Your fave obscure bands

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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James Blast
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Johnny Boy wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:CUSM, obscure?
Still avoiding the 'I saw Kiss live admission' I see ... :wink:

I don't blame you. :urff:
The closest I got to anything Kissable JB was purchasing Kiss-Alive II in the early 70s. Listened to it once, didn't tape it, left the flyers and tattoos intact and took it back to the record shop the following week, where I changed* it for Tangerine Dream-Encore (another live double). All I can remember of Alive II is, there seemed to be a lot of fireworks/explosions in the midst of their rather limp stadium rawk.

* Changing Records
70s school kid, skint, music daft.
Me and two other mates would buy an album on spec, keep the receipt. If it sucked, take it back a week later with the 'My sister bought me this...' line, and get something new. My greatest hit was buying The Best Of Ginger Baker (no laughing at the back) for £1.50 and changing it for the just released Physical Grafitti, priced at £4.55.

...and yes, I do post on here regularly, I also know at least one other Heartlander/Dominionite on there :wink:
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Dangerous Toys
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Maybe BH was being ironic?
scrub that

Man'o War, I laughed at that one, Spinal Tap incarnate.
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Xodus wrote:Swans
bought Holy Money on a Friday night, took it back Saturday morning. :P
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Black Horizon wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:
Xodus wrote:Swans
bought Holy Money on a Friday night, took it back Saturday morning. :P
The Swans are amazing, 'Greed' and 'The Great Annihilator' are their best albums. BTW, 'Holy Money' is also a classic album too. Shame on you for taking it back to the shop.
Reweed Amsterdam 2003.
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Black Horizon wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:
Xodus wrote:Swans
bought Holy Money on a Friday night, took it back Saturday morning. :P
The Swans are amazing, 'Greed' and 'The Great Annihilator' are their best albums. BTW, 'Holy Money' is also a classic album too. Shame on you for taking it back to the shop.
ill second that. Soundtracks for the blind is one of the most well developed albums of all time. 'helpless child' is one of the best songs ever written and theres a new michael gira solo recordings cd coming out soon.

their cover of 'love will..' is bloody good too
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Red_Kola wrote:Loop (never used to be obscure but no fekker heard of them these days)
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Loop were ace, got a lot of stuff by them, awesome live act too. Used to have the cover for Heavens End as my avatar!!
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robin black and the intergalactic rockstars

and DAMN good call whoever said Bif Naked.
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Red Sunsets wrote:Entombed (the acceptable voice of Scandinavian Death Metal)

oooh and Aesma Daeva
I saw entombed when a previous boyfriends band was supporting them. one of entombed's roadies saw my entombed t-shirt, went "SWEDISH DEATH!" at me and brought me lots of free stickers and stuff!
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The Sisters are the only obscure band I ever really liked.
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The Dub Club. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Enigma, Goldfrapp, Air.
Can't be @rsed thinking of anymore...
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depends what you mean by "obscure" i guess.

i'd say:
rev hammer
sopor aeternus
deine lakaien
project pitchfork
apoptygma berzerk
69 eyes
legandary pink dots
lollipop lust kill
malice mizer
the rasmus
dir en grey
robin black and the intergalactic rockstars.....
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Johnny Boy wrote:Along with another Heartlander who frequents these shores occassionally, I'm a big David Sylvian fan. Japan made me curious but his solo stuff is out of this world. The man's a genius. :notworthy:

Japan 1977 demos bootleg - Punk/glam rock meets disco/funk on speed. I defy anyone to be able to last more than three tracks in a row. But someone, somewhere saw a glimmer of hope. And the boy done good, as they say.
I have never heard David Sylvian's work. I have, however, heard a Captain Sensible live album in which the Captain mentions how David Sylvian's farts smell really bad.
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Bel Canto (fantastic band from Norway)
The Gathering
Kim Wilde
Under Byen (Björk-type stuff from Denmark)
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The Don
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Deffo agree with Loop. Excellentg stuff.
Spacemen 3
Black Altar
The rest are not obscure enough.
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are spacemen 3 loop goldfrapp and air obscure???

Republic. there's a good one.
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I don't think Air or Goldfrapp are to be considered obscure. Quality - but not obscure.
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Smell & Quim
The Very Things
Contagious Orgasm
Iowa Beef Experience
Nurse With Wound
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speculation redundant
the jason downes syndrome
jason recliner
israeli boat race
the revenue
hedgehog extermination
the bishopric
pandora in america
the dizaei investigation
woo widdecombe woo
disposal of batteries
the possibilities
dacon raffaele
the crescent
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RicheyJames wrote:woo widdecombe woo
especially the "Chain 'em up" mix
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Malaria. A girlband from Germany. Earlu 80's. Dark, very dark, synth music. Makes you wanne take your life, allmost.

All my friends hate them. Haven't played them for years. Have to run home now :lol:
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Before I get onto my fave obscurities, guess which Antipodean Heartland post-er was slated for a date with Holly Valance in Sydney one night? None other than yours truly... ha ha ha.... :lol:

Anyway, onto my favourites:

Diamanda Galas
Virgin Prunes

and others I can't really think of right now - like lots of acts who only did maybe one song I ever really loved - like Michael Gira's "Skin" project with the first song off their Blood Women Roses album. Can't recall its name.
.... there is no semblance of rock 'n roll around here!
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Spacemen 3 don't really count, but they certainly were obscure up until 89 or so. Historical perspective has changed all of that, and their achievements are finally being recognised these days.

Nice to see a few folks mentioning Loop - I have most of their stuff and it's really good, although they do come in for a bit of stick in some quarters. The Hair And Skin Trading Company (basically Loop without the singer after they split) were also good, and "Jo In Nine G Hell" is one of the best LP titles ever.
If I told them once, I told them a hundred times to put 'Spinal Tap' first and 'Puppet Show' last.
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Black Biscuit wrote: Shriekback
:D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Black Biscuit wrote:Michael Gira's "Skin" project with the first song off their Blood Women Roses album. Can't recall its name.
The one I recall was 1,000 Years, Jarboe of Swans on vocals, I'm sure I have it on video somewhere in the Blast Archive.
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
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