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Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 13:23
by andymackem
I've been to the Monaco Grand Prix - was a bit disappointing for me. But the rest of Monaco :lol:

Won enough at the Casino to pay for my hotel bill (sadly | wasn't staying anywhere _that_ extravagent) and spent the rest of the evening drinking champagne with a blonde from .... Hampshire.

OK, so it could have been slightly more exotic but if you grew up in Sunderland, Hants does seem fairly exotic :lol: At least it wasn't Somerset.

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 13:33
by ryan
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V

Own goals

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:19
by LostInNotts
Nice topic TH!

Travel - Russia, China, and Nepal spring to mind.

To write songs Id like to listen to, and to enjoy them enough to share, without risking ego/cash releasing them into the wild!

House - cliff edge sea view & a stereo loud enough to risk subsidance.

Not asking too much I hope cos I won't settle for less!!

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:26
by emilystrange
ryan_w_0000 wrote:skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V

:eek: who let the sk8ters in?

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:32
by ryan
emilystrange wrote:
ryan_w_0000 wrote:skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V
skateboard T.V

:eek: who let the sk8ters in?
oh come on, its the first of octember :wink:

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:48
by Andy TG
To own and run a Nightclub - not so much "Stringfellows" more "Slimelight" in a great and secure venue, but with dancing girls - something along the lines of the bar in "From Dusk Till Dawn" only more - um "Black"

To have a decent size stage and very high quality PA / Lighting Rig at said "Nightclub"

Failing that to own a 2nd hand 'book shop' / "internet cafe"

To drive a BMW 525i (Metallic Black - Chrome Trim - Black Leather interior - dark grey tinted windows.

To live anywhere else but here (Barry) - Yorkshire / Germany / OZ either would be great!

To finally stop smoking and NEVER smoke again - its so hard to "give up"

To get a decent, long term job - something involving "information" - Library/Archives etc or perhaps working as a DJ.

I already have the love of a good (great) woman!

Oh and to have a fully stocked "wine cellar" would be nice ;-)

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 19:02
by Angelchild
To achieve some state of semi-permanent happiness where I don't spend life being batted from one trauma to another.That would be nice :roll:

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 19:34
by Big Si
Angelchild wrote:To achieve some state of semi-permanent happiness where I don't spend life being batted from one trauma to another.That would be nice :roll:
I'll 2nd that Angel! :kiss:

Can I cheer you up with some pics?

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 21:59
by Quiff Boy
Big Si wrote:Can I cheer you up with some pics?
'ere! you got sauce! :eek:

cheeky... ;)

you smooth talker ;)

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 22:16
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:
Big Si wrote:Can I cheer you up with some pics?
Depends what the pics are of?

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 23:51
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Big Si wrote:Can I cheer you up with some pics?
Depends what the pics are of?
I think we all know what sort of pics the Big Man's into these days.

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 00:49
by Lynchfanatic
Hmmm. To this day in time I have nothing big going on at the moment in the dream department. I have ben able to achieve two og my biggest dreams allready. Going to USA and to meet David Lynch. I thought those two would never happen, but they did :eek: I would also say I have "found" my self. Maybe not 100%, but more than earlier in my life, that makes me happy.

So these days I want to finish the book I am trying to write, and that it will be some what good. Not to publish (would never happen) but good enough to show my friends and so on. I would like a job I would be happy in, and make enough money to get by. Get out of the situation my life is in right now. Be less shy, and to be able to say what I feel, without worrying about hurting others. Be free, and able to travel to alot of different places. Read more (much better at it now though). Be able to sing good enough to live of it. Learn an instrument. Basicly be able to do whatever I want. And that I had stayed in school. And to take back mistakes I have done earlier in life. And to see my father sober and having a happy life. And having my parents being proud of me. :roll:

Thats from the top of my head. I should stop now, or I would go on forever. With all the small things I want in life.

And to type perfect english, with no typos :wink:

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 08:07
by paint it black
to escape the clutches of mensa. worse than the masons'
to be able to combine the torque of the alpha with the luxury of the bmw
to be able to find time to get to the holiday home occassionally
to rememeber to get some extra cash for the gardener, cleaner and childminder at christmas
to be able to pick the appropriate uni, oxford like daddy, or cambridge like mummy, without resorting to a slagging match :?

all very simple things really :(

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 12:45
by Thrash Harry
paint it black wrote:worse than the masons'
Did you miss an 'n' out there?

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 13:50
by Big Si
Quiff Boy wrote:
Big Si wrote:Can I cheer you up with some pics?
'ere! you got sauce! :eek:

cheeky... ;)

you smooth talker ;)
Well the devil may care but I don't mind! :wink:

And I meant pics of excalibur, as they cheered her up last time! :roll:

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 13:52
by paint it black
Thrash Harry wrote:
paint it black wrote:worse than the masons'
Did you miss an 'n' out there?



Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 20:20
by Angelchild
Big Si wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Big Si wrote:Can I cheer you up with some pics?
'ere! you got sauce! :eek:

cheeky... ;)

you smooth talker ;)
Well the devil may care but I don't mind! :wink:

And I meant pics of excalibur, as they cheered her up last time! :roll:

Awww,bless you Si :) Indeed they did. :D Your current avatar is doing nicely for me. I have a bit of a thing for the Angel Gabriel :wink:

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 20:21
by James Blast
Being A Girl...

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 20:29
by Loki
Red Sunsets wrote:Being A Girl...
Are we talking full transgender re-assignment at John Hopkins here, or just being able to throw a ball like Jarvis Cocker?

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 20:41
by James Blast
it was a Mansun song, JB...

<---limps off and weeps in the corner

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 20:54
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:it was a Mansun song, JB...

<---limps off and weeps in the corner
No crying allowed will smear your mascara and wreck your pretty face.


Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 21:08
by James Blast
<------gives BeeP a great big... to be continued.

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 21:17
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:<------gives BeeP a great big... to be continued.
TBC??? hmm... :roll: :x

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 22:03
by emilystrange
my mascara is waterproof. bllody stuff wont come off at all..

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 22:43
by James Blast
Sorry BeeP, got stuck to the carpet in PPG.

HUG was what I was aiming for. :twisted: