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Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 12:36
by Mrs RicheyJames
ME ME ME I do <clears throat> erm..............purely for nostalgia you realise...........

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 12:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oh yes Creme eggs rule............But it's such a shame, they only bring them out around Easter time!! Wonder if that's why they are so popular? My head hurts now

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 12:42
by Thea
Sexygoth wrote:Oh yes Creme eggs rule............But it's such a shame, they only bring them out around Easter time!! Wonder if that's why they are so popular? My head hurts now
dunno, but our local shop sold out of them in about 3 days :eek: wnet in one day and there was a huge boxfull, few days later - nowt :(

might go see if they've got any today..

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 13:44
by Black Shuck
Yo Sexygoth, or anyone else who wants a packet, you'll have to PM me your address.
I'll be glad to find a home for the things - I hate chucking things away.

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 17:28
by Debaser
Sexygoth wrote:Oh yes Creme eggs rule............But it's such a shame, they only bring them out around Easter time!! Wonder if that's why they are so popular? My head hurts now
EASTER TIME!!!!!! They've been in blimmin Terry Tesco's since January the 3rd!

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 19:26
by James Blast
You can get Cadbury's Cream Eggs all year round in Glasgow.

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 20:33
by 6FeetOver
Mmmmmmmm - the caramel ones are pure eeeeeeeeeevil! :twisted: ;D :von:

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 21:35
by reverberater
Sports Mixtures RULE! Although i'm a tad more into Lyon's Midget Gems tbh. I've just finished a pack now and everytime i'm indulging i half expect to pull another one of my teeth out coz they're so friggin hard.

I can only chew from one side of my mouth now due to hard gums like such and a full pack reallly wipes me out .

Tuesday nights is a toffee night to keep us off the red wine. Least till wednesday that is :D And i always get two bumper packs, 1 of Midget Gems (or Sports Mixtures if there's none left) and a bag of mini rolo's. 2 Lite bottle of Pepsi Max (just to keep the weight down :wink: )

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 11:20
by DomConway
Red Sunsets wrote:You can get Cadbury's Cream Eggs all year round in Glasgow.
I think you can any time pretty much everywhere (apart from sg's local confectionary emporium :wink: ) - I've never had any trouble getting hold of them.

Anyone else here use - they have an awesome selection of sweets from around the world including some most bizarre ones like the sushi lolly and the ever-popular chocolate-coated scorpion.

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 11:32
by markfiend
Red Sunsets wrote:You can get Cadbury's Cream Eggs all year round in Glasgow.
Deep fried in batter by any chance?

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 13:40
by Mrs RicheyJames
Thought that was mars bars??

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 13:42
by Mrs RicheyJames
DomConway wrote: I think you can any time pretty much everywhere (apart from sg's local confectionary emporium :wink: ) - I've never had any trouble getting hold of them.
I feel somewhat cheated :(

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:05
by Thea
if it makes ya feel any better, we don't get 'em all year round in sheff either SG :(

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:20
by Thrash Harry
Does anyone know of a reliable source of RED bounty bars? Can't seem to get them much these days.

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:43
by Mrs RicheyJames
Not sure they make em anymore do they? Haven't seen em for ages...........and it's not a bad thing, dark chocolate is discusting

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:52
by Thrash Harry
Sexygoth wrote:Not sure they make em anymore do they?
They definitely still make them. A few turned up in the snack machine at work a few weeks ago but haven't been seen since.
Sexygoth wrote:Haven't seen em for ages...........and it's not a bad thing, dark chocolate is discusting
All the more for me then.

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:54
by markfiend
You can have my share too, Thrash. I hate coconut.

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 17:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
you tried the tiny little newsagents on the corner by the side of the market? They tend to sell every sweet going (apart from Creme eggs all year round!)

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 18:37
by James Blast
markfiend wrote:Deep fried in batter by any chance?
more than likely Mark :lol:

nice cock BTW :innocent:

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 20:58
by Thrash Harry
Sexygoth wrote:you tried the tiny little newsagents on the corner by the side of the market? They tend to sell every sweet going (apart from Creme eggs all year round!)
Thanks. I'll check it out. By the way, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up. Can't you call me arse feta again or something.

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 10:28
by markfiend
Red Sunsets wrote:nice cock BTW :innocent:
Thanks! ;D

Don't ask me why, because I don't know.

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 18:29
by James Blast
markfiend wrote:Don't ask me why, because I don't know.
Mark, you're a beast! :eek:

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 22:13
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:sweet peanuts............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I remember those. Talking of stickers, does anyone remember those garbage pale stickers you used to get with the really gross chewing gum inside?
I always thought that a "Sweet Peanuts" was called a "Nutty Bar" - I, of course could be wrong!

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 00:07
by Almiche V
AndyTheGoth wrote:I always thought that a "Sweet Peanuts" was called a "Nutty Bar" - I, of course could be wrong!
Nutty Bars!


They were geeeee-ooooorrrggeeeous!

Posted: 13 Feb 2004, 01:13
by Andy TG
snubnoseuk wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:I always thought that a "Sweet Peanuts" was called a "Nutty Bar" - I, of course could be wrong!
Nutty Bars!


They were geeeee-ooooorrrggeeeous!
Thank You - That brings back so many memories - Why did they stop making them!