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Posted: 22 Apr 2004, 19:36
by Loki
paint it black wrote:good name for a dog,. loved the film
Ah, Richard Todd aka WC Guy Gibson? I remember the good old days when Spear Of Destiny used it as their into music.

Posted: 22 Apr 2004, 20:55
by dee902
I'm black and I've never used the 'n' word. Ever. It pisses me off when other black people use it as if it's nothing. Even worse, the justification of the word by some black people is appalling. There's no justification for that word. Period.

Rant over, lol.

Posted: 22 Apr 2004, 21:26
by Quiff Boy
dee902 wrote:I'm black and I've never used the 'n' word. Ever. It pisses me off when other black people use it as if it's nothing. Even worse, the justification of the word by some black people is appalling. There's no justification for that word. Period.

Rant over, lol.
its interesting to actually hear the opinion of someone black. thank you. :notworthy:

the "racial mix" on heartland seems pretty typical of the goth/alternative scene as a whole (in the uk at least) in that its pretty much dominated by caucasian people... :roll:

shame really as all (sub?) cultures becomes benefit and more interesting the more diverse their influences 8)

Posted: 22 Apr 2004, 21:39
by Quiff Boy
on a lighter note:
Desailly Quits In Big Ron Row

Apr 22 2004

French legend Marcel Desailly's football career is over after an amazing six letter outburst directed at TV pundit Big 'Ron' Atkinson.

The Chelsea centre back stunned ITV viewers with a tirade against Atkinson during Tuesday night's live coverage of his side's Champions league semi-final defeat in Monaco.

With the game slipping away from Chelsea in the second half, Desailly was clearly seen to mouth a derogatory statement about Atkinson.

Although this is a family-oriented website, we have decided to publish that tirade in full.

Desailly called Atkinson 'Cheap Orange Trash' and a 'Fake Tan Chunky Boy' before laying out Fernando Morientes with a casually misplaced elbow to the head.

Pressure groups were last night up in arms over Desailly's comments.

The South Florida Orange Growers' Association called the outburst 'A blatant attempt to demonise all things orangey' and a spokesperson for Outspan added that 'This was fruitism of the very worst kind which leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, unlike our consistently juicy and delicious products.'

Atkinson himself was unavailable for comment as he was holed up in a tanning booth with six kilos of jewellery and a karaoke machine.

But a contrite Desailly issued the following statement: "I made a stupid statement which I regret.

"It left me no option but to resign. At the moment I can't believe I did it. It was just a moment of stupidity.

"I was very frustrated during the game because I thought Cheslea could have won. I regret making the comments and I apologise to anyone I may have offended.

"If you look at my track record as a player, I was one of the first in the game to give oranges a chance, especially at half time."

Desailly's manager, Claudio Ranieri, confirmed that he had received a letter of resignation from Marcel.

It is understood that he then turned it into a plane and then a hat and then a paper chain.

Posted: 22 Apr 2004, 22:23
by paint it black
why do coloured (sorry no better PC phrase in simple head) people debase themselves by allowing the comedy coon aspect in hollywood :?:

ratio of sensible acting to fool is very low

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 00:03
by James Blast
to feel threatened and powerless, makes you hyper-sensitive

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 10:52
by mh
Interesting one. If I can wander slightly off-topic for a mo, my friend works for an adoption agency and they are trying to reclaim the word "bastard" for themselves.

Like the N-word, it was originally a purely descriptive term which came to have derogatory connotations through use in a certain context. The N-word however will always carry implications of slavery.

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 14:08
by Silver_Owl
IT certainly does depend on your own colour. I know African Americans believe it acceptable to call each other 'nigga'. Check many of the hip hop albums of the last decades.

To say it in the angry context of the outburst as Big Ron did is totally unacceptable, be it off air, or on. He should never work in television again. I remember going to football matches as a boy and being horrified that the same people who cheered our own black players were shouting things like "dirty black bastard" at Paul Ince.

He's no better than those people and needs to be ridded from football.

They're even talking about banning him from every ground in the country. Good ridance to a bigotted big mouther wanka.

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 14:12
by dee902
[quote="Steve303"]IT certainly does depend on your own colour. I know African Americans believe it acceptable to call each other 'nigga'. Check many of the hip hop albums of the last decades.

That's the thing that makes my blood boil. I don't understand why some blacks think it's ok. If another black person called me that, I'd have to beat the crap out of them.

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 14:16
by Silver_Owl
Isn't it nmore in the hip hop scene? I remember Ice Cube once saying something along the lines of "He will continue to call himself a nigga until he is freed from the chains of America.'
His basic point was that he was still a slave and until he is free he wil carry on using the term as a term of empowerment.
(No, I don't get it either)

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 14:18
by markfiend
Steve303 wrote:They're even talking about banning him from every ground in the country. Good ridance to a bigotted big mouther ****.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't "John Public" in the stands be banned from every ground if he used the "N" word at a game? If so, why not do the same with Big Ron? You can't make an exception and let him off lightly, just because he's "someone famous".

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 14:20
by Silver_Owl
markfiend wrote:
Steve303 wrote:They're even talking about banning him from every ground in the country. Good ridance to a bigotted big mouther ****.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't "John Public" in the stands be banned from every ground if he used the "N" word at a game? If so, why not do the same with Big Ron? You can't make an exception and let him off lightly, just because he's "someone famous".
Here here MF.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 12:15
by Mrs. Snowey
We had a bit of a heated debate in work yesterday about this. The rest of the department were of the opinion that because the word is being reclaimed as a greeting, it was ok for an over-rated tv pundit whose mouth seemingly functions without the intervention of a brain to use too :roll:

Personally, I'm quite pleased the mic was left on. About time some of these of old frauds were found out. Next!!! :twisted: