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Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:29
by Quiff Boy
mayhem wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
cyn wrote:*shudders at the thought of London*
*does the same*

aren't there dragons down there? and cannibals? :o
Yeah, we have, but only to keep the Home Counties types with Land Rovers away.

Heartlanders would be perfectly safe I'm sure. I'll have a word...
ta :)

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:32
by emilystrange
Quiff Boy wrote:
cyn wrote:*shudders at the thought of London*
*does the same*

aren't there dragons down there? and cannibals? :o
i was there last saturday, dear, and all went well. mr strange and i had a lovely day and had nice food and bought things.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 22:40
by cyn
Quiff Boy wrote:
cyn wrote:*shudders at the thought of London*
*does the same*

aren't there dragons down there? and cannibals? :o
*throws coat and sword to Quiffy*

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 19:07
by James Blast
Ah tink yew mean 'dat Loondun' la, awrite?


Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 00:14
by James Blast
Calm down, calm down!

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 18:47
by Mrs. Snowey
Red Sunsets wrote:Ah tink yew mean 'dat Loondun' la, awrite?

I so love that sketch :D

An' they're not wrong either :wink:

BTW This used to be on the side of (JJB?) big sports shop in Liverpool city centre. Used to cheer me up every time I walked past it.


Got took down tho'. :evil: Can't have stuff like that up anymore. Capital of Culture don'tcha know

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 19:37
by James Blast
Oh ay, dats grrrrrreat, La!

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 10:59
by Andie
London's alright to visit...seeing that it's only 75 miles away from me (or an hour by train)...but then i guess any of the larger cities are good for a quick visit...take in the sights...find a cosy bar...and then catch the band that you've travelled all that way to see...

is there really any other reason to go there?

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 11:11
by Black Biscuit
I found London to be a woefully impersonal place. The cost of living was awful, the food was crap, the class structure was pronounced, there was too much complacency, and the musicians were more interested in "making it" than in making music... :!:

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 11:27
by Andie
Black Biscuit wrote:I found London to be a woefully impersonal place. The cost of living was awful, the food was ****, the class structure was pronounced, there was too much complacency, and the musicians were more interested in "making it" than in making music... :!:
i kinda liked the impersonal touch of Londoners...i can also complain about the cost of living...but it's not that bad in comparison the where i live anyways...the food is always pants...i live only in donut shops, buger bars and coffee shops...everywhere else is over priced for the sake of it...the class structure? you mean that it offends you to see stupid people with money being ripped off?...oh puhlease!!...i dunno about complacency...most people i meet and talk to are too damn paranoid about how they look to be complacent...and the musician thing...if you listen to them...they ain't locals...usually they're americans...or northerners...*sorry...had to get that in*...trying to break in the music capital of the world...what else would they be there for??

over all...London has to be taken with a huge pinch of's one ugly sprawling garish self important impotent fcuk up of a place...but hey...i was born there...

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 14:05
by Black Planet
London is a very pretty city, especially on a sunny day walking along Charing Cross past Trafalgar Square.... I never found it impersonal, and most ppl I met were nice to me, even in the shops where I have an awful time with your money, coin that is not paper. I understand there's a bit of pomposity in the (English/Londoners) people, and I find that amusing as last time I was there I was with a 6 foot goth dressed all in black. Talk about turning heads in a 5 star hotel. It only made me laugh, but that's part of being american, and I don't care what ppl think.

I would like to go back again simply because there is so much there that I haven't seen. Including Mark Manning...;)