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Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 20:39
by Thrash Harry
Johnny Boy wrote:And just to put the cat amongst the pigeons and push the envelope a little more, this has always grated on me from day 1 ...

It's just a feeling
I get sometimes

A feeling


And I get frightened
Just like you

I get frightened too

:urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff:

Guaranteed to have a non-Sisters fan laughing hysterically before the first chorus has finished. I assume it's Hussey but he :von: still immortalised it on vinyl.
And what about:

We knew the words
We knew the score
We knew what we were fighting for

Defintely a case of the Jimmy Purseys there, me thinks.

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 22:17
by James Blast
now you're just being mean Harry

Posted: 01 Nov 2003, 01:26
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:I came
I saw
I punched Jools Holand's fu*kin' lights out!
Now that's fighting talk. Remember The Tube? The man's a God in my eyes.

Posted: 01 Nov 2003, 02:18
by James Blast
I really cannot let this one go by....

C'mon, c'mon!
'Urry up Harry Come On

C'mon, c'mon!
'urry up Harry come on

We're goin dahn tha pub...... etc.


Posted: 01 Nov 2003, 02:52
by Thrash Harry
Hooked line and sinker! Go ahead punk, make my day.

Posted: 01 Nov 2003, 13:05
by Almiche V
Red Sunsets wrote:I really cannot let this one go by....

C'mon, c'mon!
'Urry up Harry Come On

C'mon, c'mon!
'urry up Harry come on

We're goin dahn tha pub...... etc.

That's one of the bestest lyrics ever written!
Thrash Harry wrote:Now that's fighting talk. Remember The Tube? The man's a God in my eyes.
"And now we go up to join Paula on the bollockany." 8)

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 11:51
by Black Dahlia
I vote for the lovely *insert puking smiley* Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. Simply for this gem from their latest appalling offering :

"Noone knows what its like,
To be the bad man,
To be the sad man,
Behind blue eyes"

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the acceptable face of Nu Metal .....

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 18:17
by James Blast
I hate to be the bearer of bad news BD but that lyric first appeared in The (Mighty) Who's Behind Blue Eyes from the Who's Next album, sorry :(

Damn fine new avatar Girl!!! :D

Rutlin Orange Peel

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 18:24
by Black Dahlia
Red Sunsets wrote:I hate to be the bearer of bad news BD but that lyric first appeared in The (Mighty) Who's Behind Blue Eyes from the Who's Next album, sorry :(

Damn fine new avatar Girl!!! :D

Rutlin Orange Peel
Okay, now Im traumatised!! :eek: Its bloody awful that song!!

We'll just stand Pete Townsend behind Fred Durst and shoot 'em both.

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 13:34
by mh
Funny enough, Von has always claimed Stripey is one of his fave lyricists but listening to the new REM single, it contains atrocities along similar lines to those which poor helpless vulnerable little Wayne has always been slagged off for.

And speaking of Atrocities (although it's a damn fine LP), what about a nod for dear old Valor Kand? The guy can barely string a coherent sentence together in any of his "essays", so that he has the temerity to think he can get away with writing lyrics is beyond a joke.

Here's a sample of the full pretentious horror:

"White faced lovers wreath in sex
Naked bodies no latex
Sink in the fingernail
Scratch upon the Serpent's Tail
Night falls upon our lips
Moist caress fingertips
Desperate love devors flesh
Into one we will mesh
Our bodies intertwine
Velvet skin so serpentine
Sink in the fingernail
Scratch upon the Serpent's Tail
Let us drink
Let it overflow
Do not fear this wicked thing
For it's a kind of um? Christening
The Serpent has shed his skin
Do not fear him let him in
Let him in
Let him in"

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 18:59
by Nick_O_Tine
Oh no!, Valor Kand!, just to think about him and I get sick. My beloved Rozz Williams was a great lyricist but Kand... shame, shame.

One of the worst lyricist for me would be a quite famous spanish band called "Los Planetas". I think a 2 years old child could write better lyrics than them. They go on my nerves.

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 21:06
by emilystrange
whitney, for putting 'credit card receipt' in a song

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 21:45
by Black Dahlia
No,rhythm 1 Lust
there's things that you guess
and things that you know
there's boys you can trust
and girls that you don't
there's little things you hide
and little things that you show
sometimes you think you're gonna get it
but you don't and that's just the way it goes

I swear I won't tease you
won't tell you no lies
I don't need no bible
just look in my eyes
I've waited so long baby
now that we're friends
every man's got his patience
and here's where mine ends

I want your sex
I want you
I want

it's playing on my mind
it's dancing on my soul
it's taken so much time
so why don't you just let me go
I'd really like to try
when you tell me you're gonna regret it
then I tell you that I love you but you still say NO!

I swear I won't tease you
won't tell you no lies
I don't need no bible
just look in my eyes
I've waited so long baby
out in the cold
I can't take much more girl
I'm losing control

it's natural
it's chemical (let's do it)
it's logical
habitual (can we do it?)
it's sensual
but most of all...
sex is something we should do
sex is something for me and you

sex is natural-sex is good
nor everybody does it
but everybody should
sex is natural-sex is fun
sex is best when it's.. one on one
one on one

I'm not your father
I'm not your brother
talk to your sister
I am a lover

c-c-c-c-come on

what's your definition of dirty baby
what do you consider pornography
don't you know I love you till it hurts me baby
don't you think it's time you had sex with me

what's your definition of dirty baby
what do you call pornography
don't you know I love you till it hurts me baby
don't you think it's time you had sex with me

sex with me
sex with me
have sex with me

c-c-c-c-come on

rythm 2 Brass in love
oh so much love
that you've never seen
let's make love
put your trust in me

don't you listen to what they told you
because I love you
let me hold you

I'm not your brother
I'm not your father
oh will you ever change your mind
I'm a gentle lover with a heart of gold
but baby you've been so unkind

come on
I want your sex
come on
I want your sex
that's right, all night
oh I want your sex
I want

sexy baby's
sexy body
keeps me guessing
with a promise
I know we can come together
but the question is
will we ever?

sexy baby's
(sexy baby's)
sexy body
(sexy body)
keeps me guessing
with a promise
I know we can come together
but the question is
will we ever?

together-you and me

No, No, No - This really HAS to be the winner. No contest. Stand Up George Michael. I really can't think of a worse song lyrically.

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 15:53
by randdebiel²
there's something I don't understand...Macca best? and noone reacted to thet? :( now I'm depressed.....

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 19:36
by James Blast
Blimey BD that was a long one! you do have a deep seated hate for that tune I'd guess
