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Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 14:41
by Thea
markfiend wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Stop geek speaking!
17 /-\1|\|7 633|<-5|*33|<
175 1337 5|*33|<!

"It ain't geek speak
it's Leet speak!"

I think I'm getting the hang of it now.

Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 14:42
by Thea
Quiff Boy wrote:it dont work in IE anyway, so you must be using firefox or something...? unless you've done something in the IE settings to override stylesheet stuff?!?
you mean you DON'T use firefox?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm so VERY dissapointed in you. :roll:

Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 19:07
by lazarus corporation
Quiff Boy wrote:yep, we aint too "accessible" i'm afraid :(

the joys of using pixel sizes in stylesheets rather than specifying percentages... :roll:
you really should specify font sizes in ems rather than %s - much better practice. And obviously pxs and pts are out of the question. :innocent:

Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 19:32
by Brideoffrankenstein
markfiend wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Stop geek speaking!
17 /-\1|\|7 633|<-5|*33|<
175 1337 5|*33|<!

"It ain't geek speak
it's Leet speak!"

I think I'm getting the hang of it now.
me too. Having a translation did help a bit though thanks MF :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 06:22
by nodubmanshouts
Shouldn't it be


or are we not talking Sinclair?

Just confirm my true geekizms

label string
org 8000h
ld hl, string
ld bc, 5
rst 16
string db 'i','d','i','o','t'

Gawd, its gotta be 20 years since I did that...

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 10:54
by Quiff Boy
Idiot idiot = new Idiot();


Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 11:09
by markfiend
d00mw0lf wrote:Image
I got a trophy! W00t!

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 14:10
by Thea
w00t indeed.
I i wasn't so lazy i'da photoshopped "73h 1337" onto it... but, meh.

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 14:14
by paint it black
d00mw0lf wrote:w00t indeed.
I i wasn't so lazy i'da photoshopped "73h 1337" onto it... but, meh.
'teh leet'?

still a novice :?

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 14:59
by timsinister
It'll never catch on.

Anyone read

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:01
by RicheyJames
free period?

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:08
by Francis
Dark wrote:`/@ 937 510\/\/1`/ (_)53|) 70 17, #@11(_)(13|\|@73.
"Ya get slowly used to it, Hallucienate"

01|) |)09, |\|3\/\/ 7|21(|<5. :eek:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:11
by timsinister
RicheyJames wrote:free period?

Lunch. :lol:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:22
by hallucienate
Francis wrote:
Dark wrote:`/@ 937 510\/\/1`/ (_)53|) 70 17, #@11(_)(13|\|@73.
"Ya get slowly used to it, Hallucienate"

01|) |)09, |\|3\/\/ 7|21(|<5. :eek:
thanks for that. I didn't even bother trying :roll:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:33
by markfiend
Francis wrote:01|) |)09, |\|3\/\/ 7|21(|<5. :eek:
Old dog, new tricks?

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:33
by Francis
hallucienate wrote:thanks for that. I didn't even bother trying
175 3@513|2 7#@|\| 7#15:
Quiff Boy wrote:Idiot idiot = new Idiot();

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:42
by Thea
RicheyJames wrote:free period?
day off. ;D

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 15:44
by hallucienate
Francis wrote:
hallucienate wrote:thanks for that. I didn't even bother trying
175 3@513|2 7#@|\| 7#15:
Quiff Boy wrote:Idiot idiot = new Idiot();
dunno about that.

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 17:34
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:
Francis wrote:
hallucienate wrote:thanks for that. I didn't even bother trying
175 3@513|2 7#@|\| 7#15:
Quiff Boy wrote:Idiot idiot = new Idiot();
dunno about that.
ok then...

Code: Select all

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class Sort &#123;
	private static List stuff;
	static &#123;
		stuff = new ArrayList&#40;&#41;;

	public static void main&#40;String&#91;&#93; args&#41; &#123;
		Iterator indx = stuff.iterator&#40;&#41;;
		Collections.sort&#40;stuff, new Comparator&#40;&#41;&#123;
			public int compare&#40;Object o1, Object o2&#41; &#123;
				String value1 = &#40;String&#41;o1;
				String value2 = &#40;String&#41;o2;
				return value1.compareTo&#40;value2&#41;;
		indx = stuff.iterator&#40;&#41;;
:?: :lol:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 17:40
by Francis
Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Francis wrote: 175 3@513|2 7#@|\| 7#15:
dunno about that.
ok then...

Code: Select all

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class Sort &#123;
	private static List stuff;
	static &#123;
		stuff = new ArrayList&#40;&#41;;

	public static void main&#40;String&#91;&#93; args&#41; &#123;
		Iterator indx = stuff.iterator&#40;&#41;;
		Collections.sort&#40;stuff, new Comparator&#40;&#41;&#123;
			public int compare&#40;Object o1, Object o2&#41; &#123;
				String value1 = &#40;String&#41;o1;
				String value2 = &#40;String&#41;o2;
				return value1.compareTo&#40;value2&#41;;
		indx = stuff.iterator&#40;&#41;;
:?: :lol:
@|\||) 175 |\|07 (@53 53|\|5171\/3.

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 17:50
by markfiend
The result from QB's code:

"1", "2", "3", "4"


*Edit to add: No I didn't actually program it in to find out. I ran it in my wetware ;)

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 17:53
by Quiff Boy
indeed 8) :notworthy:

its a simple sorting class to sort a list based on the integer value it returns from a toString ;D

or something.

i was just writing a comparator for something i'm working on and it reminded me of this thread... :lol:

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 18:30
by Dark
paint it black wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:w00t indeed.
I i wasn't so lazy i'da photoshopped "73h 1337" onto it... but, meh.
'teh leet'?

still a novice :?
Unless you use the word "teh" or it's variants "7eh" "t3h" "te#" "73h" "t3#" or "73#" (I know, the # doesn't look as much like an h as it could. :( ) then you are banned from 1337ing. :)

Posted: 12 Jan 2005, 20:44
by Brideoffrankenstein
........sorry lost it again now......... :cry: