No more releases, ever vs absolute rubbish

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.

Which one?

Nothing ever again, nichts
Give me something, anything, I just want to buy another tune!
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Petseri wrote:
nodubmanshouts wrote:I dunno, I never found the ""new"" songs that exciting... but each to his/her own I guess
How would they sound recorded in studio, though? So far we have heard only live versions. Summer and War on Drugs come to mind as tracks which could sound particularly nice in studio. Marian live does not stand up well, and Ribbons tends to be hit or miss to me, but the studio versions of them easily make the grade. Granted, my opinion, but fleshed out or polished in studio may make people think better of some of the newer stuff.

On The Wire/Teachers/On The Wire would sound brilliant as a studio track. I thought On The Wire was good, but it does seem to sound better live. And a studio version of Teachers.. unless anyone would prefer Teachers-Adrenochrome. Or maybe the medleys? A single containing Knocking On Heaven's Door/Hey Joe/Purple Haze/Stairway To Heaven/Sister Ray/Lucretia/Ghost Rider/Louie Louie/Comfortably Numb. *ahhh* :von:
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Yup, they could turn out quite nice, good point... and I'd be very happy if they did too. :D

Personally, I'm holding out for Good Things :lol:
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And the 12" remix of Home Of The Hitmen
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nodubmanshouts wrote:And the 12" remix of Home Of The Hitmen
Don't tempt me to remix that one. Though having said that, it might go with an "edited" Kiss The Carpet (Reprise).. Oh lord, now you've got me going..
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s**t dude, just play em backwards. Thats what Eldorado used to do back in the day...
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nodubmanshouts wrote:s**t dude, just play em backwards. Thats what Eldorado used to do back in the day...
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You wanna gimme a neck rub, Dark? :lol: Cheers, but I don't live in Leeds 6 anymore

<looks outside at palm trees>

nope, definitely not Leeds 6 :D
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I think the most reasonable thing is a followup to Slight Case, with b-Sides, or another 'Some Girls' us everything from Body and Soul studio to Blood Money, etc. I can't imagine that would be very expensive to do, but...who do they release it through? The Sisters have nothing--certainly not distribution.

C'mon, surely Von wouldn't mind financing a new Benz with a collection.

The only other thing is the 'new' album of songs we will all know. I just doubt that he WON"t release it someday, long after they have really retired for good. That much is owed to fans who travel far and wide to hear the 'new' songs, since 1993 or so.

Von should change the homepage to read:

We make records. Sometimes.

We play concerts. Sometimes.

We give a @@@@ about the fans that made us so comfortable.

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hello everybody

my feelings and thoughts jumped between 'no, thanks' and the 'yes, all rubbish taken thankfully' many times now, but I think heres why I'd go for the later of the two:

if you started with falaa around 85 (like me actually:) then you are going to find yourself as a target for homeshopping commercials sooner or later. they are still selling the woodstock collection to the 40+ target group now, but I really fear the day I see a homeshopping commercial for a "best of gothrock" on TV. Say, anchor anounces 'new sisters-m*-cult-nma cd collection! remember the days, they were our heros blabla including previously unreleased material - dial 0800-WAITED-SO-LONG now'.

you get the point - with no new album in sight, this is likely to happen. I'll try to bury the sisters just one more time when it comes to that.

and, yeah, thanks HL for being such a cool place :notworthy: , for all the links in JotD, and btw, who ist the bast* who posted "New Sister Album ahoi!!" a while ago?? that post triggered very strange effects in my body:)

cheers, d.
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Welcome blood :D
just turn your s**t filter up a notch or two for the 'new album/Andrew is dead' schtick, it is a very fine place in here, thanks to Sir Barold Of Pudsey :notworthy:
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James Blast wrote:
Dark wrote:Driver and Burn It Down
next it will be Wide Reciever, Oh My Gawd! :eek:
I still shudder (and not in a good way) when I hear that! :urff:
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Electrochrome wrote: That much is owed to fans who travel far and wide to hear the 'new' songs, since 1993 or so.

Owed? Why? He makes records/plays gigs. We pay. It's a commercial transaction. The fact we paid money in the past creates no obligation to the future...
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ruffers wrote:
Electrochrome wrote: That much is owed to fans who travel far and wide to hear the 'new' songs, since 1993 or so.

Owed? Why? He makes records/plays gigs. We pay. It's a commercial transaction. The fact we paid money in the past creates no obligation to the future...
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My name is ruffers, and I'm a sistersholic :lol:
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ruffers wrote:He makes records
made, I think :|

My name is Blast! I can handle 'weeding', me :( no, really I can
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BillyBadBreaks wrote:
James Blast wrote:
Dark wrote:Driver and Burn It Down
next it will be Wide Reciever, Oh My Gawd! :eek:
I still shudder (and not in a good way) when I hear that! :urff:

My name's Dark and I like Sisterhood/SSV/Wide Receiver. :)
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James Blast wrote:Welcome blood :D
just turn your s**t filter up a notch or two for the 'new album/Andrew is dead' schtick, it is a very fine place in here, thanks to Sir Barold Of Pudsey :notworthy:
aww shucks :oops: ;D

welcome mr money. 8) :notworthy:
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until last month I'd have said "anything would be fine by me" but after realizing Leonard Cohen destroyed his perfection by releasing der heather I 'm not that sure anymore....
of course we already know enough songs which would, put together, make a damn fine album...
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I know I'm more than slightly biased, but I honestly don't think Von is capable of releasing a genuinely crap record. Maybe that's because I'm not enough of a geek to have got my hands on SSV, and I've always been put off Gift because of the absence of his lovely voice :oops: :wink: .

Everything that's ever been released under the official "Sisters Of Mercy" banner has been quality. I own hundreds of albums, and can count on my fingers those records I happily play right through, without skipping. All the Sisters' stuff is counted in that number - the only tracks I skip are Watch ('cos Von's not singing), Phantom (ditto), and the reprise of Kiss the Carpet (we have a drum machine!). If I was to pick my top 20 favourite albums, you'd find I don't listen to half of the tracks on them, so not having to press that little button is a real sign of greatness for me.

I'm a great believer in going out at the top, so if he released something that was just a pale imitation of the other albums, I'd be mighty pissed off. However, unlike some others, I didn't find "Vision Thing" disappointing in the least (it was hearing tracks from that album that made me fall in love with the Sisters more than six years ago), so I don't feel his best days are necessarily all in the eighties.

A year or two ago I heard the remix of "Fatherland", by Die Krupps and declared it to be The s**t, completely unaware of who had remixed it. Best Thing I've Heard All Year, and so on - I really dug it. It was the first song I'd heard by them, and I went out to buy some of their albums, only to be massively disappointed that their other stuff was nowhere near as good as that song. You see? Everything he touches turns to gold. :von: :notworthy:
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It would be so good to hear the proper studio recordings of the new [new?] songs that we've heard at gigs... 8)
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boudicca wrote:I know I'm more than slightly biased, but I honestly don't think Von is capable of releasing a genuinely crap record. Maybe that's because I'm not enough of a geek to have got my hands on SSV, and I've always been put off Gift because of the absence of his lovely voice :oops: :wink: .
You heard Colours on Floodland? Now imagine it with a smoother voice. Then imagine synths and chanting, and Lucas Fox muttering the manual to an AK-47. Go listen to Gift.
You barely have to be a geek to get SSV, just go to the sistersrarities groups.
Everything that's ever been released under the official "Sisters Of Mercy" banner has been quality. I own hundreds of albums, and can count on my fingers those records I happily play right through, without skipping. All the Sisters' stuff is counted in that number - the only tracks I skip are Watch ('cos Von's not singing), Phantom (ditto), and the reprise of Kiss the Carpet (we have a drum machine!). If I was to pick my top 20 favourite albums, you'd find I don't listen to half of the tracks on them, so not having to press that little button is a real sign of greatness for me.
Home Of The Hitmen didn't have Von singing. I can't listen to all of any Sisters album, bootleg or otherwise.
I'm a great believer in going out at the top, so if he released something that was just a pale imitation of the other albums, I'd be mighty pissed off. However, unlike some others, I didn't find "Vision Thing" disappointing in the least (it was hearing tracks from that album that made me fall in love with the Sisters more than six years ago), so I don't feel his best days are necessarily all in the eighties.
Perhaps he wouldn't make any album an "imitation of the others", none of the singles sound the same, Floodland doesn't sound the same as FALAA, Vision Thing doesn't sound the same as Floodland, etc.

He's had so long to work on new songs, he wouldn't release a crap record unintentionally.
Everything he touches turns to gold. :von: :notworthy:
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I honestly don't think Von is capable of releasing a genuinely crap record
Surely Under The Gun falls squarely into the "crap record" category?
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nodubmanshouts wrote:
I honestly don't think Von is capable of releasing a genuinely crap record
Surely Under The Gun falls squarely into the "crap record" category?
That's fighting talk that is!

Personally I think Under The Gun is one of their finer songs. The production alone is the best of any Sisters record for a start. He took what was originally an average song and made it great. Deceased
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Oh well, each to their own I guess!
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CellThree wrote:
nodubmanshouts wrote:
I honestly don't think Von is capable of releasing a genuinely crap record
Surely Under The Gun falls squarely into the "crap record" category?
That's fighting talk that is!

Personally I think Under The Gun is one of their finer songs. The production alone is the best of any Sisters record for a start. He took what was originally an average song and made it great.
I agree CellThree - a magnificent song.

PS Gift bores me $hitless - sorry
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