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Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 23:35
by Big Si
rian wrote:
biggy wrote:
rian wrote:Whatever you do, don't trust Biggy. I know him from somewhere else :urff:

At least I don't look like a member of a smuggling gang from Starsky and Hutch ................... or a German U-boat commander .
jellous? (spell)
I wish I did! :(

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 08:18
by hallucienate
biggy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:On the subject of tattoos. My friend is a vegan, a rather strict one at that. He is concerned that the ink they use for tattooing might contain animal products... Anybody got any advice on this, and maybe which inks don't use animal products?

I would have to know who's ink the tattooist in question used to have a vague idea what was in it .
As far as I can say without getting a chemical printout of all the "ingredients" of tattoo ink , I've never known of or come accross any that contained anything animal related . It is usually organic based & most of the actual colour components originate from plantlife & suchlike .

Hope this puts your fluffy mate's mind at rest :lol:
Cool, thanks biggy. At last report the ink used a product that may or may not have come from an animal. I'll try find out what ink he has scratched into his skin.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 09:50
by Quiff Boy
OH F**K!

steve303: i forgot :urff:

sorry :(

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:21
by Silver_Owl
Quiff Boy wrote:OH F**K!

steve303: i forgot :urff:

sorry :(
That's OK QB. No probs.
I'm sure you've got enough on your hands anyway.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:28
by rian
emilystrange wrote:anyone got any pictures of roses for mine? it needs to be very small.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:36
by emilystrange
goodness me... i wasnt expecting that..
its a bit big for where i want it, lol. but thanks....

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:38
by rian
emilystrange wrote:goodness me... i wasnt expecting that..
its a bit big for where i want it, lol. but thanks....
I didn't wanted to sell it anyway ;D

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:41
by emilystrange
i wasnt offering cash for bits of your body, either

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:44
by rian
emilystrange wrote:i wasnt offering cash for bits of your body, either

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:50
by Silver_Owl
emilystrange wrote:goodness me... i wasnt expecting that..
its a bit big for where i want it, lol. but thanks....
Where are you having it then Em?

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:54
by emilystrange
left side of tummy, very low... where only those i want to see it, can.
was that TMI?

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:56
by Silver_Owl
emilystrange wrote:left side of tummy, very low... where only those i want to see it, can.
was that TMI?
No. That's fine. So, we shouldn't expect a picture then?

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 14:58
by emilystrange
ummm.. no. unless i change my mind about where to have it.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 15:03
by Silver_Owl
OK. Never mind. It was worth a try.

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 15:07
by emilystrange
i dont want to get chucked off here for actual pornography rather than just talking about it, lol

Posted: 16 Mar 2004, 15:08
by Silver_Owl
:innocent: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: