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Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:18
by Quiff Boy
d00mw0lf wrote:yeah.
*has finger hovering over the "BAN USER" button*


Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:18
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:yeah.
*has finger hovering over the "BAN USER" button*

i'm ready ;D


Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:19
by Thea
s'nowt to do with me!

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:21
by Quiff Boy
d00mw0lf wrote:s'nowt to do with me!
i know!! thanks for the "heads up" :o

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:24
by Thea ... rd=general

noone said owt about our lot going over there :P

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 01:25
by Quiff Boy
d00mw0lf wrote: ... rd=general

noone said owt about our lot going over there :P
hmmmm :|

best to not let them know about us, if thats the case! :o

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 02:10
by zigeunerweisen
Red Sunsets wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I don't like dirty dishes in my sink, and I am NOT gonna make your bloody tea.
I've made us a homemade lasgne Hon, how does that sound? Then afterwards I'll wash and dry, run you a bath and give you a 'full body' massage. What happens next is private, and also very rude...

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 02:22
by Mrs RicheyJames
d00mw0lf wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote: the cureboard's no trouble. it's when the MFC lot start arriving you need to start worrying :|
and who pray tell are the mfc?!?
the cure board is part of a group of boards run by MFC (music fan clubs) most of the boards are totally inactive and have been taken over by rabid curefans (last i heard, the spice girls board was being used as the lol tolhurst board)
there's a general board on there and... you don't wanna go there.
yeah but Lol is a complete and utter wa*k biscuit

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 02:26
by Thea
Sexygoth wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: and who pray tell are the mfc?!?
the cure board is part of a group of boards run by MFC (music fan clubs) most of the boards are totally inactive and have been taken over by rabid curefans (last i heard, the spice girls board was being used as the lol tolhurst board)
there's a general board on there and... you don't wanna go there.
yeah but Lol is a complete and utter wa*k biscuit
noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worship the tolhunky!

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 02:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
I will not......the big Robert Smith wannbe

Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 19:05
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:and where the hell have all these new members come from? :o 8) :notworthy:
well I invited lily

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 01:19
by Debaser
Red Sunsets wrote: What happens next is private, and also very rude...
And, one presumes it has to be done in the naughty, naked nude???


Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 02:06
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oh Ms debaser, you are so rooooooooode

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 02:27
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:Oh Ms debaser, you are so rooooooooode
@ SG - :notworthy: I thought that Ms Debaser :notworthy: was only stating the "Bloody Obvious" :wink:

It would appear - given the ages and inclinations of many "Heartlanders" that "SEX" and the obssession of it is a major past time - or am I just talking "Bollocks" (as usual :wink: )

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 02:28
by Mrs RicheyJames
the latter

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 02:36
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:the latter
I know - I am nothing if not 'consistent' :wink:

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 02:49
by Black Planet
Debaser wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote: What happens next is private, and also very rude...
And, one presumes it has to be done in the naughty, naked nude???


:roll: :roll:

Guess we are busted?

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 19:02
by James Blast
For those who are too young to know better, they are lyrics, from Ian Dury & The Blockheads, Wake Up And Make Love With Me from New Boots and Panties.
Just thought you'd like to be informed. :D

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 20:22
by Debaser
And there you lot were, casting nasturtiums upon my character

Cheeky scrotes :rolleyes:

Least WE knew what we was on about RS

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 20:23
by Debaser
eeek where's a rolleyes when you really need one huh? :roll:

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 23:13
by 6FeetOver
AndyTheGoth wrote:It would appear - given the ages and inclinations of many "Heartlanders" that "SEX" and the obssession of it is a major past time...
You are correct, Sir! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

For some of us, though, that's the unfortunate result of never actually *getting* any... :cry: :evil: :von:

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 00:16
by emilystrange
indeed :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 00:43
by Black Planet
Was there a problem with the lust factor we gals are endowed with? :twisted: :twisted:

I thought not. :wink:

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 00:47
by James Blast
Yeah, but it got to be root down, and hard 'n' dirty and featuring some Hawkwind when Lemmy was in them.

and now a quote from those days...

"At one point we just thought 'f*ck it, let's phase the whole lot'. It was like hearing music blown about by the wind - Dave Brock, Hawkwind

Posted: 24 Jan 2004, 00:54
by Black Planet
Oh I see, it's ok for guys to get down and dirty, but when us gals get's not?

This thread is for the take what you get.

And yes, we can and do get raunchy when left alone to our own girlish devices.