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Re: The Mi$$ion - Why all the cr@p???

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:44
by zigeunerweisen
doktor wolf wrote: I know this is a discussion for TSOM, but there does appear to be a whole bunch of anti-mish feling on here, I was just curious, is this from the younger memebers who shall we say, listen to it in retrospect and feel they need to be in one camp or the other? or is there another reason?
I never had anything against The Missionn, i always thought the rivalrie thing between the fans was more of a joke than a serious issue. If Eldritch had problems with Wayne and all that stuff it's between them, i couldn't care less, i even like 3 or 4 Missionn songs.
I never met either of them, who knows, maybe Wayne is actually a great guy and Eldritch a bastard, i don't know, but i do know i love The Sisters a lot more.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 01:08
by James Blast
Got the Serpent's Kiss image poster with the words THE MI$$ION at the top and I at the bottom, Took the time to mount it on card, because I liked it so much, poster and 12" :P

Re: The Mi$$ion - Why all the cr@p???

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 01:10
by James Blast
zigeunerweisen wrote:maybe Wayne is actually a great guy and Eldritch a bastard
Nail and Head I think Ziggy.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 02:08
by Gary
after my brother in law got me into the sisters.. he lent me gods own medicine.. "i still believe in god..." i like the mish.. depends what mood im in as to which i prefer..

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 02:39
by Angelchild
Never minded them,they had some decent tunes in the catalogue, I lost any interest when the original line up departed and all the permutations started :roll:
Along with Sunsets I'll say nice artwork on the early stuff and indeed in the days of yore when we were all having a grand time they were in the soundtrack along with The Sisters, The Neffs, Ghost Dance etc etc. Keep this up and I'll be off on a nostalgia trip to me misspent youth....... :wink: :eek:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 02:58
by James Blast
Angelchild wrote:Keep this up and I'll be off on a nostalgia trip to me misspent youth....... :wink: :eek:
I'm waiting AC........

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 12:47
by Dave R

Sunday morning and things get clearer....

Ivanhoe Road - Rosseta's house...twas Porl Stairs i used to kip on, even got me a bedsit eventually as i was up liverpool that often, got a bit tired of dossing everywhere possible...

Remember Ray used to drag Hussey along at times, down to planet...funny thinking of it all now...

Strange Days indeed....

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 16:45
by Angelchild
Red Sunsets wrote:
Angelchild wrote:Keep this up and I'll be off on a nostalgia trip to me misspent youth....... :wink: :eek:
I'm waiting AC........
No tales of drunken debauchery and bonking I'm afraid, just I was out and about gigging when I should have been revising for my A levels.
Talking of drunken debauchery etc I never saw any of that going on at aftershows. I was most dissapointed that no one lived up to the myth :eek: :innocent:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 17:57
by Black Planet
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Still have my original Gods Own Medicine, on cassette of course.

@ Steve303 and BlackHorizen....

Bad Boyz! Very bad! :wink: Your both wrong. Wayne rocks in his own right.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 19:15
by James Blast
Black Planet wrote:@ Steve303 and BlackHorizen....

Bad Boyz! Very bad! :wink: Your both wrong. Wayne rocks in his own right.
I'll hold them, you spank them BeeP! :twisted: :evil:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:05
by Black Planet
Black Horizon wrote:
Black Planet wrote: Still have my original Gods Own Medicine, on cassette of course.
I have it on Vinyl :P
But I thought you didn't like them? ;D

How's your hangover BTW? 8)

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:09
by Gripper
Black Horizon wrote:
Black Planet wrote: Still have my original Gods Own Medicine, on cassette of course.
I have it on Vinyl :P
When we were burgled God saw to it that both of my record boxes burst open all over the floor as the bastards made their getaway. So, all my record collection was saved- except the two records I'd lent my flatmate: gatefold vinyl versions of 'God's Own Medicine' and The Cult's 'Love'. Would love to find either in a record fair sometime.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:09
by James Blast
Black Horizon wrote:BTW Red Sunsets, why are you always so mean to me?
I can't help myself.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:27
by James Blast
Black Horizon wrote:Oh, I forgot to say that I'll be seeing The Mish at Whitby Goth Weekend in April.
that's why

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 23:26
by James Blast
no Whitby

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 23:44
by 6FeetOver
Red Sunsets wrote:no Whitby
HA! Um...see...if I lived over there, *I'd* probably go to Whitby myself! So :P to you, Red! :wink:

Oh - incidentally - have any of you heard of the annual g*thfest called Convergence? If so, will anyone be attending this year?

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:26
by ryan
well i like most mish..apart from 'masque' and 'neverland'. 'Aura' was a nice surprise for someone for me to be a decent age when something slightly sisters related had (kind of) just came out.

The 'children' album is fantastic. Rates as high as any sisters albums for me. I got gods own medicine for the price of a blank cd so im not complaining there. Its a bloody bugger to find anything slightly m*****n related here. Unless your willing to go to that 'alternative metal' CD shop down the road and dig through a whole bunch of crap :S

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:47
by Karst
What is it that you're looking for Ryan?


Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:57
by hallucienate
ryan_w_0000 wrote:Its a bloody bugger to find anything slightly m*****n related here. Unless your willing to go to that 'alternative metal' CD shop down the road and dig through a whole bunch of **** :S
For me it's exactly the opposite, I think almost every album (and some singles) the mi$$ion released came out as a South African pressing, which is unusual for an alternative band. I think they also had their first number one here with "butterfly on a wheel".

I think the mish are OK, some good songs but also some really bad ones.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 14:10
by Loki
I still play First Chapter and Children. Sue me. :wink:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 14:16
by Quiff Boy
first chapter: sisters lite. some of the tunes and atmosphere but none of the feeling. :roll:

gods own whatsit: whoa there wayney baby, hang on a sec. what the hell are you doing? production is shocking - its a very "small" album, and barring a couple of feisty riffs its all a bit poor really.

children: MASSIVE stadium-rock gonzoid zepp production and some very lovely guitars (or is that "geetars"?) 8), but shocking lyrics. makes me weep with laughter when i hear wayne crooning some of the nonsensical gubbins on that album.

nowt after that was worth the time of day, apart from "deliverance" which sounds like it should have been on "children" rather than that "carved in sh*te" b-sides album.

i confess i have only heard the first few seconds of "aura" - the fisr few bars of that first track that is basically just FALAA in all but name... doh! :roll:

am still going to keighley though, just not really for the mish :lol: :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 15:09
by mh
My main prob with the M****** is that W**** broke up the classic Sisters line up - in particular, alienating Gary and taking Craig with him when he left are 2 unforgivable sins.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 15:12
by markfiend
mh wrote:My main prob with the M****** is that W**** broke up the classic Sisters line up - in particular, alienating Gary and taking Craig with him when he left are 2 unforgivable sins.
I think that Von did a good enough job of alienating Gary (and Wayne and Craig) all by himself :?

"Walk Away" for a start...

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 15:16
by Loki
mh wrote:My main prob with the M****** is that W**** broke up the classic Sisters line up - in particular, alienating Gary and taking Craig with him when he left are 2 unforgivable sins.
We are talking about grown adults here aren't we? Each with their own ambitions, business acumen, sense of direction and ability to make their own decisions? As opposed to a gang of 9 year olds?

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 15:18
by markfiend
I was never convinced that the Von/Wayne split was as acrimonious as was made out in the Music Press. After all, both camps got a lot of coverage out of it, and no publicity is bad publicity.