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Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 21:22
by lucretia
There'll be a lot more of these about then: ... 007999.stm

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 00:15
by James Blast
Taxi for Chris Jones! :evil:

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 12:52
by lucretia
Maybe we are destined to be as Tolkien saw the Elves:

"Young and old at the same time ... so alive, but so sad"
Lord of the Rings

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 15:40
by Debaser
rian wrote:
wintermute wrote:
rian wrote:"Who want's to live forever?
brian blessed as voltan (or similar) in flash gordon c.1984. great big winged caveman swooping in on ming the merciless' aerial palace

oh, and the apostrophe isn't required, grammar police making a comeback

I'm a swede, god dammit
There can be only one.... :lol:

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 15:59
by rian
Debaser wrote:
rian wrote:
wintermute wrote: brian blessed as voltan (or similar) in flash gordon c.1984. great big winged caveman swooping in on ming the merciless' aerial palace

oh, and the apostrophe isn't required, grammar police making a comeback

I'm a swede, god dammit
There can be only one.... :lol:

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 21:42
by Chairman Bux
Another 1000? Jesus, I'm bored already.

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 23:23
by James Blast
got my Pension Plan through this week

good - minted
bad - 13 years till minted

I'm 46 FFS!