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Posted: 07 Nov 2003, 22:06
by Thrash Harry
mh wrote:At the end of the day, we pay his wages. It's totally up to him if he wants that arrangement to continue, but I for one think he should have the common courtesy to keep us in the picture. If Von even understands those words anymore, of course.
Do you really believe this? He owes you? Come on. You bought the records/ went to the gigs for your enjoyment, not for his, surely?

Posted: 07 Nov 2003, 23:27
by James Blast
an ego Mr. E's size could suck the sun out Thrash, alternatively -
•he's got enough to get by on and doesn't give a flying one
•he is an indolent man of dubious parentage
•he reads too many books and none of them are Pukoon or anything by Bill Bryson

only my view from the hill

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 00:02
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:•he reads too many books and none of them are Pukoon or anything by Bill Bryson

Now you're just being deliberately obtuse, or am I Just a philistine? Nice avatar by the way. Personally, I prefer their Trick Of The Tail/ Wind & Wuthering period. No drugs required.

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 01:12
by James Blast
Bad Call Thrash! Genesis went swiftly downhill in the 'band that were different from the rest' stakes after Ped Gabs split. OK Trick (pop pap for emerging yuppies) was their breakthrough, W&W was consolidation and a bit of a return to form. Then it all went Pete Tong (IMO) Rutherford still pulled out a nice bassline/sound and Collins (cretin that he is) was a great drummer (bastid!).
Sorry for the rave Harry but Genesis meant a great deal to me, once.
I feel the same way about The Sisters Of Mercy, I don't want the dream to fade.

man overboard....

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 01:14
by James Blast
Oops I have gone right off topic, I blame Gary Thain, bassist of Uriah Heep :D

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 01:44
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Bad Call Thrash! Genesis went swiftly downhill in the 'band that were different from the rest' stakes after Ped Gabs split.
Any fool can drop some acid and come up with some Edward Lear. Just ask Syd Barrett. A song like Ripples requires a whole different perspective. Still sends shivers down my spine.

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 17:10
by Planet Dave
For sure, there are some fine songs from the post-Gabriel Genesis, Mama for example, Home By The Sea (Hitmen lurking within, one assumes), and a fair few from Trick and Wind And Wuthering, who's names escape me due to the many years that have passed since I listened to any of 'em. But nothing touches Supper's Ready, or The Lamb, or most of Selling England. If that's what acid can do for you, where's the dealer?

However, back on track, there'll be no closure from Von. He'll either release something else or not, as he sees fit. Anyone still expecting / hoping for a sign otherwise really should know better by now. I personally prefer these 'prolonged' periods of silence, gives one some hope that he / they are actually sat in a dank studio somewhere doing something constructive. Unfortunately, I guess Steve303 is spot on - Von'll be at the match in some godforsaken German second division backwater.

Rather groovily, I happened upon a record shop in Headingley this morning (Polar Bear), and was chuffed to find a 3" Dominion CD single. Not seen one of those for a while, indeed, not since my last one got nicked, along with the rest of my collection (some thousand-odd CDs) back in 95. 'Untitled' is truly beyond compare. And currently my fave Sisters track bar none.


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 18:49
by Almiche V
I'd forgotten about Home By The Sea, it's a very good track and is great live. I like the Duke album as well.

James has started a similar thread to this and I've posted there. I really hope we do get some studio stuff, and soon. When the Susanne vid first came on the official site I thought it was Christmas!

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 19:58
by Thrash Harry
Dave Whelan wrote:He'll either release something else or not, as he sees fit. Anyone still expecting / hoping for a sign otherwise really should know better by now.
Absolutely. Never say never again, as someone should have told Johnny Rotten before he so publicly avowed 'as anyone who really knows me will tell you, I never repeat myself' when asked if the Pistols would ever reform, some years prior to 2002.

Didn't Von say somewhere that he would never retire? The Sisters Of Mercy aren't a band, their one of Eldritch's many addictions. And he clearly ain't no quitter!

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 22:00
by Angelchild
Dave Whelan wrote:For sure, there are some fine songs from the post-Gabriel Genesis, Mama for example, Home By The Sea (Hitmen lurking within, one assumes), and a fair few from Trick and Wind And Wuthering, who's names escape me due to the many years that have passed since I listened to any of 'em. But nothing touches Supper's Ready, or The Lamb, or most of Selling England. If that's what acid can do for you, where's the dealer?

However, back on track, there'll be no closure from Von. He'll either release something else or not, as he sees fit. Anyone still expecting / hoping for a sign otherwise really should know better by now. I personally prefer these 'prolonged' periods of silence, gives one some hope that he / they are actually sat in a dank studio somewhere doing something constructive. Unfortunately, I guess Steve303 is spot on - Von'll be at the match in some godforsaken German second division backwater.

Rather groovily, I happened upon a record shop in Headingley this morning (Polar Bear), and was chuffed to find a 3" Dominion CD single. Not seen one of those for a while, indeed, not since my last one got nicked, along with the rest of my collection (some thousand-odd CDs) back in 95. 'Untitled' is truly beyond compare. And currently my fave Sisters track bar none.

An excellent shop,they do mail order too and it's reasonably hard to get hold of stuff I've bought from them too(for a reasonable sum)


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 22:39
by Padstar
aaawwwwww........ hes just waiting for the right moment !!!!


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 22:47
by Erudite
Padstar wrote:aaawwwwww........ hes just waiting for the right moment !!!!

If we're still talking about AE, I think the "right moment" has come and gone several times in the last decade.

But the t-shirt sales shall go on forever!

How are things by the way, Paddy?

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 22:59
by Padstar
Im cool thanks..... we lost a few gigs this month, but im sure things will pick up a bit in the new year.

Hows life treating you ?

i agree with your comments too Don.... you know how much i like my Sisters tops !!!!


Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 01:20
by Muppet Boy
Erudite wrote: But the t-shirt sales shall go on forever!

Except that you can't get t-shirt ordering info 'direct from the source', due to the deafening silence.


Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 01:26
by Quiff Boy
true. that is a big hole in their merchandising masterplan innit?

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 01:26
by Thrash Harry
Muppet Boy wrote:
Erudite wrote: But the t-shirt sales shall go on forever!

Except that you can't get t-shirt ordering info 'direct from the source', due to the deafening silence.

I recently tried knocking on the door. You know. The address on the Reptile House EP. There ain't even a 'Birthplace of The Sisters Of Mercy' plaque up yet. That's got to be a good sign.

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 01:34
by Thrash Harry
Padstar wrote:Im cool thanks..... we lost a few gigs this month, but im sure things will pick up a bit in the new year.
How do you 'lose gigs'? I might need to know these things in a few years time. Cool CD, by the way. Eldritch should've stuck to self-funding. Much more satisfying, don't you think? The WEA 'it's only a distribution deal' seems to have caused a lot of problems. Chatty chatty mouth, be wise and know your history.

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 01:51
by James Blast
lets get some sounds we all can purchase before a plaque Thrash

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 15:22
by Erudite
Padstar wrote:Im cool thanks..... we lost a few gigs this month, but im sure things will pick up a bit in the new year.

Hows life treating you ?

i agree with your comments too Don.... you know how much i like my Sisters tops !!!!


Plenty of ups and downs at the moment, most of them financial, but on the whole things are not too bad.
I shall pm the gory details at some point.
Hopefully, I'll be able to make it down your way sometime in the new year and catch another gig.

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 18:51
by James Blast
Thrash if I'm coming across as being negative to you, I don't mean to. I think you make a lot of great postings, I was just reading back through some of our exchanges and it struck me you might think I was trying to be nasty or summat. I wasn't and I'm not.

regards and keep posting

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 11:03
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Thrash if I'm coming across as being negative to you, I don't mean to. I think you make a lot of great postings, I was just reading back through some of our exchanges and it struck me you might think I was trying to be nasty or summat. I wasn't and I'm not.

regards and keep posting

So what IS your favourite Uriah Heep album then? Or don't you rate them?

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 11:09
by Quiff Boy
group hug anyone?


seriously though, thats how to be mature and deal with crossed wires - nice one 8)

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 11:10
by Silver_Owl
It's beautiful man. Real beautiful.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 11:47
by mh
Thrash Harry wrote:
mh wrote:At the end of the day, we pay his wages. It's totally up to him if he wants that arrangement to continue, but I for one think he should have the common courtesy to keep us in the picture. If Von even understands those words anymore, of course.
Do you really believe this? He owes you? Come on. You bought the records/ went to the gigs for your enjoyment, not for his, surely?
Nope, don't believe he owes me anything. As I said, it's totally up to him. I've heard both sides of this particular argument so many times over the years, with absolutely nothing worthwhile emerging.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:33
by James Blast
gotta be Uriah Heep Live! Thrash, the original one with the black sleeve and all the lovely photos inside :D