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Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:24
by Thrash Harry
rian wrote:I bet they are still great live though.
You mean when they play the old "classics"?

I still reckon it's music for lonely girls in bedsits. :urff:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:28
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ed Rhombus wrote:So the band formed the day before they released their first single did they?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:29
by Scardwel
ah but they played their first gigs and recorded the first demos in 1977!
(pedantic? me?) :wink:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
o-bloody-k. They formed in the late 70's!!


Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:36
by hallucienate
Sexygoth wrote:o-bloody-k. They formed in the late 70's!!

except for Bloodflowers and Wild Mood Swings, and the jury is still out on the new album as i haven't heard it yet.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:37
by ryan
their last good song was 'wrong number' imo

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:42
by Mrs RicheyJames
Wild Mood swings is very iffy. Bloodflowers is a bit better!! And is the only Cure album that's had to grow on me.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:43
by hallucienate
Sexygoth wrote:Wild Mood swings is very iffy. Bloodflowers is a bit better!! And is the only Cure album that's had to grow on me.
mine's just growing dust. And The Top was isn't very good either.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:53
by ryan
the top still had shake dog shake... too bad the rest deserves to be on sesame street ;P

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
Are you kidding? Caterpillar? Piggy in the Mirror? Bird Mad Girl and Give Me it?? They are fantastic songs

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:16
by Loki
Commercial opportunity missed: Re-releasing 'Killing An Arab' stateside during any of the gulf conflicts.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:18
by markfiend
Johnny Boy wrote:Commercial opportunity missed: Re-releasing 'Killing An Arab' stateside during any of the gulf conflicts.
It was on a few radio stations' "do-not-play" lists, or so I am led to believe.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:23
by Mrs RicheyJames
Standing on the beach
With a gun in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring down the barrel
Like the arab on the ground
I can see his open mouth
But I hear no sound

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab

I can turn
And walk away
Or I can fire the gun
Staring at the sky
Staring at the sun
Whichever I choose
It amounts to the same
Absolutely nothing

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab

I feel the steel butt jump
Smooth in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring at myself
Reflected in the eyes
Of the dead man on the beach
The dead man on the beach

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:28
by markfiend
Based on Albert Camus' L'Etranger if I'm not mistaken.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:28
by Thrash Harry
Is that based on Camus' L'Etranger?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:29
by markfiend
Thrash Harry wrote:Is that based on Camus' L'Etranger?
I think so. :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:32
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:42
by ryan

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:53
by Mrs RicheyJames
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:06
by Quiff Boy
saw velvet revolver vid on mtv the other day and thought the singer looke a cross between pete murphy and iggy pop (espesh with the silver trousers) :roll:

the tune itself sounded like a poor g 'n' r track :urff:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:15
by Thrash Harry
Sexygoth wrote: Indeed it was
Not quite sure how that proves it. Did Fat Bob do 'A' Level French then? Or did he discover existentialism later in life?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:18
by Quiff Boy
Thrash Harry wrote:
Sexygoth wrote: Indeed it was
Not quite sure how that proves it. Did Fat Bob do 'A' Level French then? Or did he discover existentialism later in life?
its a widely known fact (in certain circles anyway) that it was based on that book... interviews with fat bob around the time confirmed it.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:25
by Thrash Harry
So who's gonna ask Mr Thorpe whether he thinks Eldritch should release another album?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:28
by Quiff Boy

Robert on 'Killing An Arab'...

"It was a short poetic attempt at condensing my impression of the key moments in 'L'etranger' (The Outsider) by Albert Camus". (Cure News 11 - October 1991)

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:28
by emilystrange
Quiff Boy wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:
Sexygoth wrote: Indeed it was
Not quite sure how that proves it. Did Fat Bob do 'A' Level French then? Or did he discover existentialism later in life?
its a widely known fact (in certain circles anyway) that it was based on that book... interviews with fat bob around the time confirmed it.
if you've read it, it couldn't be anything else...