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Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 13:39
by Karst
It was a bad combination. FF probably have three good songs but it falls apart after that - and a review in the Irish Times yesterday said the same. Its a fad. It will pass. Interpol were ok - Carlos an absolute knob and the rest just seem awfully young (and ever so slightly out of tune).

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 13:41
by flowersdie
I have to say I think that Franz Ferdinand album is the best (of its type) that I have heard for years. 3 good songs my arse! :wink:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 16:38
by Debaser
And The Killers are what Interpol promised to be but never actually delivered.

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:43
by Andie
Debaser wrote:And The Killers are what Interpol promised to be but never actually delivered.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

the Killers are abosfeckinloutely awesome...saw them suporting British Sea Power...who incedently are better live than their album suggests

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:46
by Andie
flowersdie wrote:I think Franz Ferdinand are to Orange Juice (or perhaps Josef K)what Interpol are to the Chameleons. They're both great fun tho'!

personally i think Josef K's offspring are Franz Ferdinand...similar in style and sound...Orange juice were to cute to be contenders for the guitar jangeljangel of the 80's Postcard records...

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 20:19
by Andie
for those of you who don't know what is The Killers ... ecard.html

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 20:43
by Black Planet
Burn wrote:for those of you who don't know what is The Killers ... ecard.html
Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend?

No eyeliner on those boys. :evil:

Sounds good but a bit too cheery for me. Does not look good at all. :urff:

I'll stick with Ville. :wink:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 22:32
by James Blast
I don't hear or see the connection to 'The Sound Of Young Scotland' (ie. anyone on Postcard) as it was labelled all those years ago.
Orange Juice were fantastic till a producer stepped in and ruined their charm, no wonder the original line-up only made one album. I have the Postcard singles on tape and they still shine.

No More Rock n Roll For Yew!

Did I ever tell you I designed (and screenprinted) a poster for OJ Live at Dundee Uni c.79?

<-----off on one again :(

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 00:14
by Debaser
Burn wrote:
Debaser wrote:And The Killers are what Interpol promised to be but never actually delivered.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

the Killers are abosfeckinloutely awesome...saw them suporting British Sea Power...who incedently are better live than their album suggests
Yeppity, first saw them here in Lincoln supporting BSP (and again must agree with comment regarding live versus cd)

Went to see Killers again this time supporting StellaStar (who were fabbie too)

Then all on their own headlining - they WILL be massive.

The tour starts very very soon...May infact

Posted: 01 May 2004, 22:15
by F--kwit
Burn wrote:
the Killers are abosfeckinloutely awesome...saw them suporting British Sea Power...who incedently are better live than their album suggests
Can't disagree there. Whilst The Decline Of British Sea Power is unquestionably the greatest album of all time, it does not even contain all their best songs and pales into insignificance besides their consistently outstanding live performances.


:eek: :D :notworthy:

oh blimey, did I just find yet another excuse to post pictures of a half dressed dish on the web purely for my own titillation? Sorry...

Of the 41 times I have seen them they have been under par on about 3 occasions, if that. Mind you I am just a f u c k w i t.


Oh, Franz? Very average when i saw them supporting Interpol a few times last year. I did at the time declare them the worst band I had seen in a long time but they appear to have written a tune or two since then.
Interpol? Nice tunes, but wondering whether they have any more.
Killers? Bring it on!!

Posted: 02 May 2004, 15:53
by Debaser
Gratuitous photographic display of BSP gigs....not usually your style F--wit


Posted: 03 May 2004, 20:53
by andymackem
BSP - still want to hear them live, enjoyed "Decline of ..."

FF - saw them support The Futureheads at Camden Barfly last May, and they were very good. Not surprised by their current success. Of course now they're in the charts I don't like them any more :wink:

Futureheads are also worth looking out for. In a similar vein, but from Sunderland, the city which gave the world Kenickie, The Toy Dolls, and, errr, ummm, me on a karaoke night? :oops:

Posted: 03 May 2004, 21:03
by James Blast
The Streets vs. The Futureheads has just entered the Hit Parade.

That is/was not a recommendation! :eek:

Posted: 03 May 2004, 21:51
by F--kwit
I'm going to see The Streets next week.

I'll get me coat :)

Posted: 03 May 2004, 22:19
by Debaser
I've seen the Streets before...and will have to put up with them again at Leeds

I don't get them at all