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Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:21
by Padstar
ermmmm MUSE!!!!!!!!!!!


Whilst i wouldnt argue that The Darkness are not completely unorigional and a parody...... they wrote the stuff, it is wells written and crafted. On top of that they put on a famtastic show.

incidentaly.... MMMMMUUUUSSSSEEEE!!!!!


Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:25
by Silver_Owl
Sexygoth wrote:Yeah, lets all slag off the darkness when we have talentless plebs like Justin T, Beyonce, Dildo and Busted etc

What utter **** they must be.......I mean imagine writing your own stuff these days :roll:

If you don't like em, don't's really easy y'know

But they did win THREE awards, and rightly so <sticks fingers up at all the none believers> :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
It's all subjective though. Subjective badness.

Relative atrocities; Busted - V.V.V Bad. Justin V.V.Bad. D**kness - V. Bad.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:35
by emilystrange
And the Dark force of vengeance rolls ever closer..... missing Paddy completely bless

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 18:22
by Thrash Harry
Junior seems to be falling under the spell of the Darkness. (I should have seen it coming after he tried to convince me that Spinal Tap are a real band.) Fortunately, Busted came to the rescue and persuaded him the Brit Awards do not necessarily reflect the height of musical excellence in this country. Muse winning nowt just confirmed it. These charades do have their uses after all.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 20:01
by Padstar
Thrash Harry wrote:Junior seems to be falling under the spell of the Darkness. (I should have seen it coming after he tried to convince me that Spinal Tap are a real band.) Fortunately, Busted came to the rescue and persuaded him the Brit Awards do not necessarily reflect the height of musical excellence in this country. Muse winning nowt just confirmed it. These charades do have their uses after all.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 21:06
by Carrie
Er...isn't the Brits a record industry thrash devoted to major labels handing out gongs to the acts on their rosters who have shifted the most product, or am I stating the completely bleedin' obvious here?

I rather like the Darkness AND Muse as it happens, but c'mon...they, like Busted & the idiot Timberlake, are being presented awards for being remarkably efficient at parting teenagers from their pocket money. Getting all wrathy about lack of artistic merit on the Brits is like complaining about the lack of vitamins in your Pot Noodle...

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 21:07
by Quiff Boy
a fair point... sadly :roll:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 22:10
by James Blast
I avoid any back slapping ceremonies.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 22:12
by emilystrange
i'd go to one if someone was going to congratulate me for ANYTHING i've ever done

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 10:25
by markfiend
Carrie wrote:...lack of vitamins in your Pot Noodle...
A side note: Am I the only person in Britain who has never eaten a Pot Noodle?

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 10:27
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:A side note: Am I the only person in Britain who has never eaten a Pot Noodle?
nope. me either. i can't understand why anyone would eat one out of choice since they look and smell vile...

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 10:34
by Padstar
Lol.... quick and easy studio food mind you..... between the odd solo retake !


Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 11:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
It's great inbetween looking after twatting drug users too!!!
Beef and tomato one......mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 11:14
by Planet Dave
Try them sans water, mmmm classic with a twist.

Got that out of a Jamie Oliver book.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 11:18
by markfiend
Dave Whelan wrote:Try them sans water, mmmm classic with a twist.

Got that out of a Jamie Oliver book.
Wouldn't that just be like eating gravel?

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 11:31
by Mrs RicheyJames
Druggies or pot noodles?