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Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:32
by Ed Rhombus
How come nobody's family were ever s**t pit diggers?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:33
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:...third-generation: pushing it. anything else: get over it and stop trying to make yourself sound more interesting by claiming some spurious secondary nationality.
I don't know about that; you'd have trouble trying to argue a similar case with even an 28th (or whatever) generation African-American.
no i wouldn't. african-american is a horrible politically-correct construction because (white) americans are scared of the word black. which is why teresa heinz kerry was derided when she referred to herself as an african-american because, although she was born and raised in mozambique and went to university in south africa, she's white.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:48
by markfiend
OK smart-arse, go up to Ice-T and tell him he's not African American. Dare you.


Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:59
by Izzy HaveMercy
markfiend wrote:What I meant was an English phenomenon whereby people who would normally self-identify as English suddenly become Irish when (a) Eire are in the World Cup and England aren't, or (b) it's St Patrick's day.
I never self-identified with Ireland.
I wish I could ;-)

This year, it'll be the sixth time I go to sweet Irelund fer the holidays and I just love the country.

And there's nothing that beats Guinness and Midleton whiskey :-)

'cept for Belgian beer, of course....


Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:59
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:OK smart-arse, go up to Ice-T and tell him he's not African American. Dare you.

but i never said that he wasn't.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:00
by CorpPunk
I would LOVE to see Ice-T Break a foot off in Richey's arse. Of course, T might agree with Richey now that he's playing a respectable cop on Law and Order.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:10
by markfiend
RicheyJames wrote:
markfiend wrote:OK smart-arse, go up to Ice-T and tell him he's not African American. Dare you.

but i never said that he wasn't.
OK then, ask him if he is African America, and if he says yes, say to him
get over it and stop trying to make yourself sound more interesting by claiming some spurious secondary nationality.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:18
by RicheyJames
not really, no. for a start "africa" isn't a nation state so it would be impossible to claim "african" as any sort of nationality. :wink:

more to the point, what i was getting at is that the term "african-american" is a special case in that it is defined purely in racial terms. which is why mrs heinz kerry is not considered to be an african-american despite arguably having far closer links to africa than the majority of those who do consider themselves to be african-american. is that any clearer?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:24
by Loki
Heritage and nationality is an interesting debate, especially how each individual perceives themselves. Craving history is one perspective. I'm Northern Irish (both parents born there; I was born there) but probably consider myself English having lived most of my life in this country. Plus Northern Ireland don't have a very good football team, Spain 82 excluded.

Tracing back the family tree shows that I'm descended from French Huguenots fleeing catholic persecution in the 17th century. My surname now has an anglicised pronunciation but look in any Paris phone book and there's hundreds of us. Does that mean I'm about to start supporting Arsenal, putting garlic on my cornflakes and washing once a week? I doubt it.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:27
by Mrs RicheyJames
Johnny Boy wrote: Plus Northern Ireland don't have a very good football team, Spain 82 excluded.
What are you talking about, Derry city rules :notworthy: Tis the only football shirt I have ever owned ....erm, and lost :(

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:27
by markfiend
@ Richey

Ah go on then. You win you bugger. Of course I knew what you were driving at, I was just being argumentative. ;D

But if someone wishes to call themselves Irish, however many generations ago their ancestors left the 'old country', you might as well let them. People can call themselves dinosaurs for all I care. :lol:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:29
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:30
by markfiend
Sexygoth wrote:I'M SPARTACUS
And so's my wife.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:36
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:But if someone wishes to call themselves Irish, however many generations ago their ancestors left the 'old country', you might as well let them.
but they can't just leave it at that can they? oh no, they have to ram their leprechaun-faced, guiness-soiled, clover-leafed "celebrations" down everyone else's throat as well. which just encourages those wankers who suddenly turn irish once a year (or when the irish football team qualifies for a major tournament). and now the sodding card shops have got in on the act so we'll never be bloody rid of it....

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
No-one forces anyone to celebrate. It's an excuse to get pi$$ed really!

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:39
by markfiend
curmudgeon An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.


Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:40
by markfiend
Sexygoth wrote:No-one forces anyone to celebrate. It's an excuse to get pi$$ed really!
You need an excuse? :eek:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:40
by RicheyJames
Sexygoth wrote:It's an excuse to get pi$$ed really!
which just leads to the pubs being full of amateur drinkers who'd normally be tucked-up at home with a mug of cocoa and their inspector morse videos. it's nearly as bad as christmas...

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:41
by Mrs RicheyJames
RicheyJames wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:It's an excuse to get pi$$ed really!
which just leads to the pubs being full of amateur drinkers who'd normally be tucked-up at home with a mug of cocoa and their inspector morse videos. it's nearly as bad as christmas...
Will you be in the pub this eve?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:42
by rian
markfiend wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:No-one forces anyone to celebrate. It's an excuse to get pi$$ed really!
You need an excuse? :eek:
Not me, never. 8)

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:43
by RicheyJames
Sexygoth wrote:Will you be in the pub this eve?
nope. i shall be at home with a bottle of wine and a beautiful woman.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 17:44
by Mrs RicheyJames
RicheyJames wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:Will you be in the pub this eve?
nope. i shall be at home with a bottle of wine and a beautiful woman.
You've ruined my argument now you sod :cry:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 18:09
by Black Planet
RicheyJames wrote:
markfiend wrote:But if someone wishes to call themselves Irish, however many generations ago their ancestors left the 'old country', you might as well let them.
but they can't just leave it at that can they? oh no, they have to ram their leprechaun-faced, guiness-soiled, clover-leafed "celebrations" down everyone else's throat as well. which just encourages those **** who suddenly turn irish once a year (or when the irish football team qualifies for a major tournament). and now the sodding card shops have got in on the act so we'll never be bloody rid of it....
No you won't ever be bloody rid of the Irish. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

So go have a drink and calm yourself down.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 18:10
by Black Planet
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
markfiend wrote:What I meant was an English phenomenon whereby people who would normally self-identify as English suddenly become Irish when (a) Eire are in the World Cup and England aren't, or (b) it's St Patrick's day.
I never self-identified with Ireland.
I wish I could ;-)

This year, it'll be the sixth time I go to sweet Irelund fer the holidays and I just love the country.

And there's nothing that beats Guinness and Midleton whiskey :-)

'cept for Belgian beer, of course....

Aww, Izzy your sweet!

If I could I'd hug you.


Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 19:17
by Thrash Harry
Bloody hell! Decide to finally get some work done before going off for a long wekend and look what I miss. You should know by now that Richey's impossible to argue with cos he's a master of the art of "that's not what I meant tho". And he seems to be suffering from nicotine withdrawal. My Nanna was Irish. She wasn't particularly proud of it, having had to come to England to get work, but there you go. Now I'm off to sink a few and watch the leprechauns nodding on my mantlepiece.