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Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 22:35
by James Blast
andymackem wrote:bowled over by it.
I gottit :wink:

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 02:12
by Ginger
Brotherhood of the Wolf is definitely one of the finest films ever made.

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 08:32
by andymackem
Quiff Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote:
Padstar wrote:I can feel Richeys anger building!

Me too.
actually, i dont think he'd mind this one so much :o

it has actually sparked some debate about why peopel like they films they do... rj seems to have more of a problem with endless (and pointless) "top 10" lists that dont actually tell you anything interesting ;)
Not sure that will atone for the "favourate" films in the title, though. Tin hats ready?

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 14:50
by Mrs RicheyJames
[quote="Candover Premiere"]
This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.

Be careful..........

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 21:01
by RicheyJames
Candover Premiere wrote:This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.
ooh! get her! you are quite correct my little belgian chum; i am totally unqualified to correct vlaamse (flemish?). this does not, however, impinge on my ability to correct your english.

firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."

now, there's really no need to feel bad about this. english is a wonderfully idiosyncratic langauge and you already appear to have a better grasp of it than many native speakers. and whilst i speak no other languages (because sooner or later everybody else learns english) i'd be grateful if a native speaker took time out to give me a few pointers. so sit back and chill out.

oh - and unless you're really trying to upset me try to refrain from starting the same topic more than once. especially if it's as rubbish as this one... :twisted:

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 21:04
by Quiff Boy
wind 'im up and watch 'im go ;D

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 21:06
by Black Planet

RJ you rock!

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 21:59
by James Blast
It walks among us again... :(

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 22:02
by moonchild
here is a lil (mix) list of my favourites:

Once Upon At Time In The West
Hardware (Mark 13)
Blade Runner
Lost Boys
Black Cat White Cat
The Devil's Advocate
A Nightmare before xmas

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 14:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
RicheyJames wrote:
Candover Premiere wrote:This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.
ooh! get her! you are quite correct my little belgian chum; i am totally unqualified to correct vlaamse (flemish?). this does not, however, impinge on my ability to correct your english.

firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."

now, there's really no need to feel bad about this. english is a wonderfully idiosyncratic langauge and you already appear to have a better grasp of it than many native speakers. and whilst i speak no other languages (because sooner or later everybody else learns english) i'd be grateful if a native speaker took time out to give me a few pointers. so sit back and chill out.

oh - and unless you're really trying to upset me try to refrain from starting the same topic more than once. especially if it's as rubbish as this one... :twisted:
There's not really alot you can say to that......except nice one :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 14:31
by Planet Dave
Best films-

The Seven Samurai
The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Alien Quadrilogy
Apocalypse Now
Ice Age (always gets me)
The Lord Of The Rings (all of 'em, back to back, though it takes a colossol amount of weed to get through)
Spinal Tap
Night Of The Living Dead

and doubtless millions I've forgot, like

A Fistful Of Dollars

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 14:33
by CorpPunk
Quiff Boy wrote:wind 'im up and watch 'im go ;D
This is just too funny. :lol:

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 14:57
by Candover Premiere
Sexygoth wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:
Candover Premiere wrote:This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.
ooh! get her! you are quite correct my little belgian chum; i am totally unqualified to correct vlaamse (flemish?). this does not, however, impinge on my ability to correct your english.

firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."

now, there's really no need to feel bad about this. english is a wonderfully idiosyncratic langauge and you already appear to have a better grasp of it than many native speakers. and whilst i speak no other languages (because sooner or later everybody else learns english) i'd be grateful if a native speaker took time out to give me a few pointers. so sit back and chill out.

oh - and unless you're really trying to upset me try to refrain from starting the same topic more than once. especially if it's as rubbish as this one... :twisted:
There's not really alot you can say to that......except nice one :notworthy:
or except



one thousand million times on my desk in the morning.

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 19:46
by James Blast
Dave Whelan wrote:Best films-

The Seven Samurai
The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Alien Quadrilogy
Apocalypse Now
Ice Age (always gets me)
The Lord Of The Rings (all of 'em, back to back, though it takes a colossol amount of weed to get through)

Spinal Tap
Night Of The Living Dead

and doubtless millions I've forgot, like

A Fistful Of Dollars

Damn, another one I forgot about.

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 20:04
by DerekR
RicheyJames wrote: ooh! get her! you are quite correct my little belgian chum; i am totally unqualified to correct vlaamse (flemish?). this does not, however, impinge on my ability to correct your english.

firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."

now, there's really no need to feel bad about this. english is a wonderfully idiosyncratic langauge and you already appear to have a better grasp of it than many native speakers. and whilst i speak no other languages (because sooner or later everybody else learns english) i'd be grateful if a native speaker took time out to give me a few pointers. so sit back and chill out.
OK, no-one mention punctuation, capitalization or starting sentences with 'and'. :)

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 11:27
by randdebiel²
Candover Premiere wrote: or except



one thousand million times on my desk in the morning.

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 17:23
by RicheyJames
Candover Premiere wrote:or except



one thousand million times on my desk in the morning.
oh me, oh my! did i make a typo? you know tedious nit-picking like that won't win you any friends around here...

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 17:36
by RicheyJames
DerekR wrote:OK, no-one mention punctuation, capitalization or starting sentences with 'and'. :)
well the lack of capitals is obviously an affectation. and there's actually nothing wrong with starting a sentence with "and". it tends to be discouraged when children are taught the basics of sentence structure so as to avoid them breaking proper sentences down into fragments. but so long as what follows is capable of standing alone as a sentence there really is no problem.

which leaves punctuation. do please enlighten me as to where you feel my post was incorrectly punctuated. none of us are perfect and i, unlike some, am always ready to learn...

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 17:44
by Loki
Any chance of one of the 'fact finders' on here doing a trawl through the archives and then you can run a poll on which is your favourite 'favourite something' list. Or maybe you could just list them? Say your top 35 or something but for those undecided you are allowed to post back and change your mind at least 15 times and/or increase your top tally to 50. Tedious muppets.


Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 17:59
by JansenClone
RicheyJames wrote:which leaves punctuation. do please enlighten me as to where you feel my post was incorrectly punctuated. none of us are perfect and i, unlike some, am always ready to learn...
If you wish. A period always comes before a closing quotation mark.

Incorrect: George said, "I don't get it".

Correct: George said, "I don't get it."
RicheyJames wrote:firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:06
by James Blast
Why does every thread deteriorate into this? :(

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:09
by DerekR
RicheyJames wrote:which leaves punctuation. do please enlighten me as to where you feel my post was incorrectly punctuated. none of us are perfect and i, unlike some, am always ready to learn...
It's not my job to criticise other people's spelling, grammar, punctuation, or whatever. I'm merely demonstrating the need to have a water-tight case when, or if, you feel the need to.

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:11
by RicheyJames
JansenClone wrote:A period always comes before a closing quotation mark.
RicheyJames wrote:firstly, when used as a possessive it's "your" not "youre". "you're" (and please note the apostrophe) is a contraction of you are. secondly, the word is correctly spelt "favourite" rather than "favourate". and, finally, the second part of your final sentence should read "if he knows what is good for him."
it's a fair point and you'll notice that where i quoted more than a single word the full stop (i'm not american so it's not a period) is fully enclosed by the quotation marks. my mistake was probably in using quotation marks rather than highlighting the individual words with italics, bold or underlining. ah well, mea culpa. again!

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:18
by RicheyJames
Red Sunsets wrote:Why does every thread deteriorate into this? :(
not every thread does. just the boring ones... :twisted:

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:19
by James Blast
Richey, you are becoming very, very boring.