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Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:11
by RicheyJames
mocking the afflicted is my speciality

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:19
by ryan
badgers eh?

yeah :?

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:28
by James Blast

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:32
by CellThree
The only badger I've seen is one I ran over in my car earlier this year.

It ran out in front of me. Probably spaced out on mushrooms or something...

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:35
by Silver_Owl
CellThree wrote:The only badger I've seen is one I ran over in my car earlier this year.

It ran out in front of me. Probably spaced out on mushrooms or something...
Best thing for it. If you hadn't it probably would have attacked the car with it's immense sharp claws, draging you out of the drivers door to your certain death.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 01:51
by CellThree
Steve303 wrote:
CellThree wrote:The only badger I've seen is one I ran over in my car earlier this year.

It ran out in front of me. Probably spaced out on mushrooms or something...
Best thing for it. If you hadn't it probably would have attacked the car with it's immense sharp claws, draging you out of the drivers door to your certain death.
Exactly. I can't believe I was so close to such a violent death and 15 mins of fame as headline news in the local paper.

Mind you. When I drove down the same way the next morning, there was no body. Maybe I didn't kill it. Maybe it is hunting me down as we speak (I don't use that road very much now as I've moved since then). Do we know if badgers are vindictive creatures? *hides under duvet* :eek: :eek:

Re: badgers

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 02:31
by 6FeetOver
MrChris wrote:they're great, aren't they?

I must say, it *is* rather cute! ;D

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 10:37
by MrChris
Right, so how many members is that for the New Meline Church? And I hope you all wear your smartest clothes on Sunday morning...and learn all the words to Our Lord Brock Redeemeth!

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:01
by mh
I still say elephants are better.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:22
by hallucienate
mh wrote:I still say elephants are better.
agreed. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:27
by Big Si
But only if I draw them! :wink: :twisted:


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:39
by Chairman Bux
Stoats are better.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:50
by markfiend
How do you tell the difference between a weasel and a stoat?






A weasel is weasily recognised, but a stoat is stoatally different.












I'll get me coat.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:52
by Chairman Bux
markfiend wrote:I'll get me coat.
Here, let me.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:53
by MrChris
Stoats are good. I was having a picnic by a canal (?) once as a wee strip of a lad, and a stoat came and started eating our sandwiches, right in front of the whole family. Completely fearless fe**ers! But to be a true believer, you surely need a stoat avatar?

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 12:07
by mh
MrChris wrote:But to be a true believer, you surely need a stoat avatar?
People just don't have the courage of their convictions any more

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 12:10
by randdebiel²
I prefer mice

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 12:23
by Black Shuck
as a child I used to enjoy reading 'The Wind in the Willows' (not the proper book, a big-print, shortened, picture book version!), but now I realise that the book was just a vehicle for Kenneth Grahame's SHOCKING RACISM.
Every stoat and weasel in the story are low-down, criminal, robbing, nasty SOBs, Whereas the badger character is a paragon of virtue!

And it's no coincidence how I grew up a little bit scared of stoats and weasels (whenever I walked through the woods, I always thought they were hiding in the trees, waiting to rob me!)

I'm not a fan of censorship, but this book should be BANNED NOW.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 13:01
by Gary

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 13:34
by mh
Now THAT was good!!!

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 13:46
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:01
by khepri II
RicheyJames wrote:mocking the afflicted is my speciality
and hence the Newcastle connection is made :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:28
by mh
Oh you beautiful man!!!

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:40
by markfiend
:twisted: One of my colleagues is out of the office for lunch, so I've installed this "for him". He knows ****-all about how to work his computer so he won't be able to get rid. :twisted:

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:47
by RicheyJames
khepri II wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:mocking the afflicted is my speciality
and hence the Newcastle connection is made :notworthy: :notworthy: