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Posted: 06 Jul 2004, 12:14
by Tuscan Chimaera
I'm no good at politics.

I don't understand it.

So I don't vote.

But most people assume I am right wing due to my straight A's, proper enunciation, city job and richard james suits.

Posted: 06 Jul 2004, 12:22
by lazarus corporation
Tuscan Chimaera wrote:But most people assume I am right wing due to my straight A's, proper enunciation, city job and richard james suits.
I understand - most people think I'm a rock star because of my startlingly good looks, superb fashion sense and my inherent charm and charisma.

Posted: 06 Jul 2004, 13:06
by paint it black
andymackem wrote:@ PIB: define "unusually defensive". If I'm asked for my details I would want to know why before I gave them, simply so I'm happy about who is getting that information and what they want it for
aggresive is fine. i'm thinking body language, cagey demenour, i'm not thinking too well am i :lol: :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2004, 14:04
by andymackem
paint it black wrote:
andymackem wrote:@ PIB: define "unusually defensive". If I'm asked for my details I would want to know why before I gave them, simply so I'm happy about who is getting that information and what they want it for
aggresive is fine. i'm thinking body language, cagey demenour, i'm not thinking too well am i :lol: :lol:
We should play poker some time :lol:

But I'd take an aggressive response to a reasonable request as being defensive, if you can bear the tortuous linguistics of that statement.