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Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 12:34
by Ed Rhombus
I've enjoyed "The Fear" both times I saw them, well worth a punt

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:43
by Andie
andymackem wrote:
Burn i've just said to BoF in a PM...i'm broke this month again...there's still a slim slim outside chance that i can get to Norwich and back on the Tuesday night...but i'm not about to say Yeah or Nah just yet...

@ AndyMac if you are going to drive up to Norwich...and i'm in a postion to go...wanna meet?...
Is that a subtle way of asking for a lift? Not a problem, assuming I can get recovery time off work the next day. (I'm very lazy about these things)

I take it there's no urgent need to buy tickets in advance for this extravaganza?

A lift in the most subtle of ways...agreed...i am asking...or i can drive if you're to to hot on the idea of the A 12 north into'd have to suffer my crappy 4X4 with no music...just road noise!!...

and i hope that we wont need to buy tix beforehand...if i go it will be by the seat of my PANTS!...enough cash for the tix...a couple of beers...ciggies...(about £25)...

i will let you know either way closer to the time...i may even cut down on the current beer and ciggie intake to save some cash...but i doubt it :wink:

i'll PM ya my mobile number...
