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Posted: 14 May 2004, 12:53
by Planet Dave
You cooking again tonight, Richey? :roll:

Posted: 14 May 2004, 12:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
RicheyJames wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww, how could you spoil beans on toast by putting 'orrible beans on it??
hmmm.... beans on beans on toast. your culinary skills know no limits love :wink:
Shut it! I corrected myself

Posted: 14 May 2004, 12:56
by Mrs RicheyJames
Dave Whelan wrote:You cooking again tonight, Richey? :roll:
And you can shut up too!

Posted: 14 May 2004, 12:57
by emilystrange
beans on cheese on toast is LOVELY yummmm
thats my tea sorted.. unless i can persuade Mr S to take me out.

Posted: 14 May 2004, 12:59
by Thrash Harry
Beans on toast with grated cheese on top? At least three times a week for me. Cheese on toast with beans on top? Pebbledash springs to mind.

Posted: 14 May 2004, 13:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
We really don't want to know about your toilet habits thank you very much!

Posted: 14 May 2004, 13:02
by emilystrange
either way.. my mum puts beans on first then grated cheese then all under the grill.. mmmmmm
i find it quicker the other way. and no grill pan to wash....

Posted: 14 May 2004, 18:59
by Debaser
emilystrange wrote:i think you had to be here at the time.
Think I arrived a good few hours later...couldn't make even a stab at guessing the other Boardy one though


Posted: 14 May 2004, 18:59
by Debaser

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:00
by Debaser

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:10
by James Blast

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:12
by hallucienate

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:13
by Big Si

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:14
by Quiff Boy
for the masses

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:24
by Debaser
Quiff Boy wrote:for the masses

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:35
by James Blast
masses of lamb

from the the misheard SKIDS Into The Valley lyrics on that tape advert

<ducks Ness' left hook.

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:43
by Big Si
chop? :roll:

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:50
by James Blast

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:53
by hallucienate

Posted: 15 May 2004, 23:34
by Brideoffrankenstein
hallucienate wrote:suey?
erm!! :lol:
damn i was tring to join in and i got a difficult one! :? :wink: :lol:

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:31
by James Blast
chop and change

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:34
by Black Planet
your undies.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:36
by James Blast
u n d y i n g

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:55
by Debaser
love (is there anything else it could be?? )

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:59
by James Blast
s t i n k s