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Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 13:14
by MrChris
{{{woosh}}} {{{woosh}}} **silence**

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 14:20
by mayhem
MrChris wrote:{{{woosh}}} {{{woosh}}} **silence**

:lol: :lol: :lol: Too right mate.

Let's not descend into elitism please. Probably a lot of you kids weren't even born in 1981 & it doesn't matter one bit. Just being around doesn't validate your opinion.


Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 15:25
by Quiff Boy
No, I can appreciate what Taylor is trying to say. I don’t think he’s meaning to be elitist…

I didn’t get into the sisters until 89/90-ish (the first new material I heard was VT... :urff: ), but I can kind of see what he's saying.

If you were a fan from, say, 1982 then you would see their progress and their change in sound as it happened.

It’s a very different thing to get into a band while they are still making and releasing music, to getting into a band “retrospectively� and trawling through their back catalogue.

If you get into a band that is “young� and is actively making records, you get swept along by it all, eagerly awaiting each new record and imagining what it might sound like in relation to their last record, and how their sound will progress/change/etc

There was a distinct change in sound for The Sisters with most new singles.

Between Body Electric, Anaconda and Alice it turned from dark, primal, angry, quasi-punk tunes into edgy darkwave disco with garage guitar riffs. From Alice to Reptile House their sound became more ambient and experimental. Then with Temple it went back to 200mph disco-metal.

And then we have Body & Soul :urff: As Khepri says, it’s very boring, and about as clichéd Goth as it gets… plodding, hackneyed and just plain wrong.

And then we have FALAA, where everything gets a nice pop sheen. Not quite the usual pop sheen, but still fairly poppy compared with, say the RH ep or Anaconda.

And then they disappear, to return a couple of years later with This Corrosion.

What the f**k?!? :o

Imagine hearing all those as they were released. Hearing that change of sound, texture and mood first hand.

No, I can see what Taylor means. I think that expectation and then surprise could colour your view of a record permanently, in much the same way as hearing a tune for the first tome when you are having a wonderful time in your life will leave you with fond memories of the tune, even if it’s actually a crap song :)

By the same taken, I am not a huge fan of VT as I was expecting a darker and more synthy album and was slightly disappointed when I first heard More and then the VT album…

But then that’s why we love them isn’t it? The constant shift of direction. That’s what stops them turning into The Cure, where each of their last x number of albums has sounded just like the one before… :roll:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 16:41
by Scardwel
couldn't have said it better myself Quiff! :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 17:09
by Loki
Quiff Boy wrote: And then they disappear, to return a couple of years later with This Corrosion.

What the ****?!? :o

Imagine hearing all those as they were released. Hearing that change of sound, texture and mood first hand.
This was also back in the days when any new single wasn't aired on the radio for six bloody weeks prior to release date. On the day in question you rushed down to your local record store, purchased said single and ran all the way home to stick it on the turntable. This was the first time you were able to hear it.

After FALAA and previous, and the widerness years, I still have vivid memories of hearing TC for the first time. And my reaction was not disimilar to QB's comment above.

But you listen and learn. AE is a chameleon. Always changing his colours to suit his moods and his needs. You either stay a fan of a set period or grow and adapt and jump upon the Von Eldritch Express. Destination unknown.

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 17:16
by khepri II
One thing i've often wondered as well.

Not wanting to appear a racist pratt :eek: but if English isn't your first language, then just how much of "it" do you get?

I mean *digging another hole for self* is it just the melody, the way the lyrics are structured or what. How come there are so many German Sisters fans.


The only equivilent for me might be Rammstien (Sp? ) and that's just, well, an industrial sound to me :roll:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 17:29
by Silver_Owl
I'd best not get involved in the whole debate thing but their worst ever song is 'More' - it's boring and it's too long. It has nothing at all to offer. Does anybody actually like it?
(As for Dr Jeep - I love the inanity of the lyrics, it's a great throw away song.)

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 17:45
by Loki
Steve303 wrote:'More' - it's boring and it's too long. It has nothing at all to offer. Does anybody actually like it?
I don't mind it but agree that the intro is too long and the outro is way, way, waaaaayyyyyyy too long and sends me to sleep.

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 17:52
by Loki
Oh, and I quite like the 'More' video. Being dragged down onto the floor whilst being caressed and fondled by a number of females is something all male Heartlanders should aspire to. :innocent:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 19:41
by hallucienate
I love More, it's overblown cock rock. Excellent.

And Johnny Boy, it's overrated. :wink:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 20:17
by James Blast
Nine While Nine wasn't on the list :(

Watch and Hitmen are bedroom fumblings.

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 20:18
by JonnyDelphium
leave "Bury Me Deep" alone!

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 20:26
by James Blast
JonnyDelphium wrote:leave "Bury Me Deep" alone!
My fave!

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 21:09
by Erudite
For some reason I really seem to hate Walk Away.

Now Paddy is gonna point out he's seen me dance to it at Smurphs gigs... :innocent:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 21:12
by JonnyDelphium
Walk Away is overrated; although I quite liked Paradise Lost's version

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 21:33
by Angelchild
No complaints about anything,only I've never been too keen on "Torch" & "Anaconda" doesn't always float my boat :roll:

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 21:42
by taylor
thanks a lot Q, you have understand me 100%

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 23:32
by Petseri
Instead of offering a sampling of songs as done in this poll, would it not be better to have separate polls for individual albums and maybe for non-album tracks and for new songs? That is what was done for the "best song" polls.

If anyone wants to revamp this poll into separate ones for the different albums, please spead them out one per week or so. [I even would recommend locking this thread and moving it to another forum, if you know what I mean.] In my opinion, we have enough polls active at the moment. We certainly do not need another six "worst song" polls started up all at once. "Best of" and "worst of" topics come up fairly regularly; there is no need to rush into them all at the same time.

If we really were pressed for another new poll at some point, we could have a final poll conducted of the "winners" or "losers" of the respective polls to see how they compete against one another. Put that off for a rainy day, though.

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 00:02
by James Blast
Petseri, I think it's way past your bedtime :roll:

No offence meant :D

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 00:34
by Petseri
Red Sunsets wrote:Petseri, I think it's way past your bedtime :roll:

No offence meant :D
I think that we should have a poll to see how many people think that it is past my bedtime! :lol:

Still, you know that what I described above is bound to happen at some point.

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 01:01
by James Blast
Aye true, I just don't like thinking that hard.

Posted: 08 Dec 2003, 00:18
by _emma_
khepri II wrote:One thing i've often wondered as well.

Not wanting to appear a racist pratt :eek: but if English isn't your first language, then just how much of "it" do you get?

I mean *digging another hole for self* is it just the melody, the way the lyrics are structured or what. How come there are so many German Sisters fans.


Now that's a good question I've frequently asked myself too.
Imagine you're a teenager whose English skills are far from intermediate, and you know nothing about the whole
sociological, cultural, political etc. background that generated the so-called **** subculture. What's more,
you don't even know who the members of the band are, what they look like, and what they claim they think of the above
background. In such a state, dear khepri II, listening to the Sisters is an absolutely magnificent experience. It's like
suddenly feeling the tender warm touch of a human hand after you've been locked in complete darkness
all your life. And the hand guides you slowly around the room. You touch the objects in the dark and learn their
shapes, imagining what they may possibly look like. Then finally it guides you to the switch that's always
been there on the wall, impossible for you to find, and you push it, and dim multicoloured lights start to shine
in the haze, and you find yourself in a room full of weird, beautiful objects of absolutely incomprehensible use.
Although you now know what they look like, in fact you still don't understand much more than you did
before, but you like it there and so you decide to stay, while the one who guided you retreats into the haze.
So, at first there's just the irresistible lure of the outside layer that draws you into the Sisters and makes you
dig deeper in a desperate effort to understand what they are all about. At first, there's just the sound, and
honestly I have no idea how it works... but there's something very special about it, something you just don't
find in other singers. Either it's the voice, its frequency or hue or whatever, or the way he pronounces
some words, or maybe the way the words are put together, the harmony, the mellody and rhythm of the lyric
itself - I don't know! All I know is that you just don't find it in other singers.

Posted: 08 Dec 2003, 11:15
by Loki
:eek: :eek: :eek: :D 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Dec 2003, 13:07
by Black Shuck
The worst Sisters songs are:
Temple of Love
This Corrosion
I was wrong
when you don't see me
sometyhing fast

Posted: 08 Dec 2003, 13:19
by ryan
and mine:

phantom, burn, 1959, hitmen,

...yeah :?

i hate to judge really.... :innocent: :von: