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Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:36
by James Blast
I got a loan of a Dragon, once... I have never left the shower

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 23:20
by Mrs. Snowey
Wasn't that some sort of attempt by Wales to take over the silicon world? ;D

Wonder what a PRWY version might have looked like :lol:

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 23:29
by James Blast
heeheeheee :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 17:11
by rian
Intel P4 3.0Ghz at work Win XP Pro
Intel P3 1.0Ghz at work Win XP Pro
Intel P3 850Mhz at work Win 2000

Intel P3 933Mhz at home Win ME :oops:
Intel P3 800Mhz (Laptop) at home Win XP Pro

So it must be PC then ;D

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 19:59
by lucretia
Rise of the Machines.

I'm too freaking lazy to get the specs. But we have a LOT of them big black and silver beasties in our place home/office/factory/slaughterhouse)
and even more spread all over the country.

Mac users (as clients) are actually a very big pain in the ass for us ... cos they're Oh So Different from the rest of the freaking planet and nearly every Mac user I know (with the obvious exception of persons on this 'ere Board) don't have a clue how his/her machine actually works and even less about the software.

I want one of them see through goodies wot James Blast has got up there ... swoon.

Bill (I am your father, Luke) Gates once said that 240K ought to be enough for anybody .. but he's from Seattle and now they've all got REALLY BIG MACHINES in Seattle (just ask my mate at MS campus - the bastard), I think it's a penis thing actually.