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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by pixelgirl
yes. altho i believe they are plotting to take over the world by sending us mad with sleep deprivation. they should be sent out to earn their own whiskas...little furry freeloaders...if only they had thumbs and could open their own cans they would take over the world...hhmm ;-)

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
everyone knows cats are just furry snakes with legs :wink:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by rian
On 2002-02-11 13:12, Quiff Boy wrote:
What is Sunday without......

- a warm, comfy bed
- nice warm pyjamas
- beans on toast for brekky (with mushrooms, tomatoes, butterbeans, and balsamic vinegar! oh yes.)
- a copy of the observer (delivered to the door if poss)
- a big mug of warm vimto
- central heating (essential in order to feel even slightly nice about one's self early on a sunday morning)
- a big comfy settee
- a set of fairy lights in the window when it starts to get dark
- almost anything by autechre
- "17 seconds" by the cure (perfect if you are hungover and its raining)
- a phonecall to the folks to let them you know you survived the last week and the weekend
- surfing the web on the cheap (sob boo hoo! i WANT a new pc!!!! now!!!)
- "sing something simple" on the radio (hahaha :wink: )

yeah, i know it all sounds very 'wintery' and probably more than a little middle aged, but god dammit i'm only 29 and this is what i like about sundays :smile:
No money left (spent the last cents on beer)
Wondering: "Who`s that in my bed"?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Debaser
On 2002-02-20 10:28, pixelgirl wrote:
you missed out the fact that you need a huge furry cat to purr at you and steal your toast...completes the day :grin:
Pixelgirl...I recognise that Avatar!


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy

yeah. pixelgirl is a friend of mine - i "found" her the piccy...

its a fair cop. :eek: :P

in my defense i will add that she does actually look like that in real life!!! ;-)

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by rian
Tomorrow it`s sunday, and I have too work. :cry:

I wish that I could stay in bed all day instead. :sad:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On 2002-03-09 15:25, Rian wrote:
Tomorrow it`s sunday, and I have too work. :cry:

I wish that I could stay in bed all day instead. :sad:

today is saturday and i am at work - thats bad enough! :sad:

the worst thing is that our IT systems get really busy on a saturday so we stop any development we are doing, and literally just sit there and watch graphs and charts - babysitting the damn computers!

tedious in the extreme! *yawn*

hence my gratuitous posting today! :roll:

glad i dont have to work sundays tho! :yawn:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by rian
On 2002-03-09 15:28, Quiff Boy wrote:
On 2002-03-09 15:25, Rian wrote:
Tomorrow it`s sunday, and I have too work. :cry:

I wish that I could stay in bed all day instead. :sad:

today is saturday and i am at work - thats bad enough! :sad:

the worst thing is that our IT systems get really busy on a saturday so we stop any development we are doing, and literally just sit there and watch graphs and charts - babysitting the damn computers!

tedious in the extreme! *yawn*

hence my gratuitous posting today! :roll:

glad i dont have to work sundays tho! :yawn:
Well, working saterday are bad too. :P
Where and with what are you working?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
Where and with what are you working?
i work for a rather famous firm of bookmakers (ie: gambling) - hence we hget a bit busy on saturdays! :eek:

i look after their e-betting website. mostly these days it ticks over quite nicely and i only have to fix the odd bug now and then... :smile:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by rian
OK! So you are a gambler then? :grin:

I playd on english football to day. I use to do that on saterdays. In Sweden we call it "stryktipset". We plat on 13 games. 1 for win, X for draw and 2 for loss.

I use to get between 8-11 rights, but it`s no good money then. :sad: You have to score 12 or 13 to get rich.

Someday I will. })

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On 2002-03-09 15:41, Rian wrote:
OK! So you are a gambler then? :grin:
actually, no i'm not! :grin:
I playd on english football to day. I use to do that on saterdays. In Sweden we call it "stryktipset". We plat on 13 games. 1 for win, X for draw and 2 for loss.

I use to get between 8-11 rights, but it`s no good money then. :sad: You have to score 12 or 13 to get rich.
sounds too much like hard work! stick to treble yankees!!! :wink:
Someday I will. })
tsk! that's what they all say! its a mug's game! i wouldn't bother...unless of course you choose to gamble at - in which case you help pay my wages!! ;-)

Posted: 31 Jul 2004, 18:45
by James Blast
Sunday at Chateau B'Last :
rise 3pm
cuppa, several smokes and solitaire
shoe shine
shiraz pt.1
shiraz pt.2

Posted: 31 Jul 2004, 23:35
by Francis
James Blast wrote:scran
But what is it?

September - April chez moi, nous sommes les rosbifs, vin rouge et Stilton.
Mai - Aout, chicken salad, Morrison's hock and ice-cream.

All prepared by my own fair hands, accompanied by early Sinatra and Stella.

Posted: 31 Jul 2004, 23:44
by James Blast
I still live with my Mum Francis she is a wonderful cook, satisfied that you have humiliated me now? :oops:

Posted: 31 Jul 2004, 23:47
by Francis
James Blast wrote:she is a wonderful cook
Goes without saying. But what is her Sunday Special?

Posted: 31 Jul 2004, 23:59
by Gary
i have to work at the evil argos!

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 00:04
by Francis
Gary wrote:i have to work at the evil argos!
Upstairs or downstairs?

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 00:12
by James Blast
@ Francis

there are so many.....
Chicken Filo
Steak & Kidney Pie
Roast Beef +
Prawn Cocktail
Mince (as in meat) pie
Poussan avec potato crisps (no laffing, yer kids would love it, ask me for the recipe)
Steak, egg and homemade tattie scones
Coronation Chicken

she also does stuff I don't eat:
Mince Pies (Christmas types)
Scones with currants
Munz 'n' Tatties (mince and potatoes)

as you can see, the top list beats the bottom list, so I win, no?

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 00:37
by Francis
James Blast wrote:Chicken Filo
Filo - is that a pastry thing?
James Blast wrote:Steak & Kidney Pie
My Mum does a blinding one with puff pastry and roast potatoes to kill for.
James Blast wrote:Lasagne
Roast Beef +
Moi aussi.
James Blast wrote:Manicotti
James Blast wrote:Prawn Cocktail
Pam says I put too much thousand island dressing on, but I just can't help myself!
James Blast wrote:Mince (as in meat) pie
With ale?
James Blast wrote:Poussan avec potato crisps (no laffing, yer kids would love it, ask me for the recipe)
I await your PM...
James Blast wrote:Steak, egg and homemade tattie scones
Steak, chips, fried mushrooms, tomatoes and Bird's Eye peas for me. Egg on gammon steak was luxury when I was a student.
James Blast wrote:Coronation Chicken
Makes a nice sandwich.
James Blast wrote:she also does stuff I don't eat:
School dinners put me right off this. But I only married Pam for her sister's sherry trifle. :lol:

Hell, I've got to go and raid the fridge now...

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 01:25
by James Blast
OK Mr. Harry (still find it hard calling you Francis)

Chicken In Crisps:
take a chicken breast (free range of course)
prick it
cover in HP Tomato sauce (other brands, and flavours are available)
crunch up a bag of Smokey Bacon (or other desired flavour) crisps*
cover the tomato'd breast in the crunched crisps (pat well in, both sides)
into a hot oven, 200 c for 17mins
serve with chips, or whatever takes the childrens' fancy

*alternatively, put them in a 4 year olds satchel for 24hrs

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 16:02
by andymackem
You can't be serious? Chicken breast coated in crisps?

I'm sorry, that slightly upsets me. If you want a bacon flavour with the chicken, why not wrap it in a rasher of bacon? Or did I miss something crucial?

And if you used other flavours .... the mind boggles.

Just finished one of my own Sunday specialities: flash-fried chicken breast wrapped in parma ham, with a white wine and mustard sauce. And not a crisp in sight!

And now, since I'm having an argument with her ladyship, I'm going to devote a chunk of this afternoon to baking cookies. It's a comfort thing.

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 17:08
by Gary
Francis wrote:
Gary wrote:i have to work at the evil argos!
Upstairs or downstairs?
Both, but today I was on customer service

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 18:20
by rian
Quiff Boy wrote:What is Sunday without......

- a warm, comfy bed
- nice warm pyjamas
- beans on toast for brekky (with mushrooms, tomatoes, butterbeans, and balsamic vinegar! oh yes.)
- a copy of the observer (delivered to the door if poss)
- a big mug of warm vimto
- central heating (essential in order to feel even slightly nice about one's self early on a sunday morning)
- a big comfy settee
- a set of fairy lights in the window when it starts to get dark
- almost anything by autechre
- "17 seconds" by the cure (perfect if you are hungover and its raining)
- a phonecall to the folks to let them you know you survived the last week and the weekend
- surfing the web on the cheap (sob boo hoo! i WANT a new pc!!!! now!!!)
- "sing something simple" on the radio (hahaha :wink: )

yeah, i know it all sounds very 'wintery' and probably more than a little middle aged, but god dammit i'm only 29 and this is what i like about sundays :smile:
Has your girlfriend dumped you? :eek:


Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 20:01
by James Blast
andymackem wrote:You can't be serious? Chicken breast coated in crisps?
try it you pseud :twisted: espesh if you have nippers

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 20:37
by Andie
James Blast wrote:
andymackem wrote:You can't be serious? Chicken breast coated in crisps?
try it you pseud :twisted: espesh if you have nippers
it is top notch...but not so for a monsters prefer a full on roast...

today...Sunday was like Saturday...

barbeque time for us in the sunshine...chicken...burgers...salad stuff...and loads of hover flies