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Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:27
by Quiff Boy
timsinister wrote:What?
don't worry. you'll get used to her.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:07
by emilystrange
Quiff Boy wrote:
timsinister wrote:What?
don't worry. you'll get used to her.
has anyone? ;D

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:11
by markfiend
Looks like I won't be the only one off the non-Christmas card list ;)

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:43
by Mrs RicheyJames
Actually smart arse. You are!

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:14
by timsinister
I'm not happy with all of these arguments being perpetuated in my name. Try and get along, eh kids?

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:28
by RicheyJames
one thread with his name in and he's getting delusions of grandeur! i dunno, kids today....

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:31
by Izzy HaveMercy
RicheyJames wrote:i dunno, kids today....

Get used to it... :twisted: Mr MarryJames :innocent:


Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 23:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
Are you ill?

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 23:42
by pikkrong
Welcome, Tim!

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 23:47
by James Blast
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Are you ill?
your avatar says you are

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 23:51
by Brideoffrankenstein
James Blast wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Are you ill?
your avatar says you are

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 09:38
by timsinister
Grandeur? Grandeur? You're squabbling like schoolchildren and proving your mental instability - all under the aegis of me - and I'm displaying grandeur? :eek:

Thanks pikkrong. I like your avatar - John Cleese?

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:57
by RicheyJames
timsinister wrote:Grandeur? Grandeur? You're squabbling like schoolchildren and proving your mental instability - all under the aegis of me - and I'm displaying grandeur? :eek:
might be a good idea to climb down from that pedestal before somebody comes along and knocks you off. it might also be an idea to find your way around before you start taking potshots at the regulars. and finally, the title of this thread happens to include your name. that doesn't mean that it's your thread or even that any of the content will be about you. again, if you'd bothered to learn about the way things work in this parish you'd have found that the vast majority of threads go completely off-topic by about the fifth post.

and you should thank your lucky stars that the chairman's on another of his little holidays....

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:16
by timsinister

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 13:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
And Mr Markfiend loves me anyway.....He just pretends he doesn't.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 13:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
timsinister wrote:Grandeur? Grandeur? You're squabbling like schoolchildren and proving your mental instability - all under the aegis of me - and I'm displaying grandeur? :eek:
When you're invited to a sleep over and you and your associates are discussing the theory of relativity or some such, do you not get into these debates where you just take the mickey out of one another? Not even a little bit?

When you say something intended as a joke and said associates cry to their mummies. It's a JOKE right? That's what we do...Quite often.


Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 13:41
by markfiend
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:And Mr Markfiend loves me anyway.....He just pretends he doesn't.
:eek: Do I now? :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 13:50
by Quiff Boy
now, now children. don't make me slap you all upside the head. ;)

and just because buxxy wuxxy is off doing his thing (whatever the hell that is) doesn't mean i won't step into the breach.


Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:18
by Francis
Well, that should knock his daily post count down a bit.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:19
by emilystrange

i can see the tongue in his cheek.. can't you?

delusions of mod-ness, anyone? :wink:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:25
by timsinister
Sarcasm is a second tongue to me, and I don't even notice I'm using it anymore.

Apologies all round; my 'grandeur' comments were not intended to be taken seriously.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:32
by RicheyJames
never apologise. it's a sign of weakness.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:32
by Francis
Never aplogise. Fatal mistake.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:37
by Francis
SNAP! :lol:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 14:42
by Quiff Boy
emilystrange wrote:delusions of mod-ness, anyone? :wink:

mr nail, meet mr hammer. on the head, as it were.

:innocent: :lol: