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Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 19:19
by Dan
It's not a rumour. I was told at the gig by a relative of one of the band members.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 19:21
by nodubmanshouts
Must be true then :lol: :lol:

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 19:38
by Ocean Moves
While its tempting to suggest that AE is lazy,
face saving, disinterested etc.. in regard to
the Sisters, on reflection I think he has found
other, more rewarding things to do with his daily
life than worry about a new CD, wrangle with
record corporations or debate the landscape of the
music industry.

What those rewarding things might be, is to
debate someones personal life, which doesnt
really interest me, but I think we already know
he likes other types of music, he likes
using technology, computers, computer games,
reading, writing for magazines etc...

AE has never struck me as a lazy or disinterested
human being, and I once heard him claim in an
interview to have no interest in "retiring" all.

He must have made a reasonable amount of money
out of the Sisters, and I imagine he doesnt
lead an extravagant lifestyle.

What more is there to know ?

Like other fans, Im just frustrated that a band
I hold in such high regard is not making
new records that I might like, playing gigs
that I would want to go to, and appearing in
public (and looking out of place) in main stream
media publications that have already written the
Sisters off, and now look on in horror at their

we live in hope...

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 20:14
by Vox
Erinyes wrote:While its tempting to suggest that AE is lazy,
face saving, disinterested etc.. in regard to
the Sisters, on reflection I think he has found
other, more rewarding things to do with his daily
life than worry about a new CD, wrangle with
record corporations or debate the landscape of the
music industry.
and if that is the case then maybe a big "THE END" on The offical website is required.

Let us all know it's over and we can concentrate on other things, like will Pink Floyd ever tour again?

I hate untidy endings............. :roll:

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 21:16
by Dark
Quiff Boy wrote:
Dark wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: assuming of course that he is still interested in keeping the sisters of mercy as a going concern... :?:
This reminded me to ask, Quiffy, has Anne-Marie gotten back with the Ghosties? And will they be doing any concerts any time soon? *hope still dwells in the heart of Darkness*
nah, from what i gather etch is currently living in mainland europa somewhere with his missus, and anne marie is happily married "career woman" (working in I.T. IIRC) and living in keighley, just up the road from leeds.

there are some rather grubby rumours surrounding anne-marie's refusal to take part in the skeletal family reunion, but the official line is that she is happy concentrating on her job and her marriage. according to mr marx she has shown no interest in having anything to do with the ghosties since the whole website/cd re-issue business began.
Oh.. well, if Mr Marx and Pandora need some help, I'm more than willing. :roll:

He seems a lot more sociable than Von.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 21:59
by nodubmanshouts
Nah, I'd think I'd rather hang on to me memories...

Remember what sad old farts various 60s band used to look like in the 80s? I'd hate my teenage favorites to end up that way...

Havin said, that I like the way Mr. Marx has moved on to new things, with a nod to the past. That's the respectable way to go if you ask me...

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 21:59
by nodubmanshouts

*until QB deletes some posts :D

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 23:59
by Black Biscuit
Vox wrote:
Erinyes wrote:While its tempting to suggest that AE is lazy,
face saving, disinterested etc.. in regard to
the Sisters, on reflection I think he has found
other, more rewarding things to do with his daily
life than worry about a new CD, wrangle with
record corporations or debate the landscape of the
music industry.
and if that is the case then maybe a big "THE END" on The offical website is required.

Let us all know it's over and we can concentrate on other things, like will Pink Floyd ever tour again?

I hate untidy endings............. :roll:

---- hang on, didn't the exact same 'Eldritch is finished' thing occur during his FALAA ----> Floodland hiatus as well?

It's been known to happen. And look at what came after.

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 08:14
by CellThree
Black Biscuit wrote:
Vox wrote:
Erinyes wrote:While its tempting to suggest that AE is lazy,
face saving, disinterested etc.. in regard to
the Sisters, on reflection I think he has found
other, more rewarding things to do with his daily
life than worry about a new CD, wrangle with
record corporations or debate the landscape of the
music industry.
and if that is the case then maybe a big "THE END" on The offical website is required.

Let us all know it's over and we can concentrate on other things, like will Pink Floyd ever tour again?

I hate untidy endings............. :roll:

---- hang on, didn't the exact same 'Eldritch is finished' thing occur during his FALAA ----> Floodland hiatus as well?

It's been known to happen. And look at what came after.
That was less than 2 years. Not over a decade...

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 08:45
by nodubmanshouts
Ah, but we all know the times between Sisters albums has to be measured on a logarthmic scale... which makes the next one due about a week from next tuesday.

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 11:45
by Ed Rhombus
Dan wrote:It's not a rumour. I was told at the gig by a relative of one of the band members.
Lets hope the overpossessive husband doesn't take umbridge to that comment and pop Dan on the nose

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 20:00
by Dark
nodubmanshouts wrote:Ah, but we all know the times between Sisters albums has to be measured on a logarthmic scale... which makes the next one due about a week from next tuesday.
Which next Tuesday?

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 20:06
by nodubmanshouts
a week from the next one.

Also, because CDs revolve a lot quicker than vinyl, and the faster you go time slows down (thanks Einstein), if you play the new album alot on CD, it'll actually end up being older than an unplayed $300 copy of Damage Done.

I love physics...

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 02:07
by Correl
In my opinion, Not being born while the sisters were touring for my favorite material (FALAA & anything before that.) I love to hope theyll atleast tour again. Im old enough I that if my parents would allow it Id buy plane tickets to get the expierience at least once because I have my doubts they'll ever end up in texas :| . He's probobaly got the final pressing of the new 4 CD sisters of mercy set he's been meaning to release for his lack of activity through the nineties complete with surround sound, 24 new tracks remakes of floodland and First last and always, a two and a half hour interview explaining the real reason he's been up to nothing and then that CD he was supposed to record with gary will be released :roll: . /end daydream

In all reality I think there's about a 50/50 chance that we'll ever see another tour and a slightly smaller chance of a new album. We can hope its like his dissapearence between FALAA and Floodland.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 16:10
by Erudite
No doubt the old bastard will turn up somewhere in West Yorkshire
on February 16, 2006.
Far too good an opportunity for him to miss - one last milking of the dwindling fan base.
I might even manage to shake off my current antipathy/lethargy towards
the Sisters and turn up.

As Mr Eliot remarked -

This is the way the world ends
Not with bang but a whimper.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:04
by Dark
nodubmanshouts wrote:a week from the next one.

Also, because CDs revolve a lot quicker than vinyl, and the faster you go time slows down (thanks Einstein), if you play the new album alot on CD, it'll actually end up being older than an unplayed $300 copy of Damage Done.

I love physics...
So that'd be a week today. And in a week's time I'll be at Cambridge Uni on a school trip.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:30
by Dan
Dark wrote:So that'd be a week today. And in a week's time I'll be at Cambridge Uni on a school trip.
But next tuesday it'll still be "a week from next tuesday". Do you see?

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:42
by nodubmanshouts
Yah, but that would only be true if the refererence point wasn't Thu Jan 20, when the message was posted.

Gotta have reference points. Perferably big ones, with gold banners attached.