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Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:19
by hallucienate
markfiend wrote:
hallucienate wrote:this the same boss with the Lambo?
Yes. But that's spending money on himself. :evil:
That's what I was getting at :roll:
So, while he's out driving in his Lambo you've got to sit in an office with no air-con AND use a Mac?

the horror! :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:31
by markfiend
hallucienate wrote:
markfiend wrote:
hallucienate wrote:this the same boss with the Lambo?
Yes. But that's spending money on himself. :evil:
That's what I was getting at :roll:
Yes, I know, sorry. Never mind :lol:
hallucienate wrote:So, while he's out driving in his Lambo you've got to sit in an office with no air-con
Wonderful isn't it? :roll:
hallucienate wrote: AND use a Mac?

the horror! :innocent: :wink:
:x I'll let that one pass...

Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:34
by hallucienate

Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:35
by hallucienate
does the Lambo have air-con?

Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:46
by markfiend
hallucienate wrote:does the Lambo have air-con?
Fuct if I know. Do you think I've been in it? :lol:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 15:57
by CorpPunk
straylight wrote:Oh yes, I feel the spirit is with us now...

But if I start I won't stop.

I need my faith restored, there must be one of the brothers and sisters on here who actually like what they do rather than just (and only just) being able to stand it?

So I can hope for the same one day?

Thought not.
I like my job. In the sense that my last job broke me enough to render me incapable of feeling strongly about my work either way. Don't love it, can't hate it, just like it. Which is fine. 8)

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:35
by lizzy32
I like my Job, its ok, but given a choice i wouldn't work, but its a means to an end i need to work to enjoy life the rest of the time. :D

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:37
by Chairman Bux
I work from home. Open windows and a BFO fan are much better than air con.

Speaking of which, I might just go outside and get my skinny, pale old ass some sunshine. :lol:

"Later, pop kids", as the saying goes.

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:37
by markfiend
@ lizzy32: But you have your location as "office hell"? :lol:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:48
by lizzy32
markfiend wrote:@ lizzy32: But you have your location as "office hell"? :lol:
The office is hell, its on my own, no one to talk to, but the job i do in it is good

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:48
by Mrs RicheyJames
Mark, wasn't going to read this thread as the title sounded so very very gay!!! But then I did 'cause i'm bored!!! Just thought I'd share that with the rest of the group............

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:50
by markfiend
Sexygoth wrote:Mark, wasn't going to read this thread as the title sounded so very very gay!!! But then I did 'cause i'm bored!!! Just thought I'd share that with the rest of the group............
;D Thanks for sharing!

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:52
by Mrs RicheyJames
most welcome

Posted: 18 May 2004, 17:08
by Karst
Lived here for 6 years:

Enough sunshine to last me a lifetime.

Prefer this now these days:


Posted: 18 May 2004, 17:33
by mh
Well, it took me almost a year of shouting at them and calling in unions to get the A/C. Having a development network - a rack of 10 servers - in the corner helped.

And when did it finally go in?

Middle of winter.

Posted: 18 May 2004, 18:53
by Brideoffrankenstein
i have the oppsite problem! it's fine in the summer as we have to have the doors open for disabled customers for their wheelchairs etc (i work in a chemist so lots of ill people) which is fine, but in the winter we still have to have the doors open which is great when there's a force 12 outside and when you consider the fact that the shop is about 200 yards from the north sea...brrrrr! o h yeah and my boss doesnt like me putting the heater on for more than 2 seconds and its not even his shop so its not like he's got to pay the bill or anything! :cry: :cry:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 19:14
by James Blast
:D :D :D My job's just fantastic! All I've ever wanted to do. State of the art Macs and money to throw at print jobs. :D :D :D

... the bottom line...
The various bozos, sneaks, talentless feckers, pre-menstrual bithches, drama queens, hammeheids, spoilt madams, dickless SOBs and downright warped cnuts in positions of power.

Apart from that, marvellous! :D

Posted: 20 May 2004, 14:22
by andymackem
Job's not that bad.

The trolls in charge are wearisome, but they're an occupational hazard. Otherwise I get paid to waffle about sport and go to football matches. Could be worse.

That said, if I won the lottery you can bet your ass it would change me. Crucially it would change me from an office worker into a gentleman of leisure, in roughly the time it took me to say: "Burnley away? Tuesday night? No thanks, son!".

Posted: 20 May 2004, 15:37
by Chairman Bux
andymackem wrote:Job's not that bad.

The trolls in charge are wearisome, but they're an occupational hazard. Otherwise I get paid to waffle about sport and go to football matches. Could be worse.

That said, if I won the lottery you can bet your ass it would change me. Crucially it would change me from an office worker into a gentleman of leisure, in roughly the time it took me to say: "Burnley away? Tuesday night? No thanks, son!".
How many meat pies have you eaten in the last 12 months?

Posted: 20 May 2004, 17:11
by Izzy HaveMercy
My factory.
'nuff said, I guess...

And fer sunny days...I could NOT care less.

Hay fever you know. Currently longing for winter...



Posted: 21 May 2004, 07:37
by andymackem
Chairman Bux wrote:
andymackem wrote:Job's not that bad.

The trolls in charge are wearisome, but they're an occupational hazard. Otherwise I get paid to waffle about sport and go to football matches. Could be worse.

That said, if I won the lottery you can bet your ass it would change me. Crucially it would change me from an office worker into a gentleman of leisure, in roughly the time it took me to say: "Burnley away? Tuesday night? No thanks, son!".
How many meat pies have you eaten in the last 12 months?
In a personal or professional capacity?

Very good ones at West Brom and Ispwich this year, Crewe not bad, Rotherham disappointing. Norwich quite shocking, especially given Delia's involvement. Sunderland and West Ham score well for press hospitality, but I understand the supplies for punters are less impressive. No food available at Stoke, but a country pub near Uttoxeter served up a monster of a game pie on the way home.

Locally the chippy round the corner does competent pies but has no understanding of gravy (southerners! :roll: ). The Pipe of Port comes recommended. Ginsters pasties are an abomination before god and man.

How much more detail would you like? And, on the above evidence, what do you think I weigh?

Posted: 21 May 2004, 09:21
by Mrs RicheyJames
I HATE working in the summer. Wards are hot enough as it is and we get all the S.N.A.F.S in visiting because they can actually be ars*d when it's nice!

Posted: 21 May 2004, 09:52
by markfiend
andymackem wrote:Ginsters pasties are an abomination before god and man.
If you'd seen the things I've seen (at a certain competitor of Ginsters' * pie factory) you'd never eat a prepacked pie again. It was supposed to be a summer job. I lasted three days until I quit in disgust, after being told to sweep pastry up off the floor and to put it back in the pie-machine's pastry intake-hopper.
Sexygoth wrote:...S.N.A.F.S...
Who they?

*I was going to say which company, but I'm not sure I should. Can companies sue for defamation of character?

Also, edditid four sppeling

Posted: 21 May 2004, 10:14
by Mrs RicheyJames

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Usually refered to di*k head drunks or very pikey type people who bother us in A&E!!!

Can also just be used for pikeys though

Posted: 21 May 2004, 10:17
by markfiend
Sexygoth wrote:Sub

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Usually refered to di*k head drunks or very pikey type people who bother us in A&E!!!

Can also just be used for pikeys though
I'm stealing that ;D