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Posted: 30 Mar 2004, 09:05
by randdebiel²
Hojyuu-obi wrote: Hehe, I made those very same "predictions" about VDB (altough it has taken far longer than I expected), he'll win De Ronde Van Vlaanderen this weekend :D
did yoyu make this predictions at the time e said he stopped? at that time there were reaaly few people....and they were described as being mad :lol:
hmm....sisters fan and vdb fan? do I know you? :lol:

I don't think so...I treally hope so but there are two possibilities

a)he gets on top of the muur with peet and /or museeuw....then he won't be able to shake him anymore and will lose in the sprint (they ARE faster in the sprint....)

b)he IS able to lose em all....but then he has 10/20 km to do on his own against the wind which will be against him against the few cyclers behind him....even though he's great in time trilas, it would be very difficult.....

so my guess is he will be the best one in the race but won't win... :(

he will win L-B-L though :)

Posted: 30 Mar 2004, 12:38
by andymackem
OK. In November I put £20 into an on-line betting account at I still have about £20 in there, having withdrawn a total of £75. So yes, I can predict certain future events given a bit of background info.

Gut feelings. 1997 World Cup qualifier, Poland v England. I'm in a pub in York (The Northern Wall, for those who know the city). England are 1-0 up and get a penalty. Shearer puts the ball on the spot and suddenly I just get this feeling. Amid the hush I tell my mate he's going to miss. And he does. This doesn't make me popular with some of the natives, but England win anyway so who cares. Had a similar feeling when Neil Harris lined up a spot-kick for Millwall against West Ham last week, with similar results, but this isn't scientific.

Slightly more sinister. At work we used to get results phoned in by a bloke from a local cycling club. He was a bit mad, and every once in a while his social worker would phone us up to see if he'd been OK while he was talking to us. A couple of weeks went by and we hadn't heard from him. Realising this I said something along the lines of: "Shouldn't someone give him a call and check he's still alive?"

Horribly, later that morning we got a phonecall from one of his friends to say he'd passed away over the weekend. :cry: That was a really nasty feeling.

For all you dream-readers out there, can you decipher Friday night's for me? Somehow I took a cross-channel ferry to Prague (yes, the land-locked one in the Czech Republic), only to be turned back because I didn't have a passport. Only I had taken my passport but it was destroyed when the change in air-pressure (a regular feature of sea travel, especially when there's no sea, I guess) had caused a bottle of cherry coke in my bag to burst, ruining my paperwork. And then I met the thwarted love of my (real) life at the ferry terminal in Dover-on-the-Moldau and woke up. No mind-altering substances were involved, and I'm a bit embarassed about going to bed with one girl then dreaming about another :oops:

Posted: 30 Mar 2004, 16:48
by Purple Light
As both the MD's at my work have gone to Germany for a week I predicted this morning that I would do absolutely b*gger all today...
I was right!!!

I even got away with a half hour nap.

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 03:40
by cyn
Used to happen all the time to me as a child. My mom thought I was possessed. I think we all have a blue print of our life before we are born and sometimes we run into thin spots. These reminds us we are on the right track kinda like deja vu. :roll:

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 01:33
by Lynchfanatic
Well, lets see. The "biggest" stuff I can remember right now. There was a night I had an really unsetteling feeling. I could not get rid of it. I started to think, maybe my best friend was having a hard time.. But the feeling did not go away- this took hours. I finally thought of my boyfriend. And the feeling was not that strong anymore. So I wrote him a note to be careful the next day going to work. Then I was able to go to bed. The next morning he got up from bed, and getting ready for work. He read the note, and was going to the bathroom. But as he turned the corner, he fell down hard and hit him self. That was kinda weird.

I know when we will get people coming over, way too often. Without them calling or anything like that first ofcourse. And if my cat is not in my sight for some time, I start to wonder where he is. And just a couple of seconds after thinking that, he comes walking towards me. Even if its hours or minutes since I saw him last. Sometimes the phone calls just as I pick it up for no reason.

There is this guy I have talked to in a chatroom. I do not know this person very well. No personal information. One time he was complaining over his knee, that it was hurting. So I said just for fun, that I could try and heal him, by using "mind power". But I also thought, why not try? Just to see what happens. So as I was going to bed, I started to concentrate on him, I had seen his picture. And trying to focus on his knee. But my mind wondered of everytime I tried to focus. I saw him in bed, and two men coming in to his bed room trying to take him away. I "saw" this very clearly. I did not think any off it. Until I talked to him the next time. I asked him if he had any fears of men coming in his room and taking him away, like nightmares or something like that. The thing is he said that he had been taken by aliens for many years. Yeah I know this sounds like a little too much. But he is serious, he is somewhat of an weird person. But the taken away part blew me away.

This is what I can think of right away. But I get hunches about what might happen, sort of a gut feeling.

Think what you want about his, but it has happened to me.

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 20:06
by karin
I predicted that if George Bush won the election he would lead the world into WWIII.

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 20:13
by rian
karin wrote:I predicted that if George Bush won the election he would lead the world into WWIII.
So, it's your fault then?


Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 20:31
by karin
rian wrote:
karin wrote:I predicted that if George Bush won the election he would lead the world into WWIII.
So, it's your fault then?

:lol: Yeah me and the dodgy chads :lol:

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 20:45
by Almiche V
Pompey will beat Man U this Saturday. Betcha.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:44
by Black Shuck
When I was 14 I threw a coin in a wishing well and wished that my team, Everton, would win a trophy in the next season.
Spookily, they won the FA cup the next year. (1995)
Agonisingly, though, I can't remember where that wishing well was! Aaaargh! So Snowey, don't bother asking me for it's location. :lol:

Hang on a minute- I've just relised- that wasn't a prediction, it was a wish! oh well.

Here's a bold prediction- Southampton FC will be relegated next year.
Dunno why, I just have a bad feeling that their run of midtableness-against-the-odds will come to an end now Stracho's left.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:48
by Black Shuck

Phwoar, Snubby, wotcha doin friday night? :wink: :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:10
by paint it black
my death...nah

two merciful releases in 2004...we'll see :twisted:

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
I predict that I will get ar*e holed in Whitby and fall over.....again!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 13:15
by Almiche V
Black Shuck wrote:Image

Phwoar, Snubby, wotcha doin friday night? :wink: :wink:
Don't feel bad about S*********n being relegated. It should be encouraged. :twisted:

Why have you just asked me out?