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Posted: 14 Oct 2004, 23:50
by Quiff Boy
Almiche V wrote:
Shadow_Smile wrote:I think I would get fired :lol:
:lol: That's a shame. Maybe you could have a dress up Friday.

Dress Down Fridays make me smile. It acknowledges how bloody dull wearing a shirt and tie every day is.
i don't see what the problem is - in "scooby doo" the school janitor always looked like that anyway :o

:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 00:27
by boudicca
I'm a fashion student, and I make almost everything I wear. Which is useful, nay essential, as I have a style that could kindly be described as original, and I'm much too skinny for anything in the shops to fit me. :evil: Bastard sizing! I don't particularly enjoy the process of making something - sewing just bores the hell out of me and I can't use ready-made patterns like most people do, because they don't come in a small enough size. I have to draft everything from modelling on a dummy - which I also had to make myself because the ones on sale are all too big!!! What I do enjoy is designing, and the fact that I can make all my daft ideas a reality.
I've had many a comment from complete strangers asking "where did you get that?", and I always smile very smugly as I tell them I done it all by myself. :D
On a 'style' note, if you ever see anyone walking around Glasgow with their drainpipe trousers tucked into a pair of cowboy boots a la :von: , come up and say hi! :P

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 00:32
by Quiff Boy
boudicca wrote:I make almost everything I wear
I have a style that could kindly be described as original

this we have to see ;D

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 10:04
by markfiend
Quite a few of mrs fiend's skirts are "home-made".

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 17:07
by emilystrange
most of mine are too big....

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 18:40
by Almiche V
Quiff Boy wrote:when i saw the subject of this thread i thought it said "gruds" rather than "duds", which is what we used to call underpants when i was at school.
We used to call them grundies :D And no one's too grand for a grundie :lol:

@burn the coliseum you say....

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 21:56
by Andie
Almiche V wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:when i saw the subject of this thread i thought it said "gruds" rather than "duds", which is what we used to call underpants when i was at school.
We used to call them grundies :D And no one's too grand for a grundie :lol:

@burn the coliseum you say....

yep...caused such a ruckus that we were asked to leave... :innocent:

grundies you say?...thankfully i seem to have forgotten what i called my pants...

oh no...wait a's just come back to me...

Skiddies!! ;D

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 00:34
by boudicca
Quiff Boy wrote:
boudicca wrote:I make almost everything I wear
I have a style that could kindly be described as original

this we have to see ;D
Hee hee hee - I've just purchased a digital camera, so we're in the process of figuring out how to upload stuff... if you're sure you can take it..... 8) :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 09:39
by sisxbeforedawn
30 :eek: :?: :eek: 30 what :?:

oh back to the thread. I used to go LRP'ing and made all my own costumes 8) but I'd never wear any of it to work. I mean studded leather armour, leg plate armour, spikey fingerless gloves, lots of big chunky belts and long black cloak :D

as fer skiddies, grundies, etc how about crackers

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 12:27
by Mrs. Snowey
sisxbeforedawn wrote: as fer skiddies, grundies, etc how about crackers
Bloody Oi (SG TM) , that's what one of our dog's is called! :lol: Poor things just gone to hide in her basket in embarrassment now :oops:

Going back to the nomenclature thing, my favourite has got to be trolleys. :wink: :D

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 12:48
by Almiche V
Burn wrote:yep...caused such a ruckus that we were asked to leave... :innocent:
A ruckus you say...? Are the toga's in one piece?

Underkecks, best said in a scouse accent for full effect.

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 16:16
by Andie
Almiche V wrote:
Burn wrote:yep...caused such a ruckus that we were asked to leave... :innocent:
A ruckus you say...? Are the toga's in one piece?

what is left of them i guess you could call one peice :wink: suffice to say that Adam and Eve would have been embarassed :eek:

Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 19:49
by James Blast
Pants, pants, pants! what so wrong with pants?

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 19:36
by Andie
James Blast wrote:Pants, pants, pants! what so wrong with pants?
they're a bit early 70's James...but then i guess you're a bit early 70's too :innocent:

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 20:05
by James Blast
50s Burn :(
Born Late 58 - Mott The Hoople

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 20:31
by Andie
ahhh...but you were a teenager in the early 70's...and that was my point...

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 20:39
by James Blast
we called them trousers in the 70s Burn
Pants was a bad word that only someone like Alf Garnett would use in them days