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Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 11:50
by Francis
christophe wrote:Anyone know some good Pick-Up lines?
I seam to remember allot of failed attempts wish I'm trying to erase from my memory.
"Get yer coat. You've pulled." (Never used it myself mind :innocent: )

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 11:55
by Ed Rhombus
Tips for feeling young

Work with older people

I'm the youngest bar one in my office
I'm the youngest in my band by a good few years

Go to see Gary Numan
His fans are old, you'll feel like a baby trust me

Volenteer at Age Concern
Two hours of 'young man/lady' does you the world of good

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:05
by christophe
Christophe wanders around at some lame party and sees a nice Girl.
C: Hey don’t I know you from somewhere?
Girl: sorry, I don’t seem to remember you, how do you know me?
C: I don’t remember, from where are you?
Girl: I’m from *****
C: oh that’s not far away, I’m from *****
Girl: I don’t know anyone in ****
Girl: but you are probably mistaking me with my sister.
C: I don’t think so
Girl: yes you probably are
C: No I really don’t think so (getting frustrated, the conversation is getting nowhere)
Girl: wait a second (waves into the distance at some other girl)
C: (watching how her TWIN sister approaches)
Girl: (to her sister) do you know this boy?
Sister: No I don’t think so, from where are you?
C: (runs away in distress and shame)

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:37
by DerekR
christophe wrote:Anyone know some good Pick-Up lines?
I seam to remember allot of failed attempts wish I'm trying to erase from my memory.
Here's 10p, phone yer Mum and tell her you're not coming home :twisted:

....nah, never did work.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:49
by emilystrange
i don't think any one has ever used a chat up line on me.....
certainly not one of those.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:51
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:i don't think any one has ever used a chat up line on me.....
certainly not one of those.
What's the weather like down there? :wink:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:53
by hallucienate
Francis wrote:
emilystrange wrote:i don't think any one has ever used a chat up line on me.....
certainly not one of those.
What's the weather like down there? :wink:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
oh, how many times have I heard that, but having "down" replaced with "up" :roll: :roll:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 12:58
by emilystrange
THAT does not constitute a chat up line. Its just rude.
*tosses head indignantly*

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:00
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:THAT does not constitute a chat up line. Its just rude.
*tosses head indignantly*
I've still got the touch then. :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:03
by emilystrange
you've got the touch alright, matey.. a great big slap touch right across the chops.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:05
by Loki
'Hi, can I buy you breakfast?' got me slapped once ... :?

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:05
by emilystrange
were you surprised??

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:06
by Loki
emilystrange wrote:were you surprised??
Or was it spanked ... :innocent:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 13:28
by emilystrange
only you know which end of you hurt

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:18
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:you've got the touch alright, matey.. a great big slap touch right across the chops.
And you wonder why no-one ever tried to chat you up? :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:22
by emilystrange
As i've said before, the idea of beauty where i came from was blonde and blue eyed and skimpily dressed, not small goth girls with long sleeves and skirts.
So no, and usually, if someone tried, they WERE taking the p*ss. so deserved a slap.
in a nutshell.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:29
by Francis
But you've got over it now, right? :wink:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:36
by emilystrange
i'm just married now....
people are still liable for a slap if i think they're messing about.
or if they touch... which has happened. i dont think he thought i would, but i did.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:41
by Francis
My mate from school had this theory that the way to pull a good looking lass was to chat up her less attractive friend and wait for the green-eyed monster to take hold. I always found the less attractive ones more interesting myself. Just as well really. :lol:

Another guy I lived with at University had a theory that Poly girls were easier on the basis that they hadn't got into University cos they'd partied more than they'd studied. Nurses were supposed to be a pushover. :innocent:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:48
by emilystrange
SG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:50
by hallucienate
FFS Dave!!!!

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:55
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:SG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooh! Is that the time? Must dash... :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 14:59
by Francis
hallucienate wrote:FFS Dave!!!!
But then you have to remember that it was around the time of the first Aids scare so there wasn't as much free-love around as we'd been led to expect. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :oops:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 15:20
by Quiff Boy
never had any trouble "back in the day" ;)

...but then being a semi-intelligent, quasi-good looking, thing young goth chap in a club full of ropey old goth men, stupid & ugly baby-goth kiddies, and a plethora of (borderline psychotic) nubile gothettes worked in my favour, i'm sure ;) :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 15:30
by emilystrange
being kinda cute didn't hurt either.... hee