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Posted: 22 May 2004, 11:15
by Padstar
Thanks to all who came along.... bit of a trail for us with various technical problems and our stripped down rehearsal set up. Indeed it was a true first as we were using Nurs Landslide herself due to mini disk probems !!!!! Running the gig from a PC for heavens sake !!!

cheers to Dr Spiggy in particular :)


Posted: 25 May 2004, 23:20
by lily
Am i dreaming or did i see a poster advertising the Smurfs playing at the Vic in Coalville?????? ;D

Posted: 25 May 2004, 23:43
by DoKtor Spiggy
The DoKtor reports:
It was a terrific night!
Technical problems?
They weren't apparent.
Mock Von was awesome!
Paddy was Hendix/Marx-esque as usual.
And what nice people the band are.
And I made the poor sods do a second encore having bribed the landlord with a few sherberts!
But the rousing version of Anaconda which they finished with was absolutely superb!
Well done & thankyou to all.
If you've not seen The Smurfs, then you REALLY should do!


The Doktor

Posted: 26 May 2004, 10:19
by Ed Rhombus
lily wrote:Am i dreaming or did i see a poster advertising the Smurfs playing at the Vic in Coalville?????? ;D
That's Sisters of Murphy the folk band. No 'the' see.

I was wondering when they would crop up.

Posted: 26 May 2004, 16:43
by lily
Ed Rhombus wrote:
lily wrote:Am i dreaming or did i see a poster advertising the Smurfs playing at the Vic in Coalville?????? ;D
That's Sisters of Murphy the folk band. No 'the' see.

I was wondering when they would crop up.
Never mind, i almost smiled then!! Isnt it time that they came down this end of the country???

Posted: 27 May 2004, 09:03
by Ed Rhombus
Phone the venue and ask if its them, that will confuse em.

Posted: 27 May 2004, 12:28
by Padstar
lily wrote:Am i dreaming or did i see a poster advertising the Smurfs playing at the Vic in Coalville?????? ;D
We actually had the promoter mail us about this and i had to tell him i had no idea what he was talking about!!!

Seems the folk band must have booked it and he assumed this was us. Even though i explained this he didnt seem too happy, i sadi we would play for them but ive heard nothing since.....

Wasnt even our fault!!!

Paddy :(

Posted: 27 May 2004, 22:25
by James Blast
I think both bands should just sort it out in the parking lot behind the venue, after a good few pints, of course.

The most bloodied, but unbowed takes the name.

*note to Paddy
don't try this at Dirty Nellies in Glasgow, Big SI and a few more Weegies of the Celtic persuasion are liable to join in the pummelling! :eek:

Posted: 27 May 2004, 23:03
by Chairman Bux
I have found carrying an iron bar up the sleeve of one's jacket to be helpful in negotiations of the type Padstar describes. But then you need that in Leeds - I don't imagine Coalville is quite as brutal a place. ;)

Posted: 28 May 2004, 08:25
by Padstar
Red Sunsets wrote:I think both bands should just sort it out in the parking lot behind the venue, after a good few pints, of course.

The most bloodied, but unbowed takes the name.

*note to Paddy
don't try this at Dirty Nellies in Glasgow, Big SI and a few more Weegies of the Celtic persuasion are liable to join in the pummelling! :eek:
I would like to think Si would be on our side ???? Si ????


Posted: 28 May 2004, 10:07
by lily
Think again!!! Coalville has to be the worst place on earth, the name kindve gives it away. An iron bar would be useful just to get the checkout staff there to give you your change!!!! But dont be too put off eh?!!!