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Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:09
by mayhem

Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea - it works well in Germany (or have I got the wrong end of the stick - again!)[/quote]

They'd LOVE that Mr the Goth. They already have the haircuts & would just give them more opportunity to stomp those less brutal than themselves & practise for their next Eng-er-land outing...

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:13
by Thrash Harry
RicheyJames wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:Its was only something like 250 years that a person would be "hanged by the neck until dead" for being a theif or a mugger or a vagabound!
AndyTheGoth also wrote:Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea
bloody hell - who let the telegrpah readers in?

did you do national service then andy? no? me either but we seemed to have turned out to be fairly decent members of society. i really am disappointed to find such reactionary, knee-jerk suggestions coming from a fellow heartlander. i'd always detected a healthy undercurrent of liberal values. maybe i was wrong...

I second that emoticon.

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:19
by markfiend
RicheyJames wrote:bloody hell - who let the telegraph readers in?
RicheyJames wrote:did you do national service then andy? no? me either but we seemed to have turned out to be fairly decent members of society. i really am disappointed to find such reactionary, knee-jerk suggestions coming from a fellow heartlander. i'd always detected a healthy undercurrent of liberal values. maybe i was wrong...

There does seem however to be a growing number of people who have no interest in being "fairly decent members of society". I don't particularly think having a conscript army (especially in times of "peace") is a particularly good idea; as mayhem says:
They already have the haircuts & uniforms....
The alcohol-related violence in garrison towns, especially between squaddies and "townies" is notorious.

Personally, I think a good thing to do would be to ban booze and give everyone in the country a huge hit of magic mushrooms. I'd like to see anyone start a fight after a good few mushies ;D

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:24
by Thrash Harry
karin wrote:Being 35 ( ahem) I don't understand the young people of today. When I was 14/15 it was respectable to go to the nearest Oxfam shop and whoever compiled the most original, retro, whatever, outfit for the least amount of money ( ie. a price within our pocket money budget ) earned the most Kudos.

Now these kids want their trainers, mobile phones, blah, blah, designer gear but have no means of supporting these expensive tastes. So they idolise drug dealers, Ganstas and all that **** as.
a means to earn easy money and in the mean time rob and bully their peers. None of them have the brains to go out and study towards a well paid job to keep them in the style they wish to be accustomed.
I would suggest the clothes thing is just an extension of the ancient tradition of the 'enlightened gentry' trying to conceal their wealth and position and the 'aspiring peasants' trying to belie their humble beginnings.

As for idolising drug dealers, being stupid and unwilling to work, let's not judge every book by its cover, please.

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 19:58
by Andy TG
RicheyJames wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:Its was only something like 250 years that a person would be "hanged by the neck until dead" for being a theif or a mugger or a vagabound!
AndyTheGoth also wrote:Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea
bloody hell - who let the telegrpah readers in?

did you do national service then andy? no? me either but we seemed to have turned out to be fairly decent members of society. i really am disappointed to find such reactionary, knee-jerk suggestions coming from a fellow heartlander. i'd always detected a healthy undercurrent of liberal values. maybe i was wrong...

The closest I get to a Telegraph is using a Land Line Telelphone ;-)

I was expecting a reaction to my "comments". I do not feel that I am as "Liberal Minded" as was perhaps expected.

I am unfortunate enough to live amongst some of these "Scally F***S" and I have no sympathy for them or their "problems" what so ever.

I know that a certain amount of these "people" cause misery, pain and fear to many decent people. I have personal experience of this type of "behavior" and I will not accept it.

IMHO it comes back to the "Culture Of Blame" - as is its "Not My Fault" - which you can read as "I Am Not Responsible For My Own Actions"!

On the subject of "National Service" - Had I been expected to do I would have done it - I would not have liked it, I would not have enjoyed it but I still would have done it.

The UK is going "Soft" and its going to get worse before it gets better. How many more decent people must "suffer" before something radical is done!

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 20:32
by Black Shuck
RicheyJames wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:Its was only something like 250 years that a person would be "hanged by the neck until dead" for being a theif or a mugger or a vagabound!
AndyTheGoth also wrote:Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea
bloody hell - who let the telegrpah readers in?

did you do national service then andy? no? me either but we seemed to have turned out to be fairly decent members of society. i really am disappointed to find such reactionary, knee-jerk suggestions coming from a fellow heartlander. i'd always detected a healthy undercurrent of liberal values. maybe i was wrong...

Bloody Hell - who let the Guardian reader in?

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 20:42
by James Blast
@ATG, Right On my Celtic Soul Brother!

Blame culture is the new politically correct.

Posted: 26 Mar 2004, 14:33
by Thrash Harry
AndyTheGoth wrote:IMHO it comes back to the "Culture Of Blame" - as is its "Not My Fault" - which you can read as "I Am Not Responsible For My Own Actions"!
I thought the blame culture was more to do with smokers suing tobacco companies. Teenage gangs have been around forever, surely. Mods v rockers, skins v greasers, everyone v punks etc.
AndyTheGoth wrote:On the subject of "National Service" - Had I been expected to do I would have done it - I would not have liked it, I would not have enjoyed it but I still would have done it.
I blame National Service for the reason so many of my Father's generation meekly accepted their lot without daring to kick up a bit of fuss every now and then. Screw that for a game of soldiers
AndyTheGoth wrote:The UK is going "Soft" and its going to get worse before it gets better. How many more decent people must "suffer" before something radical is done!
I think it has more to do with the need for a radical overhaul of 14-16 year old education provision. Most of our kids see school as a waste of time, and just get used to larking around which then spills out onto the streets afterwards. If they could leave school earlier/ get vocational training/ apprenticeships/ a proper job then I believe the anti-social behaviour that can arise during that too old to play/ too young to work phase would decrease.

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 21:11
by karin
Thrash Harry wrote:
karin wrote:Being 35 ( ahem) I don't understand the young people of today. When I was 14/15 it was respectable to go to the nearest Oxfam shop and whoever compiled the most original, retro, whatever, outfit for the least amount of money ( ie. a price within our pocket money budget ) earned the most Kudos.

Now these kids want their trainers, mobile phones, blah, blah, designer gear but have no means of supporting these expensive tastes. So they idolise drug dealers, Ganstas and all that **** as.
a means to earn easy money and in the mean time rob and bully their peers. None of them have the brains to go out and study towards a well paid job to keep them in the style they wish to be accustomed.
I would suggest the clothes thing is just an extension of the ancient tradition of the 'enlightened gentry' trying to conceal their wealth and position and the 'aspiring peasants' trying to belie their humble beginnings.

As for idolising drug dealers, being stupid and unwilling to work, let's not judge every book by its cover, please.
I would reiterate the clothes thing is about having a saturday job which paid £2.50 and we livied (creatively)within (our) means. :roll:

I'm not even going to bother with your second point.