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Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:26
by Black Shuck
CorpPunk wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia
I agree with my esteemed colleague--if insomnia were on the list, it would have been my first choice hands down.
Hello Big Si, Corpunk.
the reason why I didn't include afflictions such as 'insomnia' and 'hangovers' on the list is cos it's meant to be a list of smaller, pettier, less serious (but no less annoying!) irritations.
snowey wrote::D Great.... Blue nose baiting... Where do I sign up for that. :innocent:
Snowey, you sign up inside Prenton Park, along with all the other jealous Tranmere fans.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:51
by khepri II
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:

start watching Everton. that should do the trick :wink:

Seriously though, not nice :(

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:57
by Big Si
khepri II wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:

start watching Everton. that should do the trick :wink:

Seriously though, not nice :(
We're playing Partick Thistle on saturday, so I think that'll do the trick, especially after tomorrow night against Bayern Munich! :D

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 18:03
by randdebiel²
khepri II wrote:why haven't you got a choice of bitter, whinging, scouse blue noses with no sense of irony, or humour :evil:

@ Mr Chris

leave the f*cking pram at home. The only reason you drag it about, chopping peoples legs at the knees is because you've realised it's a handy way of carrying far too much shopping around. Which is why they become a b*stard to navigate.
They're not designed for a payload the size of the space shuttle.

Just wait 'till the first time 'lil Chris is whinging and you pick him up without removing all the sh*t hanging off the back :lol: :lol: :lol:
I agree...but I extend that to Anderlecht fans

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 18:11
by randdebiel²
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:
it's been three weeks since I slept normally.....but the worst was thursday till saturday....two nights in which I wasn't able to sleep at all....I started kind of hallucinating yesterday.....

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 18:11
by Karst
People slagging of the M!ss!on 'cus they don't *do* ironic.
Its only rock and roll, kids!


Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 18:14
by CorpPunk
randdebiel² wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:
it's been three weeks since I slept normally.....but the worst was thursday till saturday....two nights in which I wasn't able to sleep at all....I started kind of hallucinating yesterday.....
Lightweight. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in four months. Hallucinating isn't the problem; you should be more concerned about what happens beyond that point. :twisted:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 18:17
by emilystrange
right now its my boss. i am stuck at work at 5.15 waiting for him to sign something with no idea when he's going to finish his meeting. and it has to go in post tonight.
and i've told him how i feel.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 19:19
by Angelchild
I'll have to have a think about this list... as most of them do :twisted:
Is it single or multiple choice answer only?

PS Emily,my sympathies re your boss, been there myself many a time.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 19:29
by Almiche V
This topic's got my blood pressure RIGHT up.

It's the cinema one for me, talking and eating. I remember seeing The Two Towers and being sat next to a bloke eating crunchy sweets, especially in the quiet bits. Chomp, chomp, f**king chomp. So I asked him to eat more quietly (ie stop) and he did thankfully. The next step would have been to do a Von. I think it's the way they sit there like a zombie and shovel food into their gobs that gets me.

Control Tom, control. Image

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 19:46
by snowey
Hey Shuck,

The little team over the right side of the water aren't jealous of you lot. Why should we be? Weve got the best, if rather small, newer ground. Fans who aren't fickle and players who don't kick the s**t out of burglars.

:twisted: Oh anyway why is it Ever*** don't play us pre-season anymore? Has it got something to do with us whupping your arses every year??

Please don't mention the fact that your in the premier league.. who cares? £55 to watch your team play at Chelsea (well it was for Liverpool it might be less coz it's Ever***) or £6.50 at Hornchurch. I've payed the £6.50. No contest.

Wow this is fun..... :innocent: :twisted: :evil: :D :D :D


PS it's only a joke don't get to wound up. well not much. Take Care

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 19:48
by khepri II
Now now Snowey

don't mock the afflicted :twisted:

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 20:04
by Big Si
CorpPunk wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:
it's been three weeks since I slept normally.....but the worst was thursday till saturday....two nights in which I wasn't able to sleep at all....I started kind of hallucinating yesterday.....
Lightweight. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in four months. Hallucinating isn't the problem; you should be more concerned about what happens beyond that point. :twisted:
4 months? :roll: Try 6 hen! :evil:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 20:24
by CorpPunk
Big Si wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:it's been three weeks since I slept normally.....but the worst was thursday till saturday....two nights in which I wasn't able to sleep at all....I started kind of hallucinating yesterday.....
Lightweight. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in four months. Hallucinating isn't the problem; you should be more concerned about what happens beyond that point. :twisted:
4 months? :roll: Try 6 hen! :evil:
I'm on my way :evil: . But one day, we'll look back at this little episode of sleeplessness and laugh hysterically, and then the nurse who keeps changing shape will come with our blue pills that never change colour and we won't have to worry about not sleeping anymore, cos we'll be dreaming all the time we're awake.

Wow, hallucinations are a gas. Like Belsen, I heard the other day.

And a big, fat :roll: to me.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 21:35
by Debaser
Where's 'People who stand at the front at gigs then fukking talk all the way through' or 'Snoggy couples at gigs'

And Shuck, what do you expect to find outside school gates at going home time (apart from Gary Glitter and Micheal Jackson) Why not avoid them all by planning yer jaunts either earlier or later??

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 22:50
by Big Si
Debaser wrote:Where's 'People who stand at the front at gigs then fukking talk all the way through' or 'Snoggy couples at gigs'
Or crowd surfers/stage divers, C**TS! :evil:

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 12:53
by Black Shuck
Hey Snowey.

I've already stated how I feel about your silly little team on the 'Football teams' post, but I dont think anyone read it, so here it is again:
snowey wrote:How about the best chant at a footy match??? This one is for Black Shuck.... :innocent: :innocent:

3-0 to the Tranmere
Are you Chester in disguise
Steve Yates is a goal machine :notworthy:

All sung at goodison during the Ever*** v Tranmere Rovers, 18/1/2001.

No disrespect to Tranmere (although they ARE crap), but we were so awful under Walter Smith in 2001 that a 'MY HEARTLAND XI' could have beaten us 3-0.

It's interesting that you made the highly original joke of calling us 'Ever***' as if it's a swear word.
Why do Tranmere fans hate the blues so much? well, obviously jealousy plays a part, but there's more to it than that. Why the irrational hatred, Snowey?

it's rather ironic, but Everton fans have actually kept Tranmere afloat over these last few difficult years; whenever Everton aren't playing, or are playing away, a huge load of our fans go and watch Tranmere instead.
I estimate that on an average home game, half your crowd are actually blues.

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 12:59
by Black Shuck
khepri II wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last nite :roll:

start watching Everton. that should do the trick :wink:

khepri II wrote:Now now Snowey

don't mock the afflicted :twisted:

:notworthy: :notworthy:
Incredibly, Khepri II, you are the LEAST arrogant and patronising red scum fan I have ever come across.
'nuff sed! 8)

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 13:50
by snowey
Ever*** may have been s**t under Walter Smith but you got to remember that Tranmere were at the botton off Division 1 and heading for Division 2 at a fast rate of knots. Tranmere had hardly won any of there matches that season and Ever*** were supposed to be a top team :lol:.

The fact that this result still pisses off all the Ever*** fans in the building I work in means it still hurts to be beat by the small team from across the water.

The reason most Tranmere fans hate Ever*** is the fact is there fans seem to think they have some devine right to be one of the top 5 teams. Lets get this right.... Ever*** where a good side in the mid eighties but since the ban in europe in 85 Ever*** have become a bag of s**t. This year they are a one man (boy?) team.

The rovers fans never claim to be a good side, in fact if you ask most honest Tranmere fans they will tell you that we are a p*ss poor side this season and quite a few of our points have been gained due to good luck and our 1st away win "MAY" be at Hornchurch.

How many times have Ever*** been to Wembley in the last 15 years? Who was one of the last 2 teams to play at the old wembley? in a cup final.

God you Ever*** fans really do get annoyed over nothing.

More blue baiting later.


Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 14:11
by khepri II
Incredibly, Khepri II, you are the LEAST arrogant and patronising red scum fan I have ever come across.
'nuff sed!

when the f*ck did i say i was a Liverpool fan :?

Jesus, now i feel insulted :(

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 14:43
by snowey
:D perhaps they meant to say Red MANC scum or Red BORO scum or even Red SWINDON Scum.

Could be a lot worse you could be a Bolton fan :cry:

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 14:47
by mayhem
[quote="Debaser"]Where's 'People who stand at the front at gigs then fukking talk all the way through' or 'Snoggy couples at gigs'


Oh yes. And also those who start coughing & wafting their hands around at Sisters gigs when the smoke starts. At which point I always gratify the urge for a fag.

But worst of all those who think I have stood at the front for over two hours before the band come on for fun, & of course I won't mind if they just shove their way in front of me & shout MARIAAAAN for an hour and a half. Or should I say, attempt to. Heh heh heh.


Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 20:54
by Black Shuck
snowey wrote:Ever*** may have been **** under Walter Smith but you got to remember that Tranmere were at the botton off Division 1 and heading for Division 2 at a fast rate of knots. Tranmere had hardly won any of there matches that season and Ever*** were supposed to be a top team :lol:.
Why do you keep mentioning this one match? I had honestly forgotten all about it. we lost to Shrewsbury last season, too - so what? it's only one game. I've never met an Everton fan bothered by the odd crap result (just as well, as we've had a few in the last few years!) I actually think you're a little bit sad to keep banging on about it.
snowey wrote:The reason most Tranmere fans hate Ever*** is the fact is there fans seem to think they have some devine right to be one of the top 5 teams. Lets get this right.... Ever*** where a good side in the mid eighties but since the ban in europe in 85 Ever*** have become a bag of ****. This year they are a one man (boy?) team.
If we're so crap, how come we get forty thousand people watching us every week? and that 'one man team' idea is 100% bollocks - Rooney was just one cog in a mighty machine during our storming season (he scored 6 of our 50 goals), and this year he's been dissapointing so far.
snowey wrote:How many times have Ever*** been to Wembley in the last 15 years?
three times - Zenith Data Systems cup final '91, FA cup '95 (beat the red filth) and charity shield '95 (beat champions Blackburn).
snowey wrote:God you Ever*** fans really do get annoyed over nothing.
Do we? I've never met a blues fan even remotely annoyed about Tranmere or their fans. Sorry, but you're just too c**p to worry about. As I've already stated, a small army of Everton fans watch your home games.
snowey wrote:tara
Bye! I look forward to your next bitter, jealous rant! :kiss:

Posted: 25 Nov 2003, 21:48
by Angelchild
Big Si wrote:
Debaser wrote:Where's 'People who stand at the front at gigs then fukking talk all the way through' or 'Snoggy couples at gigs'
Or crowd surfers/stage divers, C**TS! :evil:
Hooray.Agreed Big Man.I've lost count of the concussions I've had a gigs from boots on my heid from their ilk,as well as crushed ribs when you get the PUSH to the front lot or the ones who decide your back is an elbow rest? :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 26 Nov 2003, 08:01
by Thea
i agree with all of them except "students" unless you actually mean "soap-avoidant beardy annoying horsey-laughing posh students" then i'm all for it.

i'm only in it for the 20% off at max speilman (and free food @ mcdonalds.... and cheap haircuts... and cheap cinema tix...)