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Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 15:42
by Loki
The Grinn Reaper wrote:Back to the topic, how about Forbidden Planet or Close Encounters
CE is listed as 10th ... :innocent:

Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 15:49
by Loki
Damn! Need to practise that fastest finger ... :oops:

Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 16:01
by Almiche V
JB wrote:Damn! Need to practise that fastest finger ... :oops:

"Steady as a rock"

"Yeah but this is the hand I shoot with"

Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 17:26
by cyn
Burn wrote:
cyn wrote:Hmm I saw Blade Runner in the theatre when it came out.
Was a terrible date. Remember him putting relish on the popcorn...
Anyhow # 1??? What about Liquid Sky?

Liquid Sky... clicky here

classic IMHO :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Ah thanx is one of my fav films. 8)

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 01:20
by Francis

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 11:16
by Andie
cyn wrote:
Burn wrote:
cyn wrote:Hmm I saw Blade Runner in the theatre when it came out.
Was a terrible date. Remember him putting relish on the popcorn...
Anyhow # 1??? What about Liquid Sky?

Liquid Sky... clicky here

classic IMHO :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Ah thanx is one of my fav films. 8)

you're welcome Cyn...i was begining to wonder if anyone had ever watched Liquid Sky except me...

i wonder if you'll know my fave of all time vampire/horror one i know has ever heard of it... Near Dark

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 11:21
by Andie

dear god...what would we do with out them...the soup dragon

:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 11:28
by Almiche V

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 12:22
by Lynchfanatic
I have not seen Near Dark, but it got my interest, so I have saved it in my favs, and I will check it out :wink:

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 12:27
by Lynchfanatic
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Had forgotten them kinda

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 14:48
by Black Shuck
Almiche V wrote: All this and Shucks showing up as well :eek:
sisxbeforedawn wrote:and I'd just got over the nightmares of Shucks :lol:

Do I frighten you?
do you want me to? :twisted:

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 20:33
by Andie
Lynchfanatic wrote:I have not seen Near Dark, but it got my interest, so I have saved it in my favs, and I will check it out :wink:

tis well worth checking out all the different review pages just to get a complete picture of the movie...

in the Vampire/horror movies it's got that indiependent gritty feel that the Lost Boys missed out on...

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 21:33
by Lynchfanatic
Burn wrote:
Lynchfanatic wrote:I have not seen Near Dark, but it got my interest, so I have saved it in my favs, and I will check it out :wink:

tis well worth checking out all the different review pages just to get a complete picture of the movie...

in the Vampire/horror movies it's got that indiependent gritty feel that the Lost Boys missed out on...
Call me weird, but I dont like to read reviews.. I did look at the trailer though :wink: So yeah, I would like to see it.

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 21:47
by Andie
Lynchfanatic wrote:Call me weird :wink:'re weird...but in a nice kinda cosy way :wink:
Lynchfanatic wrote:So yeah, I would like to see it.

unless you can buy a copy...i'd doubt you'll ever find it for rent in your local video/DVD rental shop...i have a copy on video but no way of copying it :(

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 22:19
by Lynchfanatic
I would think I wont find it in the rental store no.. It is a crap selection here. But I would buy it.. When I get he money, that might take some time. hehe.

Posted: 29 Aug 2004, 01:06
by Almiche V
dead stars wrote:
LONDON (Reuters) - "Blade Runner", a bleak vision of the future set in Los Angeles, has been voted best sci-film of all time by a group of international scientists, according to a poll published by the Guardian newspaper on Thursday.
I wonder if it is because it's scientifically reliable or only a good movie. What made them vote, I mean?
It's probably a mix of the two. Star Wars is not a scientific film, which is why 2001 finished above it. But then The Matrix should be above Star Wars in that case.

Oh I don't know....the science dudes probably fancied a trip to the flix is all. :D

Posted: 29 Aug 2004, 19:07
by lucretia
I'm appalled - not one Trekkie amongst them there scientists... :oops: :roll:

Posted: 30 Aug 2004, 13:43
by randdebiel²
cyn wrote: Anyhow # 1??? What about Liquid Sky?
loved the music though :D

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 17:03
by cyn
Burn wrote:
cyn wrote:
Burn wrote:
Liquid Sky... clicky here

classic IMHO :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Ah thanx is one of my fav films. 8)

you're welcome Cyn...i was begining to wonder if anyone had ever watched Liquid Sky except me...

i wonder if you'll know my fave of all time vampire/horror one i know has ever heard of it... Near Dark
Hmmm doesn't look familiar but is the boy the same one in the River's Edge? Will have to check it out.

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 17:18
by Quiff Boy
never heard of "near dark"? :o

but its a classic!! :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 18:27
by JansenClone
Burn wrote:i wonder if you'll know my fave of all time vampire/horror one i know has ever heard of it... Near Dark
Near Dark has always been my favourite film, got an old copy of it I tape to taped back in the 80s. Did notice it in the vid shop the other day though as a special edition DVD....

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 21:16
by Andie
JansenClone wrote:
Burn wrote:i wonder if you'll know my fave of all time vampire/horror one i know has ever heard of it... Near Dark
Near Dark has always been my favourite film, got an old copy of it I tape to taped back in the 80s. Did notice it in the vid shop the other day though as a special edition DVD....

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Ok...maybe a little over the top...but this is such a great film...

and i know it's not a SciFi movie...but....

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 21:21
by Almiche V
Burn wrote:and i know it's not a SciFi movie...but....
Goddam it burn man, tow the line...

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 21:24
by Brideoffrankenstein
What about "The Black Hole" with that cute little robot and things?

Logans Run :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 21:30
by Andie
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:Logans Run :notworthy:

oh yes...

i almost forgot to mention this...the film was Silent Running (i think) was about the last of Earths plant life in two giant sphere's with three lil robots...and some useless human thingies...i remember as a child crying when one of the lil robots got its little leg trapped...

if i got the name wrong...but the crap above rings a bell...puhlease tell me what it is!
