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Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 11:07
by timsinister
So, I've got all this to look forward to...

God, you're an ill lot!

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 20:17
by rian
timsinister wrote:So, I've got all this to look forward to...

God, you're an ill lot!

Welcome to the future of your body/life.... :lol:


Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 01:20
by Francis
Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll.

A failsafe investment plan from Die Young, Stay Pretty Independent Financial Advisors Ltd.

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 02:03
by boudicca
I'm barely in my twenties, and already I'm making "old people noises" when I get up off the sofa, according to my mammy. :eek:

She can talk! 57!!!!!

I grumble about students (even though I am one), witter on pointlessly about how kids today have no bloody discipline, and god, don't even start me on computer games and mobile phones... :roll: ;D

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 02:47
by Thea
boudicca wrote:I'm barely in my twenties, and already I'm making "old people noises" when I get up off the sofa
I do that :|
boudicca wrote:I grumble about students (even though I am one)
And that :|
boudicca wrote: witter on pointlessly about how kids today have no bloody discipline
That too :|

All at the age of 20 :eek:

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 03:37
by boudicca
d00mw0lf wrote:
boudicca wrote:I'm barely in my twenties, and already I'm making "old people noises" when I get up off the sofa
I do that :|
boudicca wrote:I grumble about students (even though I am one)
And that :|
boudicca wrote: witter on pointlessly about how kids today have no bloody discipline
That too :|

All at the age of 20 :eek:
Maybe we should have been on that Grumpy Old Women programme... :lol:

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 08:52
by timsinister
I agree with the both of you on those, and have caught myself using the phrase "Back in my day..." which usually means anything up to the heady heights of four years ago at the most!

Maybe the youth of today simply are that bad...?

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 09:38
by Thea
Perhaps myself along with boudicca and timsinister could start a whole new trend - Young fogey chic.
Too young to be proper fogies, too old to understand them thar whippersnappers....
together we can fight for truth! justice! and sensible underwear!

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 10:16
by smiscandlon
Currently loaded with the cold and definitely feeling around 800.

Luckily we have this new fangled "Lemsip Max" - nothing like that when I was a lad. And I remember when all this was just fields.

I recently bought one of these mobile telephonic devices (or whatever they're called) for the first time, so I at least now feel like I'm living some time in the second half of the 20th century. (What do you mean it isn't? According to Star Trek IV: The One With The Whales it is...)

I remember once years ago trying earnestly to convince my youngest brother that we didn't have CDs when I was his age. He didn't believe me (cheeky young whippersnapper).

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 10:37
by markfiend
Francis wrote:Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll.

A failsafe investment plan from Die Young, Stay Pretty Independent Financial Advisors Ltd.
Live slow, die in middle age, leave an arterio-sclerotic corpse!

Doesn't quite have the same ring does it?

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 14:37
by timsinister
d00mw0lf wrote: together we can fight for truth! justice! and sensible underwear!
Is there anything you can talk about without introducing underwear?
Nice idea though. Count me long as there's losts of opportunities to sit down and grouse about things and forget where me glasses are etc. etc.

smiscandlon - Heh, you're really showing your age mate! Anyway, if you're referring to Star Trek, right now we should be recovering from war with Khan Noonien Singh!

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 14:47
by Ocean Moves
the first moment I stopped worrying about my receeding
hairline and managed to half convince myself it was
distinguished, was, as close as can be defined, the
point when I became old

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 20:55
by cyn
CorpPunk wrote:Yeah, except now I'm getting ear hair! :lol:

*shaves cores ears*

Posted: 20 Jan 2005, 22:09
by James Blast
ZZZzzzzz (I like a nap at these moments)

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 02:49
by Thea
timsinister wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote: together we can fight for truth! justice! and sensible underwear!
Is there anything you can talk about without introducing underwear?
*pulls thermal granny-pants up to her armpits and acts like nanny Ogg*

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 14:39
by Zuma
It's allright for you lot to grumble, got my 40'th looming next month!

Still it's not the end of the world (is it?)...

At least I'll be able to say I bought some Sisters albums when they actually were released :)

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 14:46
by Quiff Boy
Zuma wrote:It's allright for you lot to grumble, got my 40'th looming next month!

Still it's not the end of the world (is it?)...

At least I'll be able to say I bought some Sisters albums when they actually were released :)
ahhh, "credibility by endurance" :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 14:51
by Zuma
Thanks Quiff :)

Just wondered if you were free to DJ for the party though?...Seriously!
If you fancy a trip to the frozen North, let me know.....


Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 14:59
by Quiff Boy
:o 8)

how north is north? you still in the lakes? and when?

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 15:04
by Zuma
Is that a possible yes? :notworthy:

Still in the Lakes at the moment, but looking to move soon

26th Feb, In East Lothian (south of Embra...)

We''ll make you most welcome!

Posted: 21 Jan 2005, 15:15
by Quiff Boy
Zuma wrote:Is that a possible yes? :notworthy:

Still in the Lakes at the moment, but looking to move soon

26th Feb, In East Lothian (south of Embra...)

We''ll make you most welcome!
ahh, bugger! i'm going to be on holibobs that weekend (long weekend in berlin) :|

sorry. i'd have loved to :von:

Posted: 18 May 2005, 03:10
by CorpPunk
My sciatica has been cured, by the way. Chiropractor knocked them bones right back inna place. :D

I am bounding around like a spritely child of 400!

Posted: 18 May 2005, 11:11
by Black Biscuit
I used to get lower back pain, sporadically. Since I started sleeping on the floor, it's gone and never re-surfaced - even if my friends continually give me a ribbing about not owning a mattress. I haven't had any lower back ache for several years now.

Also, perhaps some of the ailments around here could be cured with more exercise, a decidely un-rock-n-roll pursuit. I show up for ice hockey games and I've sometimes only had two hours of sleep after a night on the p-ss. You definitely sweat alcohol out of your system, believe me, because I always sweat more when hungover than when I show up properly rested.

Skating works your body from your hips to your ankles (plus your wrists on the stick), unlike things like cycling which don't work your butt the way skating does. The lower back can ache because of the posture used when skating, but the muscles become stronger and eventually the aches go away. Apart from that, bad knees are pretty common in hockey, so I don't recommend it as a knee fixer.

If none of this helps (and I'm sure it doesn't).... quit wasting time and just die now!

Posted: 18 May 2005, 11:38
by nick the stripper
timsinister wrote:So, I've got all this to look forward to...

God, you're an ill lot!

Posted: 18 May 2005, 11:42
by Francis
CorpPunk wrote:My sciatica has been cured, by the way. Chiropractor knocked them bones right back inna place. :D

I am bounding around like a spritely child of 400!
Excellent I look forward to seeing you at the next Heartland do then. Just watch out for PiB.