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Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 11:54
by lucretia
This place is actually very cosy (as I've said to Mr. Blast on several occasions) - people here all seem extremely civilised and decent human beings, it's always a pleasure visiting this site. The humour level is great and people get their points across in an entertaining way, with a great deal of thought (usually :lol: ) going into their responses. The debates are lively and interesting and I've never seen any of them turn into bloodbaths.

I've just posted something on the PA (p*ss Army - Ministry) forum more or less on this very same topic - the wars on that board between the moderator and other members have been going on for ages and it is only because that particular moderator hasn't got a firm grip on the proceedings. Now that board is overrun with trolls and adolescent twits all vying for attention and being obnoxious and evil towards anyone they come across - it's a minefield at the moment.

What Lazarus had to say on this topic - about playing in QB's virtual room and the ownership and all, is completely true. This is a place, after all, to meet and greet, talk crap and be pleasant (or obnoxious if you want to, you won't last long) ... it's akin to going down the pub and meeting with yer mates on a Friday night.

Censorship or moderation of offensive posts, is completely at the discretion of the moderator/owner ... that's all there when you sign up.
If you disagree with that, then start your own forum.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 13:31
by andymackem
I've had no complaints here. In fact the only place I have had problems have been a couple of football sites where there's been no meaningful moderation and a handful of regulars assume they can slap down anyone else without doing them the courtesy of having a listen to what they're saying.

The main reason this place works, IMHO, is the membership. Not too many of us to be unwieldy, enough to be interesting. Most of us get along OK most of the time, and it's easy enough to steer round the feuds when they flare up (or read them from top to bottom, just for a laugh!). A note of unaccustomed humility forces me to give some credit to the mods as well, but I'd be surprised if we were that hard to police.

It ain't broke, so don't fix it!

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 13:55
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:so c'mon richey, let's have your opinion - just to re-address the balance :lol: ;D
oh, quiffy, how i'd love to be all contrary and castiagte you for such blatant censorship and lack of respect for freedom of speech but... errr... that'd be bollocks wouldn't it?

that was dangerously close to pleasant so i'm going to have to go and pick a fight with someone now to make myself feel better...

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 13:58
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:so c'mon richey, let's have your opinion - just to re-address the balance :lol: ;D
oh, quiffy, how i'd love to be all contrary and castiagte you for such blatant censorship and lack of respect for freedom of speech but... errr... that'd be bollocks wouldn't it?

that was dangerously close to pleasant so i'm going to have to go and pick a fight with someone now to make myself feel better...
:o :lol: ;)

@ andymackem: absolutely. i'd say about 99.99% of the time i don't have to do any moderating at all apart from general maintenance. you're a good bunch ;D :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 14:02
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:you're a good bunch ;D :notworthy:
i'd hazard that that's got more to do with the relative attractions of a defunct 80s rock band to your average fourteen year old "l33t hax0r" troll though.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 14:05
by Thea
leave the 1337 hax0rz alone or they'll pwn you.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 14:09
by markfiend
MrChris wrote:...I post when I'm at work, sober and relatively sane, whereas I guess the posting that happens in the evening may be a little more free and loose...
's a good point actually. I post from "work" too, and sometimes I come on in a morning and think "phew! heartlander x must have had a few last night!" :lol:

Names have been changed to protect the guilty :innocent:

That being said, I've never seen a "good" flame-war on here as far as I can remember. OK, someone may make a stupid comment that they regret from time to time (I know I have) but even the most vehement disagreements tend to stay civil.

It's because we're all such a bunch of wizard chaps and chapesses. :lol:

I you can use all this l337 haxxorz crap, then I can use Jennings-style slang ;D

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 15:15
by rian
I must have missed the post he made, but I he wasn't writing nasty stuff about me :eek:

I think that the moderators here does a good job.

Free speach my ass. If someone start threads about illigal stuff, QB will be responsible for it. Get it? :wink:

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 15:51
by Francis
MrChris wrote:Insulting someone in a pm is anyone's right
I prefer a good public slanging match myself. PMs always scare the sh!t out of me. It's easy to bully and insult people in private. You'd better have a bloody good reason to slag someone in public, or be prepared for the consequences.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 17:25
by Rivers
I post on a number of different boards and am a mod on another. A few boards I left annoyed me because there were a couple of prima-donas strutting about whipping everyone into a frenzy and then causing arguments.
I find Heartland good natured and helpful. Sometimes on any gathering some people will step over the line and should be nudged back a little by the mods, most civilised people will realise their mistake and get on with the fun.
Hopfully JB will realise that all is not lost and come back.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 17:33
by Quiff Boy
Rivers wrote:Hopfully JB will realise that all is not lost and come back.
i hope so. as i have said before, the door is always open.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 18:01
by James Blast
QB wrote:
the internet forum is a very strange medium for communication, and wide open for misinterpretation

lazarus corporation wrote:
In my experience of forums, Heartland is very lightly moderated - something which seems to be due to a combination of a light touch from the mods, and a mature "play nice" attitude from the rest of the crowd.

smiscandlon wrote:
Sure, people can make stupid comments and be complete arseholes from time to time, but in general the people here act like adults and not like squabbling six-year olds. And to some degree this is due to the way the site is moderated.

MrChris wrote:
It becomes a question of trust, basically. As it happens, I trust Quiffy, and I think we're lucky to be allowed to play in his front room like this and touch ALMOST all of the ornaments.

lucretia wrote:
his place is actually very cosy (as I've said to Mr. Blast on several occasions) - people here all seem extremely civilised and decent human beings, it's always a pleasure visiting this site. The humour level is great and people get their points across in an entertaining way, with a great deal of thought (usually ) going into their responses. The debates are lively and interesting and I've never seen any of them turn into bloodbaths.

I have nothing further to add except a thanks to Barry, the moderators and all the good people of Heartland one of whom is the well respected and liked JB

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 20:39
by Big Si
d00mw0lf wrote:leave the 1337 hax0rz alone or they'll pwn you.
Is that the Neo-Nazi obsessed Zionist Conspiracy theorist who pops up from time to time?

The very same geezer? - ... age_id=382


Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 20:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
lazarus corporation wrote:In my experience of forums, Heartland is very lightly moderated - something which seems to be due to a combination of a light touch from the mods, and a mature "play nice" attitude from the rest of the crowd.
Cannot agree more...

I'm one of those sad twats that made the 'giant leap' from Dominion to HeartLand, and it was for this reason: the flamewars, insults and name-callings were at about 60 percent of the daily Dominion digest. 15 percent had no relevance, 10 percent discussed the odd bootleg and which misprint was more worth than another.

Quiffy always used a just, although not severe moderation, IMO, because there was no NEED for heavy moderation.

The couple of times name-calling occured, the persons in question were 'dealt with' in a private and correct way.

Nowadays we have the occasional Black Horizon/SG kinda rants (sorry, first example that comes to mind, coz it was rather recent), but they are tolerated up until the moment they go just a wee bit too far, and then they are deleted with an explanation.

If you have a prob with someone on the board and it is PERSONAL, use the PRIVATE message option. I, for one, don't give a rat's arse about a feud between two members when it has nothing to do with the Sisters.

When someone fecks with the whole forum, this could be a public thread, like Aaron Quintons' in the Weeding section recently. That's because it is interesting for more than one HeartLander.

A big :notworthy: for Quiffy and the other mods for doing this the right way. From all the forums I frequent, this is the most civilised (ok, ok, no stupid jokes or assumptions ;D ).

Let us keep it that way.


Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 21:15
by CorpPunk
I always saw Quiffy as a kind of big brother, but more in the vein of the one that you can poke in the ribs repeatedly during a wedding or funeral or anything else that bores you to tears, and cos he's the older one he'll just take it in frustrated silence trying to be all mature until he gets annoyed enough to smack you upside the head really hard and then you cry a little but it's okay in the end because he's still your brother and he has to put up with you cos you live in the same house.

Like that.


Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 21:47
by Quiff Boy

i can't really say owt to that :oops:

i'm telling mum.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:34
by Dave R
well i luv ya barry!

despite my early horse fau par, never had any probs.....

keep up the gud work and i hope to meet yers again for another beer or 20.....


sheffu on saturday...wanna call a result??

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:36
by Mrs. Snowey
CorpPunk wrote:I always saw Quiffy as a kind of big brother, but more in the vein of the one that you can poke in the ribs repeatedly during a wedding or funeral or anything else that bores you to tears, and cos he's the older one he'll just take it in frustrated silence trying to be all mature until he gets annoyed enough to smack you upside the head really hard and then you cry a little but it's okay in the end because he's still your brother and he has to put up with you cos you live in the same house.

Like that.

Aww :lol:

Is he also the older brother who you pinch half your record collection from, 'cos you're only borrowing it, right, and anyway he'll get it back tomorrow 'cos I only want to play it tonight and anyway Melanie from the estate says that if you look at the bottom right hand corner, in the credits right, that where it says "Thanx to Steve", that's actually her boyfriend, 'cept he isn't right now because ........... :wink:

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:41
by emilystrange
last time i saw him he was all hot and sweaty.

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:42
by Mrs. Snowey
P.S. I like it here too! :D It really is like a cheap night out down the pub, just wandering from room to room, interrupting some people, having a "heated debate" in another corner, then forgetting all that to have a laugh. Ace.

P.P.S. If this is QB's virtual house, is there a virtual offy and a virtual chippy round here? :lol:

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:43
by Thea
Big Si wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:leave the 1337 hax0rz alone or they'll pwn you.
Is that the Neo-Nazi obsessed Zionist Conspiracy theorist who pops up from time to time?

The very same geezer? - ... age_id=382

Nah. I wouldn't let someone like that anywhere near my uber-1337 br011y sk1llzx0r posse...

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 22:57
by James Blast
d00mw0lf wrote:Nah. I wouldn't let someone like that anywhere near my uber-1337 br011y sk1llzx0r posse...
have you just "folded space from planet Ix"? I have absolutely no idea what you're on about

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 23:36
by Big Si
Mrs. Snowey wrote:P.S. I like it here too! :D It really is like a cheap night out down the pub, just wandering from room to room, interrupting some people, having a "heated debate" in another corner, then forgetting all that to have a laugh. Ace.

P.P.S. If this is QB's virtual house, is there a virtual offy and a virtual chippy round here? :lol:
There used to be a virtual pub, but the bouncer got a bit too enthusiastic at his job :innocent:

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 10:10
by Justj0hn
emilystrange says:

"last time i saw him he was all hot and sweaty"

Oh my.


Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 17:28
by emilystrange
well quite...

cute though, as i've said before.