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Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 11:20
by rian
I watched Pirates of the Carebean (spell) last night, and fell asleep after 45 minutes.

s**t film!

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 17:28
by James Blast
With many thanks to Andy of Heartland - Cat Psychology Division :notworthy: :D

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 19:26
by Muppet
That's funny, I watched Pirates a while back and found it really boring as well! Hubby thinks we should give it another try, but even with pretty men in, I found the whole" plot thing" (I think there was one) completely blah......

My cats do that with their bottoms as well, I don't like it, especially if they're a bit on the stinky side!! Errrrrr! I'm glad I don't have to wash my arse with my tongue! :P

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 23:11
by paint it black
rebecca the tarts interview, followed up by a dash of bin laden. telly doesn't get any better than that :roll:

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 09:30
by hallucienate
NYC 1991-07-24

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 11:00
by Carrie
Actually Andy I thought it was the other way round with cats & cat-haters.

Someone who likes cats will often rush over to a strange one crying 'who's a pretty kitty den?' & attempt to pick it up or stroke it. As far as the cat's concerned, this is about the human equivalent of someone pinching your arse & sticking their tongue down your throat on being introduced at a formal dinner party.

However, a cat-hater will keep the cat in view out of the corner of their eye (because they'd really rather it kept its distance) whilst pretending to ignore it. Cats approve of this, because it's how they behave to strange members of their own species. The cat will quite likely show its appreciation for the cat hater's good manners/attempt to up the ante by bullying such a courteous & therefore evidently insecure individual (depends how cynical you are about your cat, really) by leaping up & plonking itself squarely on his or her lap. Where it will proceed to wash its bottom in a show of 'I'm relaxed. Not my problem if you're not'.

Sorry...where were we?

Oh yes. Now watching ******* WWF. Again. Since the ******* cricket has FINALLY finished...

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 21:50
by Thrash Harry
Morse - The Dead Of Jericho. Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Real Ale.