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pikkrong wrote:Magazine "Side-Line" #30 January / February / March 2000

An interview with That Guitarist (after releasing The m*****n's compilation "Resurrection").

Question: "On the new version of "Wasteland", why the joke of "Marianne" (not my misprint - pikkrong)? (The re-vamped version of "Wasteland" contains bits form this Sisters of Mercy classic tune)"

Answer: "Why not? Who gives a **** if Andrew is going to be pissed off, if he doesn't have any sense of humour left, that's his problem. It's meant to be funny, you know. I wrote the music for both "Marianne" (again - pikkrong ;D ) and "Wasteland" and they are quite similar songs when you listen to them. It's just a little joke. Okay, Andrew didn't like the idea of the Sisterhood either, but who gives a ****!" (laughs)
By the way, in that interview there were no ****-s but a certain s-word.
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