets wrote:Southern Hemisphere wines are far superior IMHO these days, but Catherine Deneuve, especially in The Hunger..... OMG! now we are talking :P
My one experience of landing in Charles DeGaulle was.... yup, A Baggage Handlers Strike!

go le figure
Catherine Deneuve, yeah :kiss:

Not particularly in The Hunger - I've got it on VHS but... all this vampire stuff is ridiculous, isn't it?

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 01:33
by James Blast
Bauhaus were in it, well Murphy was (sneeze and you miss it) and in its day was very stylish and a good tale, even The Thin White Duke aquitted himself well.
All the above is in my humble/experienced opinion

James Blast

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 01:42
by pikkrong
Red Sunsets wrote:Bauhaus were in it, well Murphy was (sneeze and you miss it) and in its day was very stylish and a good tale, even The Thin White Duke aquitted himself well.
All the above is in my humble/experienced opinion

James Blast
Yes, yes, yes - there were Deneuve, Bowie and Bauhaus - respect them all (and love one of them, not Bowie, not Bauhaus :wink: ) but... that's MY humble opinion - all this vampire mythology is a bit stupid.
And this lady has done many great roles :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 01:55
by James Blast
I am willing to learn Pikkrong, point me in the right direction? I have of course seen Obsession, it was a long time ago and I was in an altered state, but it did made me want to have a shower after it!


Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 02:32
by pikkrong
Well, if I have to choose between watching again "Dancer In The Dark" and "The Hunger" I took the last of them, no doubt :twisted:
But if my memory serves me well (which isn't proven) The Last Metro was a good one. Memory, yes... it's agin 3:20 am... :urff:

Anyway... hope it will not start a new war and I don't have to regret it in the morning... I mean the statement I'd like to do... No, I'm not a war-monger but I really think that 60 years old Catherine Deneuve still looks far better than Patricia M...


Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 12:15
by Black Shuck
the fact that so many people hate the Frence is, in my opinion, proof of how great they are.

I mean, would you rather the French be all painted-on smiles, and full of empty welcome?

If they dislike you, they let you know! it's not a bad thing.

They are a very proud, passionate race of people, who don't take crap from anybody (erm, except the nazis); they refuse to bow to American cultural imperialism; if they don't agree with something (poor service, crap government etc.) they fight for their rights ; and the only reason they sometimes seem rude to foreigners is cos foreigners usually deserve it...

British nobheads go to France on holiday, get royally tanked up on cheap beer and wine (the French would not accept the outrageous alcohol tax which we in Britain pay), and proceed to demolish picturesque French towns, p*ss in French front gardens etc.

and then these Brit tossers return home dissgruntled because the French were 'rude' to them...

I say 'Viva France! Salut!'

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 13:03
by randdebiel²
Red Sunsets wrote:Bauhaus were in it, well Murphy was (sneeze and you miss it) and in its day was very stylish and a good tale, even The Thin White Duke aquitted himself well.
All the above is in my humble/experienced opinion

James Blast
"even"? imho bowie is always great when he acts....
"merry christmas mr. Lawrence"?
"the man who fell to eart"?
hell even in labyrinth he was good....

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 13:16
by Black Dahlia
pikkrong wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:Bauhaus were in it, well Murphy was (sneeze and you miss it) and in its day was very stylish and a good tale, even The Thin White Duke aquitted himself well.
All the above is in my humble/experienced opinion

James Blast
Yes, yes, yes - there were Deneuve, Bowie and Bauhaus - respect them all (and love one of them, not Bowie, not Bauhaus :wink: ) but... that's MY humble opinion - all this vampire mythology is a bit stupid.
And this lady has done many great roles :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Its a great film - that first scene with Bauhaus in the club is wonderful. And pikkrong , dont start dissing vampire mythology now ..... 8)

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 18:30
by Almiche V
I should go to France more often than I do, it's only across the water from me. I would consider France first if I wanted to live elsewhere.

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 23:33
by pikkrong
Black Dahlia wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:Bauhaus were in it, well Murphy was (sneeze and you miss it) and in its day was very stylish and a good tale, even The Thin White Duke aquitted himself well.
All the above is in my humble/experienced opinion

James Blast
Yes, yes, yes - there were Deneuve, Bowie and Bauhaus - respect them all (and love one of them, not Bowie, not Bauhaus :wink: ) but... that's MY humble opinion - all this vampire mythology is a bit stupid.
And this lady has done many great roles :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Its a great film - that first scene with Bauhaus in the club is wonderful. And pikkrong , dont start dissing vampire mythology now ..... 8)
Didn't want to insult anybody. Sorry about my night-words. All this is just too romantic for me.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 01:00
by karin
and and and...Style Icons ? the French ? style icons my arse. Last time I was in Paris I saw more frizzy perms and orange and purple anoraks than you could shake a stick at. Me, I, Me :kiss: I was the most stylish of them all (Oh yes) in my faux ( oops excuse my french ) Rupert the bear trousers. Oh yes.. ;D :kiss: :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 01:23
by 6FeetOver

[bitch mode]

Steve? Richey? Arguments are one thing - personal insults are quite another. Play nice, or take it outside, please.

[/bitch mode]

Thanks! ;D :von:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 01:27
by 6FeetOver
MrChris wrote:My very limited experience of the French would also appear to paint them as stubborn, unhelpful, condescending and evasive.
Are you sure you're not talking about *Americans* here? :wink: :roll: ;D :von:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 02:24
by karin
doncha just hate it when that happens ? :roll: :D :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 06:35
by cyn
Dunno about chocolate vs muffins.

But without the French We would not have Les Miserables.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 09:32
by RicheyJames
SINsister wrote:Erm...

[bitch mode]

Steve? Richey? Arguments are one thing - personal insults are quite another. Play nice, or take it outside, please.

[/bitch mode]

Thanks! ;D :von:
eh? have i just been told off for something i said two weeks ago? and it wasn't an insult it was sarcasm - did i forget my :wink: again? :twisted:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 12:23
by Loki
Apparently, when the French do a No.2, they do it in the shower and poke it down the plug hole with their big toe. I read it in a magazine so it must be true. Oh, I remember ... I read it in Viz.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 15:45
by cyn
Johnny Boy wrote:Apparently, when the French do a No.2, they do it in the shower and poke it down the plug hole with their big toe. I read it in a magazine so it must be true. Oh, I remember ... I read it in Viz.
Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :urff:

*Makes mental note not to let french people use her shower*

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 18:01
by 6FeetOver
Johnny Boy wrote:Apparently, when the French do a No.2, they do it in the shower and poke it down the plug hole with their big toe. I read it in a magazine so it must be true. Oh, I remember ... I read it in Viz.
Hmm. I think I'm going to be sick. Lemme ponder this for a sec. Yep! Vomit-worthy. Please excuse me... :urff: :urff: :urff:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 18:43
by James Blast
Johnny Boy wrote:Apparently, when the French do a No.2, they do it in the shower and poke it down the plug hole with their big toe.
anyone who has read Head On by Julian Cope will know that he has practiced this black art too :urff:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:45
by Angelchild
Having said that before I was an office clerk I was a nurse for 10 years and I've seen worse, but I won't go into gory details :eek: Praise be I'm out of all that now(not all the gory stuff,just the stress etc etc)

What was JC doing? Or don't we want to know? :urff:

Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 01:10
by XidiouX
My old man recently moved to Carcassonne. Went to visit him a few weeks ago. Nice place. Nice castle. Nice canal. Nice women. Nice fois gras.

Nice post office.


Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 08:47
by iesus
He bought a castle in Carcassonne with canals around it and full of women :eek: :eek:

Tell us the truth is he the winner of Jack Pot in Lotto that stayed anonymous? ;D :notworthy:

Anyway that is what someone can call living elegante , respect to achiever :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 11:37
by Silver_Owl
Jesus...You dug this one up! :lol:

I've just read my comments from 11 years ago and to be honest I'm a little ashamed. So a belated apology to anybody who reads them. :oops: