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Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 15:08
by Thrash Harry
andymackem wrote:Rugby league is a bit like rugby union, only with skill and finesse
A rugby union forward has to acquire skills in:

- scrumaging
- rucking
- mauling
- line-outs
- medicine/ the law/ freeloading

A rugby league forward has to learn to run straight with the ball under his arm.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 15:10
by Loki
We mostly hung around the prom and on the 'beach' saying NO! to the children's repeated requests to liquidate our assets on some tat or other.

Someone needs to invent a secret HL sign so we can spot each other at 400 yards sans HL tees.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 15:19
by emilystrange
yes. i'm usually the smallest cutest one *ahem*

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 17:14
by andymackem
Thrash Harry wrote:
andymackem wrote:Rugby league is a bit like rugby union, only with skill and finesse
A rugby union forward has to acquire skills in:

- scrumaging
- rucking
- mauling
- line-outs
- medicine/ the law/ freeloading

A rugby league forward has to learn to run straight with the ball under his arm.
A Union forward, therefore specialising in hitting people, lifting his mate in the air to hit someone, or sticking his face between someone else's legs prior to collectively hitting someone, then passing the buck.

A League forward learns how to avoid getting hit and manages to pass the football.

In terms of skills, consider how much time the ball is visible in a game of league as compared with the amount of time it spends under a pile of large bodies before being unceremoniously booted off a union field.

I know which I'd rather watch (but wouldn't play either coz I'm a wuss!)